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Posted: Mon, 26/07/2021 19:11 (2 Years ago)
@~Fahrenheit~; Fully crowned Ningguang looks amazing,, Geo Queen!! ❤ 🤩 Good luck with her constellation and congrats on fully crowning her!!

@Zhongli; Same, I don't usually use buffs , my team comp is normally is Zhongli, Albedo, Venti and Yanfei (who sometimes gets swapped for Diluc, Kaeya, Xiao or Chongyun. I'll use Bennett sometimes but only because I need heals or something lmao'') - although lately Kazuha is in my team a lot, I recently finished working on him so I'm just enjoying having him on the team ahh, he's fun to play. I have the crit dmg weapon and crit rate artifact on Zhongli, I guess it's just the artifact set I'm using bringing him down, after multiple suggestions with the same set, I'm going to try grind nosblesse tomorrow and give that a whirl and see what that does, I can't wait to see, I'll post an update on that when I get to play around with it >w<

But thanks! The advice I've been given so far has been really useful and I will take it to heart 🥰

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Posted: Mon, 26/07/2021 14:30 (2 Years ago)
@Taavi; it's the (spoiler) code but with [ ] c:
I wouldn't mind some Yanfei constellations as I do use her but I'm trying not to pull in the current banner (and I think for the next few), I have my fingers crossed she might be in a future banner that I want to pull in q_q

But not quite? I'm not looking for a DPS since I could use Iron Pike for that plus some phy. damage artifact sets, I'm looking to get his burst attack as high as possible which is my end goal.
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I'm not too fussed with his shield atm, it does hold out for me and that's great (I mean, I rely on it too much to the point I forget to run heals when I'm not using it and forget about my health lmao), it is Level 8 in his talents and it does fine as is so I'm not looking to boost it.

Nosblesse and the geo set wouldn't be such a bad idea I think, since it will boost his burst damage and so will geo boost but I'll have to have a think about that (I need to farm Nosblesse for a couple other of my characters too, rip, it's a good job and I can do that domain with ease now, ugh e__e). I've been running the 4 piece Tenacity of Millelith on him and it's the set I have on him when he does the 80k damage so it'll be interesting to see if it makes a difference for sure.

I don't think I need energy recharge that much if I'm honest, when I set him with Albedo who's running on energy recharge and I have Zhongli at C1, meaning I can put two pillars up at once inside of Albedo's skill which generates damage and partials, because of that, I'm not short on energy partials and often recharge his burst quickly.
The black tassel I was only using to try to see if the HP build boosts the power of my planet befall but that experiment failed, I usually have Blackcliff on him which has crit damage substat and its skill increases his attack (honestly my weapon options are limited and I just like that polearm and it has been working for me more than the black tassel xD).
I have to be that person who does quirky stuff with their characters uff

But thanks for your input, I'll be considering the artifact switch up.

On a random note, I used to run Zhongli with the Favonius Lance (Spear? .. The polearm variant from the Favonius series) because I had like 3 polearms that were 4* at the time and when I paired him with Albedo like I usually do, the recharge was crazy, both constantly recharged their ult before their cooldowns ended constantly so as soon as the cooldown ended, I was throwing it back out again, it was both insane and fun to use, I miss that xD

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Posted: Mon, 26/07/2021 13:32 (2 Years ago)
@Aftershine; I sort of get how you feel I think? The Kazuha banner I was pulling in, I pulled several of Rosaria, I went from C0 to C6 and didn't really see any one else for a while and of course Kazuha made his appearance as close as he could to pity >3>

Currently skipping banners - sort of. I'm skipping Ayaka but I'll be trying in Yoimiya's banner .. for Sayu! I'm hoping to pull her before I hit a 5* (since I'm on a 100% guaranteed promoted character I want to save it for a character I really want, I got my eye on a few and I hope they get banners soon but not together I hope, mihoyo please.. don't😭) My banner is only up to 6 pity I think, I haven't rolled in it since pulling QiQi and it'll be the one time I ask that I don't get lucky, not that I do lmao xD

Also, whilst I'm here - I'm looking for Zhongli advice. I main Zhongli, but I'm not an expert on him, he lives in my party and I do use him, I'm aware of his HP scaling, shield, attacks, etc, etc. The thing is, I was like "Yeah, I'll make a HP build! slap HP on every and make Planet befall hit for hard!!" but it turns out, that doesn't work. I'll put this in a spoiler because this'll be long.
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I have Level 10 Planet Befall, he's C1, I stuck the HP 3* weapon on him since I don't have Staff of Homa and it has HP as a stat, HP artifact set x 2 for the 10% boost, Geo boost set x 2 for the Geo damage boost since it's Geo element and his artifact layout was as such;

Feather and flower, the default stuff
HP time piece
Geo boost Goblet
HP head piece
- Some HP sub stats, crit rate and crit damage.

and I saw about 20-50k damage a hit.. which was.. underwhelming. My old build that I just ran with hit harder than that, Blackcliff polearm, x 4 of the HP set, Geo goblet , crit rate on the head piece and I think attack on the time piece and that always hit harder, I saw 80k a lot of time and if I was lucky, I see 90-100k damage. I often run him with a second geo character, usually Albedo.

