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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Waltz.
Posted: Tue, 29/10/2019 20:01 (4 Years ago)


you've found another way to bleed my soul away

having somewhat of a philosophical slump at the moment. I don't care at all for my material and just want to rot in my room. Just listening to my profs makes my ears bleed. I'm bored to death. My body refuses to get up for the classes at all.
I don't know what to do, maybe I could read something to fall in love with my major again. I have some recommendations, but I'm too lazy to pick them up.

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that's not a skirt girl,
that's a sawn-off shotgun


god I love the dark souls anthology, now I've finished it (missing 2 and 3 dlcs for now, but I'm on it) and it's just awesome. I really can't wait to replay ds3, the game I've started with, and see how differently it handles now that I finished both other games. That's the kind of challenge I need/want sometimes. I guess I really should not play easy games only, I'll bore myself with them.

the prayer tree finally arrived and I got both rare girls on it?? So lucky. Tang and Selina (new one) both mid damage dealer, assassin and aoe nuker respectively. I'll try to awaken them asap, I'm in dire need of some good mid girls

"use cersei she good"
checks abilities

I Serve Death, Master.
And Lemonade.

I love the trope of cute characters being super op, always makes me super happy


for some reason I can't stop myself from loving kazuichi
I don't know either man
I want to replay the trilogy so bad

I don't have enough time for games atm, but I feel like playing some decent rpg. Maybe digimon or a final fantasy. Or one I have on my drive for ages now [akibas beat eg]
I really should finish borderlands first though haha ////

with or without a choice / to confront every vice without a voice / don't deny / your will to live is shattered / and your hope is a jaded lie

take another piece of me / and it just might be enough / to drag me under / beneath the waves / take another bite from this / worthless corpse

raphael skin in capsule event and I'm hella broke
what to do what to do
[ ] rob a bank
[ ] start a youtube channel
[ ] go to work
[x] cry about not being able to afford virtual currency

>has no space for new games on ps4
>still checks amazon if some physical copies of my wish list games are marked down
>is this a medical condition??

I kinda like
soji a lot
idk everytime I see her artworks I
I think she's hot
haha h a h a ♡

HAHA WHAT :heart eyes:

there's gonna be more sp girls apparently (saw gambler and sonya for now) and I'm honestly not sure what to think. Feels unnecessary, but maybe these have some deeper meaning.

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Posted: Sun, 13/10/2019 07:00 (4 Years ago)

city ruins

men bow down and
snap their neck for it

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there's class starting tomorrow and I might have been looking forward to it, but now I just wanna stay home for another month.
I'm worried that I won't have any time for myself and only have to study. Everything seems so reading-heavy again hh

most dissapointingly, I didn't do as much as planned this break. I'm hoping that some motivational spirit will get hold of me while I'm in the semester.

save up for prayer tree event!! not sure hoe much I have atm but I'd need 9k diamonds for a guaranteed rare, and seeong how I get a minimum of 300 each day I should manage until the next one hits (last was just recently, but I didn't buy anything that time)
90/90 done! I hope I don't accidentally spend them!

so pretty

sometimes I open up a diary post with the intent of writing down a lot, and I do. But this time I sorta underestimated my willingness to talk about all my garbage here hahaa

is it weird that it's the end of october now, but I keep thinking about new years eve and about how much I love just drinking way too much and playing video games all night? I want to feel like that

I’ve been dreaming
love is not a dangerous thing
anxious to the core of being

[to do]
-listen to cds from the börse (+load it up if good)
-listen to own music, make playlists

-use all event passes but gloweon
-order relevant books on amazon (check again with remaining money)


fimmion important


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Posted: Thu, 03/10/2019 07:00 (4 Years ago)


he'd take the backseat
of all that he was given

[crying about stuff]
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people have been recommending 'night in the woods' to me so I waited for a sale to get it, but now I started it and... It bores me. Like, a lot. I checked if people felt the same way about it, and apparently it really is more of a visual novel than a game. A little dissapointed, guess I'll have to go slower with it than I expected (I wanted to finish this in two consecutive sessions)
Eh, I guess indie games are always hit or miss

I was reluctant to start route B in nier:automata but I don't regret it now. 9S is an absolute cutie and I can relate to him so much in a way, it's nice to have a sympathetic character in a game (especially if he's the protagonist)
Now I can hardly wait for route C haha... too many unsolved story threads still

I finally have hoder on two stars.... but I need 800 scrolls for 3, so I'll settle with 2 haha. She's really a lot stronger now, I put her in my main team now.
I also got isabella, she has something about sonya in her bio, maybe I should pair these up? Isabella is one of these non-sx girls that are still super op, and I do struggle to fight her in campaigns. Maybe I'll put her in there later, need to level her and test it out

EYY they offer anthropology as a main seminar this semester, I would die if I got in there!! There's very limited space, so I'll probably wake up super early to get a spot!!

