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Searching for: Posts from Waddlenohara.
Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 21:32 (7 Years ago)
Don't worry, your powers seem totally fine! Accepted

If you could please add a bit more to the personality (just being kind but serious isn't all that descriptive? )
And add some disadvantages to your abilities.

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Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 16:52 (7 Years ago)
Both your characters are accepted! Though I'd like to let you know that the image for your second form doesn't seem to work.
As for a character limit, as long as you can play them, without getting too jumbled up or confusing, you can have as many as you'd like.

I would say that like, 15+ might be a bit too many though. •<•

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Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 23:32 (7 Years ago)
((This post is to act as a sign-up sheet and general chatpost for the roleplay, so that it's easy to go back and refrence who's character is whom. ))
The basic, probably too lengthy history + plot is:

King Alderic Gravire the 3rd of Yveria, also known as the Sunburst King by many of the kingdom's peasants due to the both figurative and literal "Light" that he brought to the nation after hunting down and slaying the horrible Ancient Dragon-Wyvern Veralinn, who terrorized the land for centuries, and whom had even been fearfully worshipped as a god due to her unmatched power and prideful nature. Before the beast's blood had even been washed off, he was crowned king, and nearly as soon after married an unknown woman who called herself "Arev" and claimed she was a noble from a long forgotten family. The couple lived in peace and harmony for nearly two decades, bringing the nation to greater power and wealth than ever before and being generally beloved by the people, though life wasnt perfect. A month after the birth of their second child, Prince Elodios, Arev had vanished and no trace of her or her whereabouts could be found.

When Princess Remilia, the king and missing queen's first child had reached her 19th birthday, she declared that she was now going to be the sole ruler of Yveria, and challenged her father to a duel. Because he couldn't bring himself to harm his own child, Remilia won the duel, and imprisoned her father in one of the many castles the Royal Family owned. Thusly, began the reign of the newly dubbed "Dreadqueen." Soon, those who remained loyal to the former king had started a rebellion, lead by Prince Elodios, who just wants his sister to listen to his reason, and to return the monarchy to their father. A huge split between the nation occurred; those who wanted the return of King Alderic to power, and those who would perfer Queen Remilia to reign on. Quite a few still who would perfer Prince Elodios, or even no one on the throne at all.

Several search parties have been sent to look for the missing Queen once again, despite how long it's been since her disappearance, in hopes that she'll be able to sway the outcome in the favor of whichever party finds her first. The King's Loyalists hope to find her in order to convince her to stop her daughter, those who favor the Dreadqueen hope that they could convince the missing Queen of why Remilia should rule- or convince her to stay missing. The Rebels who wish to prop up Prince Elodios as King hope that she'll lend him support, or at least do something about her daughter. The very last time Queen Arev was seen was at a small village town, called Bhern, surrounding the monument built on the Dragon Veralinn's grave. Hoping to find some clue of Arev's current location, each faction has sent their spies and their own soldiers, hoping to find anything before the other two before the fighting blows up into a war.


Roleplay Rules:


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1. Be kind and respectful to one another, outside of the roleplay.
2. Minimowspeck has as much authority that I do when moderating this roleplay, so listen to anything she has to say.
3. Don't be unreasonably Overpowered and do things that make the majority of the other roleplayers angry or uncomfortable. If it was an honest mstake, and you try your best not to repeat it, you'll be giving another chance.
4. Respect other people's characters. Not necessarily in the roleplay itself, but unless there's a legitimate problem with someone's oc, don't be a jerk about someone's character.
5.DON'T USE CHARACTERS THAT ALREADY EXIST. Please don't try to pass off sasuke uchiha or hatsune miku as your own oc,,,
6.Don't just go around killing or maiming/doing any permanent harm to another's character without consulting them and getting their permission. NPCs (anyone who's created up on the spot, or basically anyone who doesn't belong to another person) don't need any special permission. Do as you please with them (within reason)
7. Feel free to ask for questions/anything within this post ( as the other will be used for strictly roleplay posts) mostly you can just chat here with other people if you like, or set up certain event, etc, to make sure other people will be on board.
8. If I ask you to do something, unless you have an actual reason for not doing it, just do it. If you explain to me why you did x, or why you can't do x, and I still tell you to do something, it means I did read your explanation, but decided it wasn't good enough
9. I'm pretty open minded about thibgs, so feel free to suggest whatever
10. You Must stick to the plot and world of the rp. No suddenly going to a random highschool, or suddenly coming from the future, etc
11. Try to include everyone in the roleplay. If you see someone who's genuinely trying to interact with others (it might even be "does dramatic thing") please try to include them!! Being left out sucks, Yo
12. If someone's making you uncomfortable, or are doing something you don't like, please speak up. You won't get in trouble, and I'll try my best to solve the problem.
13. Rules may be changed or added. I'll probably send a message letting everyone know if I do.