I do run geo boosts but I often find that it always makes your elemental skills hit harder (I noticed this when I see my Xiao build vs my partners Xiao build and my Anemo damage always hits bigger, which the only different we have is a different golbet, they run att and I run anemo boost) and I thought that would help and when I've taken off my geo boost , I've noticed planet befall hit lower numbers frequently.

So my question is, any advice? I don't know what I'm doing wrong 😅 I think I know about a damage multiplier but it does go over my head a little and I wonder if there's a way to calculate damage too..

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Posted: Wed, 14/07/2021 08:31 (2 Years ago)
1: The shop is on hiatus so you shouldn't be posting anyway
2: This is NOT the place ask that question (especially since they are not listed in my shop), therefore you have spammed in my shop. My shop was never a place to contact me about GTS trades,. especially when I have Pm's (not that I'd answer since my profile says I don't respond to questions about selling my Pokemon, but that's besides the point, I was just saying forums posts shouldn't be where you contact users)

In tired of telling you not to do this and that, you never seem to listen, you are banned from my shop, do not post again.

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Posted: Thu, 08/07/2021 09:21 (2 Years ago)
Artfight stuff 👏

For PaperTsubaki

For Crimson_Fangs.


For Jyn_Sherlock
I'm so behind on revenges,, I have more to do so I'll be back to post those if I don't forget <w>

Also redrew a cat meme for Twitter, with Kitten!Kosoushi from Fafner. Drawing him as a tiny angy kitten honestly made my day better lmao

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Posted: Sun, 04/07/2021 18:02 (2 Years ago)
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I did want to try him with 2 piece pale flame and 2 set bloodstained (plus physical goblet ofc) but I ended up with so many Blizzard Strayer from when I was farming the hydro set for Childe that I just threw them on him ( It's a flower, feather, att% time piece, physical damage goblet and att% headpiece set up currently and I'd probably have the same set up for the other build). I guess he is a mixed phy/cyro damage build at the moment and should pick one over the other 🤔 I'll change at it some point to pure physical but for now he can probably stay as he is, I put him together with his constellation and blizzard strayer artifact set in mind and least he is some what useable now >w<
But yeah, it is silly how many Kaeya's I've had, I don't pull in the standard banner often, I just use the 5 wishes from the shop, battle pass and accession rewards. I won't complain though, his constellation is pretty nice! The skill that increases the waltz, the shield, crit rate increase are all great! I've ended up making good use of the extended waltz for reactions!

I only have Yanfei at C1 ; _ ; She dropped at the last moment for me on Zhongli's rerun and her C1 dropped during Kazuha's banner, it is all I've seen of her.. I wish I got more of her ah, the joys of gacha

But thanks for the advice! I'll circle back to him, my plan was to level his current artifacts and then start work on a elemental mastery Kazuha build, I'm very excited to start using him!

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Posted: Sun, 04/07/2021 13:57 (2 Years ago)
Any one working on any builds right now? I wanna hear (´▽`)~

I've been working on Kaeya! Imma ramble a bit about it so I'll put it into a spoiler xD
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This morning I finally got him to level 90 and I finished levelling his weapon to level 90 this week too. I've aimed for more of a physical damage build so his currently wearing Aquila Favonia (which was a random lucky drop and one of my only 2 5* weapons aha.. weapons don't really like dropping for me <w>) and his goblet artifact has physical damage boost too.

For his artifact set, I'm using Blizzard Strayer, mostly for the 4 set piece bonus, if it wasn't for that I might have ran him with one or both of the artifact sets that boost physical damage although I may try that build as well at some point!. I have Kaeya at C4 so with a combination of his artifact set and his C1 skill, I get a 35% crit rate boost every time I throw Frostgnaw at an enemy which is kinnda neat because the cooldown on that is very short so I'm often inflicting cyro on enemies. His crit damage is kinnda poor though and I dunno if I should see if the crit damage goes up on his sub stats but if not I'll have to consider a crit damage artifact piece.. which yay, artifact grinding u__u; I pretty much only have his artifacts to work on now then he's done for now and he's not doing too bad, his attacks his 8-13k damage which I know isn't amazing but I'm happy enough with him.

