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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Wesweasley.
Posted: Sun, 14/08/2016 03:41 (7 Years ago)
Wesley sat down as his desk, and started writing on a piece of paper. The paper read:
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How easy is and how convenient is it for us to blame everything and everybody for the things we have going on in our lives, and things are rough and we can't catch a break. Stop being a lazy bum that's full of excuses, sitting around, on the pity potty, coming out with every excuse in the world as to why you ain't winning. You are the reason, you aren't winning. It's time to get off the pity potty, stop complaining about being outta shape, when you're not going to the gym, stop looking at your stomach when you get outta the shower, and your body and complaining about the way you look when you're eating everything in sight, and never going to the gym. You are the reason you look the way you look, it's a choice. We are being raised, in a generation of people, that come up with every excuse in the book, as to why they are not winning. Excuses sound best to the people that's making them up. You got every excuse in the world, that's why your life ain't moving. That's why nothing changed and nothing will change, cuz you have convinced yourself, that everything is wrong and everything is negative. That nothing will change, and guess what? It won't change, change your mind and it will change your life. If nothing around you changes, change the things around you, it's all in the mind. Change your mind and it will change your life. You just have to wake up, you just have to break that negative spirit, you just have to let go of everything you carry. I don't feel sorry for you, you feel sorry for yourself. That's the problem. But it's a new day, it's a new day. Enough is enough. I'm asking that you get off the pity potty, and stop feeling sorry for yourself. For every level, there's another devil. Get off the pity potty, this is your season. This is your moment. Right now, I want you to share this message. The question is, are you gonna read this and just say, "Wow this is some powerful stuff!" and do the same, freaking, thing?

"This goes out to the students of Illumina High." He folded the paper, and walked to the school office, knocking on the door. "Hello? Anyone here?"

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Posted: Sat, 13/08/2016 16:14 (7 Years ago)
(It's been eons but I'm back)

Wesley and Kyoto wandered around the campus, Kyoto looked at Wesley chuckling slightly, "So, what was Tanith like?"

Wesley smiled, looking up in the sky and replied, "She was a great person, after we left here she went off to do some work for the KPD. Making sure nothing bad happened out in the Central cities."

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Posted: Sun, 26/06/2016 04:10 (7 Years ago)
"So... Cryo's on the rise again huh? Damn, he once tried taking over all the students in this school once, using leeches." He sighed, "Took over some of my friends, it was a scary time for us..."

"You're kidding... So the doctor has been hunting guys like us for awhile hasn't he?"

"Sadly so, our family has a hidden talent, a gift, and he wants to exploit it... Just like he did with your father. Corrupted his mind, and he went mad, became addicted to power..." Wesley sighed, "I'm sorry you had to learn the truth kiddo."

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Posted: Sun, 26/06/2016 03:56 (7 Years ago)
"I've been couped up in the some crazy guy's lab... Ugh it sucked! I was his lab rat for 3 months straight!" Tears rolled down Kyoto's face, "It's not fair!" Static electricity sparked around him.

"Hey calm down there kiddo. Just explain to me what's going on in detail, and don't cry, you're a warrior." He knelt down next to Kyoto, patting him on the back. "Man, your power has grown immensely, was it you who caused that tremor hours ago?"

"Y-yeah... Sorry Wes..."

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Posted: Sun, 26/06/2016 03:43 (7 Years ago)
"Urk, I'm sorry. I was just worried for her... She's, one of the closest people I know." He slowly walked out of the room, "Very sorry." He closed the door behind him, sighing. "Aye, that was... Embarrassing, I musta interrupted something." He walked outside, "Dammit!" He yelled, punching the ground. His aura blazing orange. "That doctor will pay! For sending one of those ugly drones of his, and destroying what isn't his!"

Wesley walked up behind him, "Well, well. Look who I found!" He chuckled, "Where've you been little couz?"

