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Posted: Tue, 14/06/2016 15:39 (7 Years ago)
How do I post a picture?

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Posted: Fri, 27/05/2016 20:39 (8 Years ago)
[center]Name: Mordecai Spiroshore[/b]
Age: 16
Gender: M
Sexuality: Asexual
Appearance: Mordecai has a willow-like build. He is lean and stands around 6'3", tall for someone his age though average among some people. He has a fair complexion, though has sea green colored eyes. Mordecai has black hair in layers, the longest layer barely reaching above his shoulders. His usual outfit is black trousers, silver belt, grey shirt and dark colored boots.
First power: n/a
History: n/a
Password: No Color

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Posted: Fri, 27/05/2016 20:00 (8 Years ago)
Does itbneed a student or teacher?

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Posted: Mon, 23/05/2016 11:38 (8 Years ago)
' What did the professor want,' Ashten thought to herself. The professor gave her a starter pokemon a long time ago, and she even managed to catch a zubat so that way Aquarius, or Piplo, wouldn't feel so longely. Though she remember telling the professor that if he needed help catching pokemon, she could help. Though a lot of people in her town had pokemon, not a lot of them were trainers.

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Posted: Sun, 22/05/2016 23:47 (8 Years ago)
" Goodbye," Ashten waved. Her mom closed the door and then she made her way down the street. The professor lived a few minutes away, but with morning traffic to get to the market it took way longer than she expected.

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Posted: Sun, 22/05/2016 21:28 (8 Years ago)
Which link is it? I'll change it.

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Posted: Sun, 22/05/2016 21:11 (8 Years ago)

•RP Name- Mars
•Gender- Male
•Age- 15 human years
•Species- Enfield
•Crush- n/a
•Powers- Flight, Retractable Claws, Can see in the dark
•Cell Appearance- http://orig00.deviantart.net/304f/f/2010/347/b/b/dungeon_by_sybaritevi-d34t7p1.jpg
•Cellmate- n/a
•Extra Info- Big temper, gets into fights easily

•RP Name- Dr. Hanna Hirjosaki
•Gender- Female
•Age- 21
•Crush- n/a
•Rank- Medic
•Power(s)- Energy Shift. Hanna can give a person or creature energy, though it drains her. She can also take it away as well. If she loses too much energy due to over use of power, she needs to be near a source of high energy(ex; sun, high winds, standing in ocean, etc.)
•Appearance- http://s83.photobucket.com/user/txnsngr08/media/Anime%20RPCs/Animegirlwithglasses-1.jpg.html
•House Appearance- http://orig03.deviantart.net/a88d/f/2013/218/c/2/_mmd__stage___anime_traditional_house___dl_by_chrnodroid-d6gvei1.jpg
•Extra Info- Enjoys traditional things

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Posted: Sun, 22/05/2016 20:43 (8 Years ago)
Got it.

Ashten squinted her eyes as a sudden brightness filled the room. She heard some movement before something was shaking her. " Ashten," her mother called. " Get out of bed? Remember this is the day you start your pokemon journey!" Slowly, Ashten rose from her bed and stretched. " Okay mom, just give me a few minutes." She crawled out of bed and went to her dresser to find an outfit for the day.

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Posted: Sun, 22/05/2016 00:21 (8 Years ago)
Thank you for putting up with me.

Name: Alyce Woods
Age: 15
Gender: F
Human Rank: Commoner
Demon(s): Barkling, Vulpid, Lutra
Magic Rank: 15
Type of Magic : Invisibility, though Rank 5 and above demons can sense her presence
Weapon: http://ep.yimg.com/ay/yhst-31644440917560/sword-cane-bk1880k-285.jpg; A dagger
History: Alyce grew up in a fairly large village. She was outcasted for most of her life because of her eye color. Though people warmed up to her, though they kept their distance. A griffin attacked the village, when she was 14. Alyce vowed to become a Summoner and track down the person who harmed her village.
Crush: n/a
BF/GF: n/a
Other: So what is the types of magic(for the character) and the special abilities for the demon? I haven't read the book series in a while. I'll send the demon forms later

Name: Bravo
Species: Barkling
Gender: Male
Partner: Alyce
Special Abilities: none, normal set