I'm falling down with you

I was trashtalking my course selection for this semester but I think I'm actually super happy with it?? I mean, aesthetics?? hell yeah man. It's gonna be full and stressful, but it's all so interesting and nice, I'm really looking forward to it.

the nier:automata ost is one of the best things that had happened to me for a while. It gives me so much will to live, it sounds so beautiful and majestic and yet tragic. I really enjoyed the game. It oozed with a japanese production and I guess that's why I love it so much ♡

You know that you became the absolute homebody when it excites/worries you that you have to go out for groceries the next day. Jesus christ haha

GOD I love yukimura so much
There's just something like an objectively nice rack, you know
I need to 5 - star her!!!

sometimes I wake up super late/early and just ask myself why I'm doing all this. Why do I keep this body alive? Why do I even care? Wouldn't it be so much easier to just... stop? Is this really worth it all?

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Posted: Sun, 29/09/2019 09:00 (4 Years ago)

gold cobra

hu ha
alright that's the best one I've found.
I've figured I'll do this shortly before the fifth semester starts.
who did this : crying-laughing emoji :

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1. My first impression was "yeah there won't be many songs with colours in their title, right haha" - I was proven wrong. I could hardly decide, but since I really only wanna do a double entry when I absolutely have to and since that song popped into my head first: ♡︎ Redbone - Childish Gambino
2. Oh the first tie happens faster than expected, I guess I can justify it by saying that one is somewhat old and the other recent. ♡︎ 27 - Fall Out Boy / ♡︎ 4th Dimension - Kid Cudi + Kanye West
3. I started listening to tyler the creator this summer, so I guess I could put all of IGOR on here hehe. ♡︎ I THINK - Tyler, the Creator
4. (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) ♡︎ Souk Eye - Gorillaz
5. ahh!! Difficult one!!! But from experience it should be that one. ♡︎ Leather Teeth - Carpenter Brut
6. Uhhh I had to look up the exact title, but it's definitely the Persona 5 Theme song. Gets me pumped!! ♡︎ Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There - Shoji Meguro
7. ♡︎ Rhinestone Eyes - Gorillaz
8. alcohol: ♡︎ Punch Drunk - Incubus drugs: ♡︎ Blood on the Leaves - Kanye West
9. uh ahh ♡︎ Talk Shows on Mute - Incubus and ♡︎ Chasing the Sun - Billy Talent
10. uff, a loooot of songs make me sad. I always cry when I hear a good song for the first time, I'm weak like that. Off the top of my head I can think of ♡︎ Next To Nothing - Breaking Benjamin and ♡︎ Dear Agony - Breaking Benjamin
11. ♡︎ EARFQUAKE - Tyler, the Creator, ♡︎ Blood Eagle - Periphery and ♡︎ Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes - Fall Out Boy [and many more?? But these at the moment at least]
12. can't think of any
13. ♡︎ Careless Whisper - George Michael
14. no idea haha
15. not a huuuge fan of covers tbh, I can't even think of that many I actually like and listen to. Maybe ♡︎Ever Fallen in Love (with someone you shouldn't have) - cover by Billy Talent
16. ♡︎The Moldau - Smetana
17. bites me, no idea
18. ♡︎Counterfeit - Limp Bizkit (1997)
19. ♡︎Her - Tyler, The Creator, ♡︎Cure for The Enemy - Billy Talent and ♡︎Feed The Machine - Nickelback
20. ( ;´꒳`;)/ ♡︎Surrender - Billy Talent and ♡︎Jetpacks Was Yes! - Periphery
21. ♡︎Icarus Lives - Periphery
22. ♡︎Crush - Periphery
23. This is a difficult point for me nowadays. You know, it took me a while to realize that other peoples music tastes are valid as well (yeah); now I feel bad for ever suggesting any song/album/artist to anyone. I have a feeling that people won't be into it, so I'll refrain from putting suggestions here. I like all the tracks listed here, so if you really want a piece of my mind, listen to any of them.
24. I HOPE none of my favourite bands has split up.............. Breaking Benjamin did for a few years, now they're back with a vengeance, so they don't apply. Take this anyways: ♡︎Feed The Wolf - Breaking Benjamin
25. ♡︎Numb - Linkin Park and ♡︎SAD! - XXXTentacion
26. ♡︎Do I Wanna Know - Arctic Monkeys
27. ♡︎Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley and ♡︎Saturate - Breaking Benjamin
28. (\\❛ᴗ❛\\) ♡︎Dance With The Devil -Breaking Benjamin ♡︎Priestess - Periphery and ♡︎Snuff - Slipknot
29. I have no clue how it's called, but my parents listened to a lot of DJ Scooter haha
30.not sure how to answer that, but I think from the mood and the melody it's this one: ♡︎Batphone - Arctic Monkeys

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Posted: Thu, 19/09/2019 14:40 (4 Years ago)


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more efficiency!!! I'm slow!! Break is over soon and I'm!! Not even close to finishing up my plans!!!