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Posted: Sun, 26/06/2016 03:34 (7 Years ago)
"Hana! Thank goodness you're okay!" Kyoto sighed in relief. "I woke up and you were mangled, in the shape that body's in right now." He looked out the window, "So it looks like the doctor's realized I have disappeared and stolen some of the random parts from his lab."

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Posted: Sun, 26/06/2016 03:25 (7 Years ago)
"Aye, I'm mighty sorry about that." Wesley smiled, "Have a good evening. I'm gonna get going." He walked outside the lab, and walked to the lake.

"Drones? Oh dear... The Doc's coming back for me... THey have tendencies to self destruct when in danger." Kyoto sighed, "Humanoid hmm? I think I have some parts in the back of my pickup, it's just sitting outside the dorm area, if you'd like to take a look at what I have."

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Posted: Sun, 26/06/2016 02:50 (7 Years ago)
"Ah silly me." Wesley sighed. "I forget then, what did you do when I was here?"

Kyoto brought in Hana's body and laid it on the table in front of Tharinna. "I don't know what happened, but I heard an explosion and she was like this when I awoke..."

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Posted: Sun, 26/06/2016 02:27 (7 Years ago)
Kyoto looked at Tharinna. "Please, you have to help her..." He held out the body she made for Hana.

Wesley smiled, "That's fine. So, how have you been? Keeping busy I'd suppose?" He chuckled, "Last I saw you, you managed the server for the AI systems."

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Posted: Sun, 26/06/2016 02:02 (7 Years ago)
"Oh goodness me, I'm such a doofus." Wesley chuckled, "It's been so long I messed up the name. Of course Tharinna." He shook his head slowly. "Well, where can I find her?"

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Posted: Sun, 26/06/2016 00:41 (7 Years ago)
Wesley smiled, "Her name is Sayonara. If she's still around, and Thiranna as well. I just came here to visit the old place and see what's new."

Kyoto looked panicked, "I felt the life force that made this body for someone, the creator is in here, right?"

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Posted: Sun, 26/06/2016 00:21 (7 Years ago)
Wesley turned around, "Oh, well. I was kinda looking for an old friend of mine."

Kyoto roamed around the school, still in distress. "Oh dear, being it close to curfew, maybe the person who made this body is in the dorms." He closed his eyes and started tracking the life energy that created the body. "This way!" He made it to one of the dorms, and knocked on it.

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Posted: Sun, 26/06/2016 00:09 (7 Years ago)
Wesley walked into the lab looking for Tharinna, "Hello? Anyone here?"

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Posted: Sat, 25/06/2016 16:03 (7 Years ago)
"Oh gosh no! Hana's body! She must have been caught up in whatever just happened! I need to find the creator of this body! First I need some sort of shield for it, to prevent further damage." Kyoto focused his aura on the stuffed Lopunny, while running around looking for the science lab of the creator. "Hello? Can someone help me?"

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Posted: Sat, 25/06/2016 01:20 (7 Years ago)
Kyoto shook by the loud explosion woke up, "Huh? What was that? Hana? Sweetie where are you?"

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Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 19:17 (7 Years ago)
The drone started to overheat and smoke. "Critical error, weighted object, destruction intent detected, self destruct sequence initiated. T-Minus, 10 seconds."

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Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 19:04 (7 Years ago)
"Error, communication link blocked, commencing troubleshooting prompt." The drone started to lift higher into the air.

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Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 19:02 (7 Years ago)
The drone flew in closer to Kyoto, and started to scan him. "Target found, sending coordinates for retrieval of subject K-1."

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Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 14:24 (7 Years ago)
Kyoto had dozed off, sleeping out by the lake, a drone started to fly overhead.

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Posted: Thu, 23/06/2016 21:02 (7 Years ago)
Kyoto laid on the edge of the lake, he let his left arm rest in the water, "It's so cool." He sighed, looking at the sky with a grin on his face. "It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming, on days like these, kids like me, should be chilling outside." He chuckled.

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