Name: Samus
Species: Vulpid
Gender: Female
Partner: Alyce
Special Abilities: Enhanced senses

Name: Lira
Species: Lutra
Gender: Female
Partner: Alyce
Special Abilities, none

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Posted: Sun, 22/05/2016 00:04 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 21/05/2016 23:58 (8 Years ago)
… oops. Sorry about that

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Posted: Sat, 21/05/2016 23:53 (8 Years ago)
Name: Nila Daniellez
Hero Name: Echo
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance (Civilian): https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1f/b7/3d/1fb73d73c3f79ab88e2c6cce2fd4a63c.jpg
Appearance (Hero): https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/64/35/6c/64356c557e801fa55c7c6aa9958c2610.jpg ( with a black mask)
Quirk: Air Wave Manipulation; basically she can control the ration of air pressure and sound waves. Though she can only do three things; Sonic-scream, thunder-clap, and sonic blasts.(the strength of the attacks depend on environment and her health)
History: Nila was a scardy cat child. She was stubborn and didn't want to do a lot of things. One days when she was 5, her parents took her to a carnival. There was a ride that she was able to go on, but it went into the air(a small rollarcoaster/rotating ride) and Nila didn't want to go on. Eventually her parents made her and she cried because she wanted to get down, and that is when she discovered her Quirk. Now she is scared of carnivals/amusement parks, and heights.
Crush: n/a
BF/GF: n/a
Other: Nope/

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Posted: Sat, 21/05/2016 14:52 (8 Years ago)
Okay, thank you.

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Posted: Sat, 21/05/2016 14:13 (8 Years ago)
Name: Asten
Gender: Female
Starter: Piplo
Appearance: http://cdn.photonesta.com/images/25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5llximZGE1rreu4ro1_1280.jpg
Team: Aquarius(Piplo, female); Echo(Zubat, male); Belladonna(Skunty,female); Kira(Mienfoo,male); Serene(Audino,female); Victini(genderless). If not Victini; Arctic(Frolass,female)
Crush: n/a for now
Bf/Gf: n/a for now
Dream: To become the best coordinator
Other: I do not own the picture; also, would it be okay for Asten to catch a Victini?

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Posted: Sat, 21/05/2016 02:45 (8 Years ago)
Ren pushed his chair against his desk and pulled up to the switchboards. " Well that was Mona Lisa by Panic at the Disco, such a beautiful song." He turned at looked up at the clock. It was almost the end of his shift. He flipped a few more switches," Well folks it's time for me to part, see you early birds again at 4." He stood up and yawned.

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Posted: Fri, 20/05/2016 15:44 (8 Years ago)

Name: Ren Saestra
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Alien, Human, or Half Breed?: Half-Breed
Small Powers?: Keen Senses, Ren has the ability to know what is going on in the same room he is(or a 20 foot radius when not in a room, though this applies to large rooms as well), though he doesn't know everything. His power allows him to listen to certain conversations, how many people are in the radius, movement of medium-large objects, and such.
Appearance: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/21/71/4f/21714f52a2e836a8cd5e969e5ae2b6cd.jpg (is this how you add a picture?)
Alliance: For
Personality: Loyal, Blunt, Rude at First, Caring
History: Grew up his father, his mother left the family at a young age; though is still alive. His father never told him what his mother was, though Ren grew up with these abilities. His father would tell him that he has impressive instincts or something along the lines.
Occupation: DJ
Family/Relationships/Spouse/Children: Nathaniel Saestra(father, alive); Unnamed Mother(alive)
Other: Nope.

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Posted: Fri, 20/05/2016 14:59 (8 Years ago)
Um… are sign up still open? I never been on a forum with this format before. So this is kinda new to me.

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Posted: Tue, 10/05/2016 21:23 (8 Years ago)
Hi, I'm Skye(well not my real name but a shorter nickname I can be called) and I just got my account today. I like Pokemon, and my favorite types are Ice and Grass. Um… if I had to choose a favorite pokemon I would have to choose Snivy. Luckily, it's my starter pokemon. Anyways this site looks like a lot of fun and I can't wait to explore.

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