I need some more pokemon rom hacks, I'm quite enjoying these time wasters recently

Maybe try one day internet free someday, see how I feel? Been anxious these days, not sure why, maybe need a day off

three dollar bill, y'all$ is a masterpiece, I'm enjoying that record way too much ahah

I was an avid reader once, but the internet made books somewhat obsolete. I really wanna pick up reading again, I think it would be better to read a new book or two than watch the same videos over and over again for background static. If not books, then at least audiobooks.
Knowledge, babey, I need it.
[book list/to-read list??]

9.9 is apparently hikages birthday
(∩˃ ᵕ ˂∩)♡

junji ito was the guys name, yeahhh. I got so many recommendations to read his stuff, but I honest to god forgot what his name was. Need to check him out fr now

I got that cool event frame from the endless path!!! I haven't seen anyone else on my server with it yet, I wonder if they got it??
no I'mnot special everyone has it

me when people kill my joan

New girl alexa looks so coool but I want to save diamond so I can have one full pull next event. My money just isn't safe there

cool colours for profile/next gaming thing

I was always wondering why people challenged themselves with masocore games. It seems illogical and far too punishing to spend your times on games that are essentially too hard to play casually.
Now after a few years playing titles of that kind myself I found out that the feeling of sheer accomplishment you feel after beating a level/boss is pretty amazing, ngl. Addicting, even. It may take more of your time away to try over and over to get further in a game but it's quality time. It's not watching a movie or playing while having something else on in the background, it's >engaging with yourself<.
It's a goal of mine to come back to some projects I've abandoned because they were 'too hard'. I had a couple of those; got stuck on a level and felt too frustrated to try again. I'm getting better at mastering controls and learning from the game, maybe it'll be a piece of cake with some training.

Going through my games-library it was apparent that my guilty pleasure genre are jrpgs. I'm too proud to admit it most of the time, but they just rub me the right way. I like fancy characters that look cool and have some melodramatic backstory, that just makes me happy by itself.
Second in line are 'stamina-management' type games like dark souls, I just adore these, and I'm not even that bad at them. It's a simple formula, but they're just enjoyable for the concept itself. 'Finding a balance between dodging and attacking' sounds boring but that is essentially all there is, haha

The courses for this semester are a double edged sword, some of them seem extremely relevant and interesting to me, but they require a lot of participation and have a huge workload. Not sure what to pick, but I have to choose quickly as soon as sign-ups open, otherwise I won't get into anything good. . .

I'm currently a little unhappy with my top floor team in gxb, even after changing it around a bit. [joan, lancelot, lily, blowie, raphael, tudu]
I can easily stay in the top 10, but I still keep being pushed out from time to time. Most higher ranks use either vows girls or these somewhat esoteric 'special' girls like zashiki and liklis. I'm not sure what to do with my team tbh, I could try building a new one from scratch, but eh... I invested so much in these [besides lancelot].
I wouldn't really like to remove joan and lily, and raphael is just so op that I don't know if I can do without her. Blowie is strong, but I don't like her that much and lily is a better aoe than her. And for the front I had sonya before, now trying lancelot.

-front dps [hoder and sif good, but more tank]
-mid nuker [keep thinking about phoenix, but she's too frail? Enmaya, also frail and more dps,
(-rear healer and/or buffer [nurse?? Do I have rear support girls? I like Sapphire, she's a cold aoe like lily, nukes only a bit later in the fight, using her would require a mid healer/buffer instead?)

Interesting/relevant girls (high stars/sx)
-n a g i a

[crying about girls]
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ok, there are new beach skins and??? Aaaaa. Also quinnie got an awk and I don't know what to do with myself now
also hottie makes me lose my mind

we walk past the flowers
don't stop for a breath
until they're above our heads

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Posted: Mon, 09/09/2019 19:19 (4 Years ago)


to-do, plans, random stuff
-get paper going; really important is just the main body, rest will trickle together by itself
-send the thing around 20-25 sep

-complete other to-do lists :eyes:

-gxb master sheet

Quote from gxb conquest I'm stuck on far too long nowmilliera girls only
enemy team: capt. sun, samurai, octagirl, wild girl, jelly
alive and fully geared girls left: awk anna (front), awk karaxes (rear), sisha (front)
need to raise:
good healer (handana??, could also use jelly)
good nuker/aoe (???claudia (dps), poppi ('non-sx javelin')??)
maybe not use sisha? (unawk but still super useful tank)

considered done

girlsxbattle stuff
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nEEEED *grabby hands*

fencer has no reason for looking this good.
cause I don't even have her and yeah.

got so many new girls!! prayer tree was ok this time. I got a new, still unlisted girl, lancelot. Reminds me of an old rp character I had, I hope she's as op as her haha
(new ones [I still remember]): cersei, elisa, lecia, frosslass

chainsaw awk (finally) is??? kinda cute, in a murderous/tomboy way??????