I got his talents to level 8, Frostgnaw is at level 11 though because of his constellation.
The standard gacha liked to drop Kaeya a lot for me and at C3 I decided to work on him, it wasn't until the shop reset and I got the 5 wishes that I got another Kaeya constellation aha, but Frostgnaw at level 11 is very nifty and C4 is pretty funny, he now makes a shield on low health and that amuses me a little bit.

Currently I pair him with Yanfei for melt (I don't really have an electro character to use) and I have Bennett for the double pyro boost (plus he's adorable, max constellation, support and heals ehe)
I've always wanted to work on Kaeya and I'm glad I finally got to! ; W;

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Posted: Tue, 29/06/2021 20:29 (2 Years ago)
@Tsukoyomi; I really adore most of the character designs, I'm working on a Geo dream team, I absolutely love all of them ; w ; I want an Anemo one too but I wouldn't be able to do swirl reactions or take advantage of that asdfgh

@MY_IRENE; It's the first time I've had 5*'s so close together, it usually takes me to 80+ wishes and most the time I lose the 50/50 💔 I'm probably gonna skip a bunch of characters, I'm hoping for a Scaramouche release (there's another but they are a leaked character so I'll keep them hush-hush) or I'd love a Staff of Homa re-run, I didn't get it during it's first run and I'd love it for my Zhongli.

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Posted: Tue, 29/06/2021 18:02 (2 Years ago)
Chongyun is one of my faves, I really love using him!!

With all my saved up gems, I got 70 wishes out of them I skipped so many banners for this asdfgh and 6 of my 4*'s were Rosaria (I already had her at C1) so I guess I have max constellation Rosaria now aha. I did get Kazuha!! Also pulled QiQi 3 wishes later ahhh 🥺 I'm not really a QiQi user but this sort of makes me happy because this means that the next banner I try for will be 100% the promoted character and I'm hoping to save for 2 future characters. Time to get saving!

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Posted: Tue, 29/06/2021 15:05 (2 Years ago)
Username: Makabe
Pronouns: They/He
UID + Server (optional): EU - 701713436
Character(s) you main: Zhongli and Albedo
Extras: I sub main Xiao and Venti, I just really love Anemo and Geo babs tbh u wu I can't wait to roll for Kazuha, I really hyped!!

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Posted: Thu, 24/06/2021 15:17 (2 Years ago)
Could I get my big floofy boy? ;w; Soft charcoal, I'll pay in nuggets!

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Posted: Wed, 16/06/2021 18:19 (2 Years ago)
I love the new breed too!! I've used my item to spawn one and I love the primary and secondary colours;

He's got Ruby as his tert colour and I'm not sure how to make use of it, best I could come up with was;

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Posted: Sat, 12/06/2021 13:10 (2 Years ago)
Cats, cats, cat!! ( ⓛ ω ⓛ )

(10/10 messed his hair up on the second image asdfgh, but it's fine, I wasn't going to finish it any way xD)

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Posted: Fri, 11/06/2021 21:03 (2 Years ago)
Username: Makabe!
What You're Requesting: Digital character piece
Payment: 300 nuggets?
References: Him, if he's okay? ;w;
Passcode: Bellatona, 98

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Posted: Wed, 09/06/2021 18:43 (2 Years ago)
They are used at Emera Beach! At the bottom of the page, there is an NPC called Leah, you trade them with her.

I'm not sure how to explain it exactly, but you sort of "upgrade" the relics until you eventually get the Relic Crown. (Copper upgrades into Silver, Silver into Gold etc). The trading in the Relic Crown will give you a special item that'll let you fish during Thunderstorm weather which usually closes the beach.

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Posted: Wed, 09/06/2021 18:36 (2 Years ago)
Sure thing, send the trade when you're ready uwu

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Posted: Tue, 08/06/2021 13:21 (2 Years ago)
You need to include one random Pokemon in your trade otherwise it won't let me offer the shiny (:

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Posted: Tue, 08/06/2021 13:12 (2 Years ago)
Yup! ^^ Go ahead and set it up when you're ready.

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Posted: Sun, 06/06/2021 13:21 (2 Years ago)
My username is oddsocks C:

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Posted: Sun, 06/06/2021 12:42 (2 Years ago)
@Eternatus; If you still have those gems, I would love to trade them from you ;w;

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