Super curious about her. Literally no idea how to get her yet and how powerful she actually is
p u z z l e ; ;

because you're sick of yourself
well I'm sick of you too, fake
you're a
a counterfeit, fake
you know we figured you out
well I'm sick of you too, fake
you're a counterfeit, fake

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Posted: Sun, 25/08/2019 07:07 (4 Years ago)

I Will Not Bow

what a match
I am half doomed and you're semi-sweet


and this

and this too

I can make it.

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chuunsoft sale on steam! the gaming gods give their stuff away for almost free!!! on psn the prices are the same but the summer sale runs out on the 22, so this week might have a new sale maybe!!

cherry flavoured energy drink!! can't wait to taste that!! love cherries!!!

willburgur is hillarious and I love him!! I have to watch all his videos!!!

hikage is my baby!! I love her so much!! her kafuru hairstyle in peach beach is adorable!!!


the new girls look super cute and I can't wait to find out about them!!

I got angelina in prayer tree and she seems useful, and I have a spare wish bottle i can use, so after scythe I can awaken her and probably someone else!!

today (16/8)
after top floor reset
sweet joan............ you'll get a skin after all............

demon gaze was a simple game with a simple plot, but the characters stuck out for me after all. Lezerem was a very good character and I love him. Should I ever do a campaign again I'll include a shopkeeper like him!!!

yandhi is out!!!!!!!

heyy I passed all my exams. now just to take care of my paper and get the miduke verified, and I'm good to go for the next semester

some items on my wishlist are on sale, now waiting for the official sale!! yeet
I bought too much again
this is fine
I might never complete all that

I love the girls summer looks and
I'm actually interested in the next release like
I want to see what they'll do with the girls. Shiki is apparently leaving, and kat and her sister are graduating. I'm currently playing the newest release, but it's a bit spin-offish, so I can't wait how the saga continues!!!


I rediscovered limp bizkit after not listening to them for about 5 years and
I love fred durst, I hope he's doing great.
So campy, so memorable, quoteable. I wish they were a thing these days x)

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Posted: Mon, 12/08/2019 13:14 (4 Years ago)


semesterbreak started, feels good.
still stressed, I hope I'm able to calm down soon haha

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two weeks into semester break and I didn't do ANYTHING
I know I got two and a half months
but man,
I am one lazy fck
I don't even know how to remedy that.

it's cherry bomb

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Posted: Fri, 26/07/2019 14:00 (4 Years ago)

don't leave it's
it's my fault

cause the irony is
i don't wanna see you again

catching post (june-july-aug)

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only thing worse than your classmates not replying for a presentation is your prof not replying for a presentation

the stereo love meme still gets me every time

i'm at a pretty rough spot in my life at the moment.
school feels without any merits, my love life is nonexistant and i don't have myself under control.
I was really trying to do things better, but I just ended up wasting so much of my time.
I have no clue what I want from my future, or if I even want a future.
I don't have to courage to end myself.

i'm better
sorry for being dramatic.

why is it always the "ugly and stupid one" of the group?

the bridge on I THINK
that's how falling in love sounds like for me

gaming project currently on ice! i want to focus on passing this sem finally and get my stuff together. THEN i can spend 10+ a day on my ps4

one presentation to go, then 3 exams and I'm THROUGH. the paper doesn't even intimidate me now, because I can stay home for that thing.

with some luck the bafoeg will pay me for this semester soon and i can repay everyone i borrowed money from // it's such a bad feeling to have to rely on others for money. they really pushed it too, making me wait the whole 6 week period because of one document. I wanted to upgrade my phone and get a new one with the remaining money, because 2gigs ram don't cut it for me at all, and everything since the s7 has 4 so I'm most likely going for that.

there aren't many better feelings than checking your wishlist just to see that one of the games is on sale, but the official sale is yet to be announced. hah <3

-tales from the borderlands movie
-time-planning for exams
-nins presentation
-all costumes in katamari (super close)
-prüfungsamt (nins and skap)

she's a puzzle girl so rip me I guess


I still love byakuya to death
smug douche
I want to eat him

you were always on- / on my mind

we could've been somebody
thought you'd be different about it
now I know you're not it
so let's get on with it

everytime I hear kanye as a feature I become unreasonably happy ok
and people like featuring kanye

if you don't have any friends in class, make sure you are nice to your prof.

I don't know where I’m going
but I know what
I'm showing
feelings, that's what I’m pouring
what the fck is your motive?

alright so
I said how the new skins look pretty nice
so here come the new wedding skins
and they're absolutely breathtaking

I mean really
look at iron fist
she is absolutely adorable and I love her

since I most likely won't get any money during the break I'll have to live as modestly as possible, which is a little dissapointing. I wanted to go all out and buy a couple of new things, but seems like I have to get used to the thought of going without.
ah well.

i got a feeling I might have lit the very fuse
that you were trying not to light

i crave death
godddd i just want to play something with cute anime girls and forget about reality
not asking for much

changed name on 24/07/19

i don't know what's harder, letting go or just being okay with it

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Posted: Tue, 25/06/2019 19:19 (4 Years ago)

kids see ghosts

☆games list

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★handheld (psvita + mobile)
-crystal randomizer I was lucky with this shuffle. Fun, I do love Johto a lot
-huh randomizer Eeeeven luckier with this one. Amazingly easy

-akibas beat about time I played this!! I had fun. If you try to rip off a popular, huge franchise like persona, you do you I guess, but it was a very good choice to make it a comedy instead, and not do the regular day gameplay loop. loved the characters, started out disliking most of them though.
-digimon story cyber sleuth cute! This was my second playthrough and I savoured it a bit better this time. Really upped for the sequel!
-digimon story cs: hackers memory surprisingly grim. no real happy ending, in my opinion so there's that. I HOPE there will be more digimon games in the future, I really love those
-prototype2 hell yeah! what a cool, short game. I could spend hours just running and jumping around the city. nice and violent. no one regrets
-nier: automata GOOD!! A lot of fun, but super short for a AAA title. I think I'll keep playing this, I feel like I need to see more!!
-the talos principle WELL my brain is leaking outta my ears. really nice, philosophical game. there is something like too many puzzles though
-slime san unexpectedly difficult. I have to admit that I wasn't able to defeat the final boss, my platforming skills are not good enough for that one. It's a really cool game, just not entirely my cup of tea
-dark souls remastered hard. Took me a looong time to get into it, but still addicting and fun. Some fights seemed almost impossible, but I managed to defeat this beast of a game+dlc after all
-bards tale it's been a while since I've played a game with a really annoying protagonist. jesus christ. also the difficulty curve was a little ridiculous at times.
-borderlands 3 Good. Had fun with it, especially the bossfights got a huge upgrade considering the past games
-senran kagura burst REnewal wtf the backstories of the girls made me cry way too much. I liked it, but it's actually pretty unforgiving at times
-night in the woods I have to admit that the game dragged on a bit in the beginning, but I ended up liking it. It made me feel hurt, in a way. I think I get what they were trying to convey. And it hurt. I don't think I can play this again.
-claire creepy. Reminds me a lot of silent hill, even down to the music
-root letter i was HOOKED with this when it started to become a detective drama. finished the thing in one long sitting. didn't get a good ending, but maybe that's just what happens for the first time? felt bad deleting it already, so I kept it for later, when I feel like playing something visual-novel-y
-darksiders alright. It was fun at it's best and frustrating at it's worst. I liked the goryness of it, the kills are all visceral and I love violence. But I HATE buggy games. The game stuttered a lot, shutdown, kicked me out of the map or just didn't take my button input. I don't know if this was just an issue of the port, or something entirely different, but I haven't played a broken game like that on the ps4 yet. Christ.
-galgun double peace haha wtf, this is ridiculous
-flow cute and relaxing
-journey cool idea, but I'm probably too jaded for these cute exploration type games
-flower cute, but motion controls...... uff
-furi pretty frikkin good. The soundtrack is partly from carpenter brut?? hell yeah. I think I meed to play this more
-butcher enjoyable, and very short. might replay this in a harder mode
-(psplus) sonic forces I heard this game sucked, and it kinda did, but I'm still glad I've played it. it was free too, so yeah
-home short creepy experience

-coming out on top ahh I wish I wasn't this desentizised. Maybe I'm not the target audience for this. CGs look great, the setting is relatable, but it's not quite what I hoped it was
-mirror unexpectably graphic. really nice graphics, I can't complain
-stalker: shadows of chernobyl super creepy. the abandoned labs and the scorcher at the end? nightmare fuel. the ambience in this is top-notch.
-I can't believe it's not gambling why yes, I know this game is a parody. That didn't stop me from getting every skin and hat available and unlocking that replay mode

this batch considered done

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Posted: Sat, 08/06/2019 20:00 (4 Years ago)


i'm sorta alive
time's closing in for school stuff, i have to take better care of that
read more instead of watching vine compilations
exams are at the end of july and majority of my presentations are drawing near too ////
this break i can't chill throughout, i have a paper to write ((whose topic I haven't decided on yet)))))
also might fail statistics II and bunk for that as well
currently unable to balance gaming and studying,,
collapse, thy name is lei


☢next vita project? demon gaze maybe
☢sad rap?? (JUICE WRLD, ...), cherry bomb, solid ambience,
☢what the frick should i hunt

done and/or moved to more recent list

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prayer tree event with good prizes BUT you actually want to wait for the right medal drop
i want karaxes so baddd
lil moth girl

there's this danganronpa trilogy at my local tech mart and i
i want to possess it
so i've decided to gift the thing to myself when my grades are good

do you know who has got a blood awakening? bud elf
do you know who doesn't have one?

also serpent available in bingo, are you kidding me
how am i supposed to get that ///////
of course I got it what was I thinking, obessing over things always helps

i wonder if there's a way to cure your own laziness. I guess 'lazy' is almost too harsh, considering I sometimes do work my butt off for extra credit and stuff, but there's this motivational void that sometimes opens a rift in my soul and
and then I'm just not able to do anything anymore
like i remember being fire and ash for a writing project and created all these very cool characters
but i ended up just having a few chapters and nebulous ideas now. I just can't stick to it, i'm not able to.
thinking about trying out some literature for that, idk. maybe other people went through the same thing and know what to do

you only say that you want me
when I'm upside down, upside down

tranz is such a good? song?? i can't get bored of it

even if i manage to spend my whole break gaming (5h/d) i'd only manage to finish 10 medium long games
and that is just ridiculous, considering that i have 20+ waiting for me, not to mention the replay list.

it has been a while since I was dead set on finishing a game like that. man, i woke up this morning and my first thought was 'i need to play ff12'

the super danganronpa execution music is one of the greatest things i've ever heard
killing never sounded this

welcome to my ted talk
helpful translation chart
............... = quiet tension, no movement
,,,,,,,,,,,,,, = nervousness to a higher degree, a little movement
///////////// = max tension, (state of emergency,) a lot of movement

and all of these thoughts, they keep me awake
hang on to your heroes before it's too late
cause there'll come a time when you open your eyes and they're gone

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Posted: Sun, 26/05/2019 09:00 (4 Years ago)

less than three

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Exactly what you run from, you end up chasing. Like, you can't avoid the, the chasing it, and just like trying, giving it everything that you can, there's always an obstacle.
Sometimes you gotta close a door to open a window.
But at some point you come to your senses. I don't know what's harder, letting go or being okay with it. I hate wasting potential. That sht crushes your spirit, it really does. It crushes your soul.

IGOR sounds awesome, remind me to get all other tyler records.
so hard to describe, but the album sounds like falling in love feels like
it's so funky. reminds me of the last gorillaz record, THE NOW, NOW
sorta dreamish, unreal, emotional.

ha ❤

me: Hoh man I have so much free time, I can finally do all that work I wanted to do ages ago! Draw! Sort my folders! Write! Clean! Read!
me: i should go to sleep early

you can't play this game and host all the pieces
hold your breath and just wait
someone else will pay for your sins

she stole my heart
and i can't even use her because she's a nature valkyre

and this babe better be easily obtainable

same thing, in a room / sitting by myself, finding heaven soon / many things that will trouble you / look beyond for a feeling like you never knew / reaching out hunting for the truth / i'm guessing i'm just sick of running / all this time searching hard for something / i can hear the angels coming

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Posted: Sun, 12/05/2019 19:00 (4 Years ago)

tranquility base hotel + casino

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bruh i'm so gay for daidoji
i don't know what to do anymore
why is there no sexy fighting l game with male characters?? [if there is pm me pls]
(++remind me to do a crush list some time in the future, for research)

in the academy shopping event is a joan skin I NEED, but knowing my luck i'm not able to get it and it upsets me so much
breaks my heart and my bank.
i even spent my prayer tree savings haha,,,,,,,,
edit: i didn't get it,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I really wanna finish monster hunter in the following week, so i can finish some smaller games for disk space reasons. i'm seriously running out of games i need/want to buy, amazingly enough. even entering the stage where i want to replay old games.
I don't have that much time these days, but i still want to keep gaming as my main hobby.

the danganronpa 2 intro ost SLAPS
it slaps so hard it revived me
this game has a special place in my heart

you know, on some days I wake up and i just want to stop existing. just like that. relieve myself of all my responsibilities and ties and just die.
it's a very selfish thought, so just thinking about it for a bit longer i realize that i have to be strong, for the few people that rely on me.
it could be so easy. it's tantalising to just imagine it. but i have a feeling that's not what life is about.

don't you know an apparition is a cheap date?
what exactly is it you've been drinking these days?

welcome to a new diary section called "things I want but everything cost money"
starring girls I actually use in top floor and 1v1
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so apparently there are some new skins
of girls I have maxed out and like.
this is sad because skins cost me a months income.
good news first: I managed to get this thicc cutie

alas, onwards to my pain. the sapphire skin hurts me the most, because it looks super cute /////

pay to win baby. I'm sad.

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Posted: Tue, 30/04/2019 19:00 (5 Years ago)

feels like a wheel

love came in a bottle with a twist off cap

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survived the very first week.
never imagined myself going back to school regularly. I come home everday exhausted, but not the bad kind. At least i'm doing something with my time, right?
Still not able to open my mouth, and when i do it's incoherent babbling. I'm already dreading all the presentations i got coming up in july.
Currently on new meds for my skin, worked wonders honestly, but it's making me feel really weak, packs quite a punch. Also not allowed to drink a lot of milk during therapy, which sucks. A little worried that I'll fall back once I stopped taking anything, but I guess I gotta wait and see for now. (started 25/4)
I got so much to read now, I'm not sure when to do all that. I'm really challenging myself with this schedule haha

I gotta relax. I'm worrying a lot, it's what my mind does when unoccupied. And I don't think it leads me anywhere.

pardon me while I burst into flames
time doesn't wait for me these days. everythings happening so fast, it's scary. most things stay the same, just... time is running out somehow. it's hard to explain honestly, i hope things will slow down a bit soon.

she looks like fun

[10/5] currently feeling sorta creatively drained. Doing something other than homework is getting me worked up so much. can't be bothered to play games, everything feels annoying. writing has halted. i just feel... apathetic towards life.

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Posted: Sat, 20/04/2019 12:46 (5 Years ago)
I want to join!

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Posted: Wed, 17/04/2019 15:00 (5 Years ago)

crush ✫

☆games list

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★handheld (3ds + psvita)
-pokemon white i went into this expecting to hate this one, but i ended up liking this one a lot. I didn't realize how cool some of the pokemon look, also n is an absolute cutie
-senran kagura bon appetit i love this franchise to death. all the girls are too cute
-demon gaze HOO BOY where do I begin. Cute rpg title, took me far too long to complete. Heavily relies on rng, a lot of bosses are broken. BUT I liked it enough to be excited for the second one!
-danganronpa 3 I liked the twists and turns a lot. I have to admit that it was the weakest one for me, but maybe that's just due to me being used to the games now. The only thing I preferred in this one were the trials, the gameplay is a lot more user friendly and the questions more clear (translation team?) anyway, even with liking the franchise, if this is actually the last entry in the series I'm good, it was a fitting end
-monster monpiece cute!!! monster girls!!!! but honestly the difficulty increases suddendly and then the game becomes somewhat challenging, apart from that it's pretty easy and fun
-touch my katamari hahahahahahAHAH I NEED A PS4 TITLE OF THIS
-riddled corpses fun! twin stick shooters might be a genre I want to explore a lot more
-my big sister surprisingly dark. I enjoyed it, even if it only makes sense at the end. It was cute

-final fantasy xii liked that one a lot! really ignited my hunger to play more final fantasy-titles. say about the games what you want but the world-building is something else.
-monster hunter: world finally slayed this beast of a game. it took me ages to get into it, but now i consider it fun enough to keep playing. if i should ever find fellow ps4-people who won this game i could have a lot of fun in the multiplayer
-bioshock 2 I liked that one more than the first and I'm excited for the last one!
-bioshock infinite confusing mess. it looks great, ngl, but it was a bit weaker than the other games in my opinion. coulda been named something else than bioshock and might've been better
naruto shippuden ninja storm
--ninja storm uh yeah, more of that! It was fun, and there's so much stuff to do in there, I might consider completing the 'true ending' and all that good stuff. But that cycle with kimimaro........ where you have to fight him 5 times in a row, and then awakened...... bruh
-senran kagura: peach beach splash gay
-dark souls 2 cool. maybe not as challenging as the 3rd one, but maybe I just didn't encounter all the really hard bosses there
-god of war 3 I'm more than impressed. I loved the cinematography in this. The views and camera angles made the whole experience even more interesting. The violence was grossly enticing, too. That game was fun.
-hollow knight i went in liking this and boy it didn't dissapoint. I loved and hated this at the same time, if i wouldn't suck at platforming this hard I probably would declare this my favourote l game ever. art and music are exceptional.
-soma I watched this some years back, and playing this myself was really something else. It's less terrifying and more unsettling, especially if you think about it's implications about living forever. It's a good one, short, I recommend it if you got two evenings to kill and feel for some creepiness
-slime rancher ahh this was absolutely adorable. probably can sink hundreds of hours into this, but I won't haha
-lords of the fallen a review of this game called this "dark souls with streamlined difficulty", and I couldn't agree more. It was alright, nice experience, but I wouldn't want to play this again just for fin.
-ABZU short, beautiful and thought provoking like my crush
-catherine fullbody YEAH i want more of this, I'll try to get more endings there! I cried and I laughed a lot. I might have a crush on roderick, too
-riddled corpses ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
-super weekend mode can't tell if this is easy and I'm just slow or if this is difficult. easy trophies here hehe

-outlaw (1) the edge. over the top, it was cute.
-korosu (2) dAMN that was hard. Didn't expect to have to level up to 80 for this. But it was cute, nice ending. Excited for the last one
-cawps (3) finished! I really hope chris rose is doing great, and continues to make games/hacks

✫persona4, corpse party and amnesia on my other vita card
✫get odin sphere for ps vita (keeps being on sale for ps4 but the game is better suited for handheld)
✫new list due once school is about to start again
✫sorted the games on my ps4 into game-time folder, there's '<10h', '10-30h' and '+30h'. Helps me pick something. Games from the first folder could be day-projects
✫pc games? pc games. Life is too short to play every game I have now oh lord

this batch is done

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Posted: Fri, 12/04/2019 16:16 (5 Years ago)

sentient glow

lines and ranting
(incidentally, that's the subtitle of this diary)
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and every day that you wake is
a gift that you take from the gods

blood eagle will set the wicked free

a poet to die and you'll fall in love
with a hero in the fire

no brain, no heart, just rotting legacy
all the little stab wounds in that ego scream lobotomy

follow the stars to the place where we used to lay

now all we care for is blood and satellites

HAIL STAN slaps. i love this record.

it's only smiles breaks my heart

crush is ??????? what happened??? ITS SO COOL. the electricity, spencers voice, and the violins /// the outro???

i got my heliovice used in satellites!!!!! aFtEr sO mAnY yEaRs

i love the prayer tree event but since i got the sapphire skin I got nothing else that's good?? i'm wasting my diamonds on this every time, the consolation prizes are trash

i have a feeling that i need to revise my main team but i love all these girls too much and i can't just replace them now can I

i'm slowly running out of hunts to do and I'm,
not sure what to do about that
i'm def not ready for another actual sm hunt yet ///

YANDHI out in june/july???!!

my break is almost over but I' m just wasting all my free time
help pls

i picked up yugioh again and I just
want a good zombie deck or a lightsworn one

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Posted: Wed, 03/04/2019 13:00 (5 Years ago)

feed the machine

the duller the knife, the longer it takes

no this diary isn't cancelled.
I've discovered the benefit of having a discord server and I'm making full use of it, spilling and spamming my dizzy thoughts there.
guess if you wanna know what i'm up to you gotta ask me now, haha.

school's starting soon, 4th sem already. I planned to change so much until then but i kinda dropped the ball there; I got preoccupied with crying and whining. I gotta admit time management is not my strength.
i'm currently struggling to pull through with things i've started, and I'd rather laze about or pity myself. Weird thing is that, all things considered, my situation is actually improving - so i have no actual idea or clue why i have such problems with moving on.
Going through my diary objectively i notice the trend of these feelings manifesting when I 1) have too much freetime 2) am stressed out of my mind.
so there's that. Since I'll be busy with uni stuff soon enough i have the hope of this being a stupid phase like always.

at the time of writing this i'm taking some kind of hiatus from the site, partly due to my lacking premium. Main reason is my constant, idle browsing of the notification wall that gives me mild seizures and migraines.
Shiny hunting without flutes and premium is bearable, but for most remaining hunts I'd really need the boosts /// but i probs still have to look for some larger goal in the near future if i want to stay active here.


hnnggghH she's so prettyyyy but I don't even have vivian yet

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Posted: Tue, 05/03/2019 08:30 (5 Years ago)

one point perspective

and you cried some of the
hottest tears you've ever cried

past weeks

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MAR 4-10
make that bd card thing
finish persona 5
city (money; carpet cleaner, deodorant, disinfectant, )

MAR 11-17
ivan bd (15)
premium ends that week
sort ps4 games

MAR 18-24
ah frick this week wasn't productive at all...

I can't decide if you're wearing me out
or wearing me well
I just still feel like I'm
condemned to wear someone else's hell

MAR 25-31
finish sk sv
start (finish???) danganronpa 2 [man you ever just play a game and do nothing else? I think i almost dehydrated during that, haha... next time if doing something time - consuming like that I have to put up some limits, otherwise I'll seriously damage my body again]
get a grip™

APR 1-7
p4!!, bd
[danganronpa 2] more trophies (prolly won't manage all, but i want to at least give it a shot)
:joy, but with blood instead of tears: i love teruteru so much

APR 8-14
LF courses, fill gaps - the selection!!! is!! great!!!!
finish akiba strip

APR 15-21
new game list (as recent one should be too cluttered by then; readied, will post closer to end)
capitalism homework

APR 22 | first week of the new semester, not mon

considered done

gxb team sheet

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Posted: Sat, 02/03/2019 11:25 (5 Years ago)

sleepy pidgey




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