World information:


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Random bits of Information about the world the role play is set in, not all of it will be that important. Not really required buy like. I think it would help?
•The entire world is set in a medieval-like time period- so there's no future technology, though much of the technology of today could be imitated with magic
•Magic is a huge deal in this world
•There are hundreds of different races and species, Humans being one of the most numerous and powerful
•Lizards and other reptiles are considered sacred in Yveria. Dragons, however, are mostly thought as more 'demons'
•Rumors have been circulated since her birth that Queen Remilia is the child of a dragon, due to her not-wholly human appearance
•There are several other countries surrounding Yveria: Neoitol, Berrvel, Auellion, and Weriven.
•Humans are considered the "most appropriate" Race in Yveria, and all other races usually tend to be put into lower positions and treated poorer
•There are hundreds of races who exist, though certain creatures (Cyborgs, robots, etc) obviously wouldn't
•Those who side with King Alderic are called Loyalists
•The Rebellion, or Rebels are whom are led and support Prince Elodios
•Queen Remilia's faction is officially called The Thorns of the Violet Rose Queen, but is usually shortend down to simply "Thorns"
•Non-human races are whom most support Remilia, especially those of a more reptilian kind
•Dragons are usually hunted down in Yveria due to their fear of another Veralinn cropping up
•There have officially been no actual battles fought, though with rising tensions it's bound to be soon
•that's just about it for all this.


Application Form:


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Name : Must be filled out, though there's otherwise no rules for this.
Age : Must have something put here- even if it's just a "they're fairly old." Though I'd really appreciate any Actual Number, or at least an "older than xx years"
Gender : There's no requirement for this,
Species : Nearly any species imaginable is allowed, even ones of your own creation, though please explain in depth(or at least explain the basics) if that is the case.
Appearance : Must be filled out. An image or textual description is fine, but please keep the former from being Too Risque (and please keep to the theme/world. Generic Anime Schoolgirl isn't exactly something that would fit into the story, though if you really can't find something fitting, please add a description or image of their clothing. ) If you describe your character in text, please be as detailed as possible. Vagueness, (ex: Tall, pretty, and pale.) Isn't nearly enough for an accurate description. Add any physical traits your character has here.
Personality : (One of the most important things, and MUST be filled out correctly. Please add a Detailed description of their personality, please try not to make "Perfect" characters (characters who pretend to be perfect, but really aren't are acceptable, just try not to make a sterotypical "Mary sue" character. Of you're genuinely having trouble and not just being lazy, feel free to let me know/ I'm willing to try to work something out.
Background information : (optional- this is for little things you might wanna mention, or can be left blank to keep the mystery.))
Abilities : ((A list of your character's most important (or what you feel is relevant) abilities. Powers, such as magic (which must be specified of which type, and how adept they are at it), flight, super strength, etc, or more mundane things, like being very good at leading others, or a talent with pursuading others (without it being because of magic, etc) Every ability must have a balance, so please mention disadvantages, for example: Being super smart, but only in certain subjects, or being stronger/faster/etc, but only for a short time, etc. Please be as creative as you'd like, but don't go too overboard
Questions/Concerns :


My Forms:


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Name : Remilia Gravire
Age : 19
Gender : Female
Species : Half-Human, Half-Dragon
Appearance :
Personality : She's very headstrong and stubborn about what she thinks, and has a hard time changing her views. She has a tendency to use violence to get what she wants, and can rarely br reasoned with by simple words. She truly just wants to make the nation even better, for everyone who lives there, and not just the human nobles and merchants. She comes off as harsh and cold, but it's simple due to her being unable to express herself correctly.
Background information : She herself knows that she's half-dragon, though her brother does not.
She has a tendency to hoard things, though it changes from time to time.
Abilities : She has the ability to change her form into that of a dragon (or as she'd put it, "a wyvern") but she can't really control herself when she does, and has no choice of when she turns back into her regular form.
She can spit venom, but she can rarely control it herself,and tends to accidentally spit venom at random times.
Questions/Concerns :

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Name : Elodios Gravire
Age : 17
Gender : Male
Species : Half human, half-dragon
Appearance :
Personality : He's very kind and noble, which often means hes pushed around a bit too easily, especially by his sister, though he can grow a spine when he finds he really needs to. He adheres to rules and the system of honor, and takes them very seriously, though it's often to an annoying or unnecessary extent.
Background information : He doesn't actually know about his heritage, and believes himself 100% human.
He admires his sisters stubborness, even if it's more often just causing trouble.
Abilities : He knows basic swordsmanship, though isn't very used to fighting, and often falters or gets nervous and messes up.
He has a talent for getting people to listen to him, and agree with him, though he's usually letting people make him do things instead.
Questions/Concerns :

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Name : Simply known as " Lamb" Her true name is unknown to almost all, lost in the Sands of time.
Age : 400+ human years. Appears fairly youthful.
Gender : Takes on a female appearance, and uses feminine pronouns.
Species : High-ranked Demon
Appearance :

Personality : Often takes up the persona of a cheerful youth, and often acts that way around mortal creatures. Her actual personality isn't too far off, but she acts far more innocent and naive around humans.
Normally quite cheerful, often speaking about even the darkest of actions with a smile, though she has centuries of knowledge and weariness that tend to creep into her speeches. When truly angered, she becomes far more frightening, un-emotional and will Crush what opposes her without a thought.
Normally has very little good emotions about mortals who she doesn't consider part of her "flock."
Background information : Centuries old and prone to hiding secrets about herself.
She was once worshipped as a god by entire nations, until she wasn't anymore. She doesn't like to speak about it.
She still appreciates the few who still offer her their loyalty and love, and often gives them great gifts and her attention.
She lives in the woods surrounding Bhern village where she raises rams and sheep, and is well known in the village as "the bit-odd looking but cheerful shepherd girl who'd just showed up one day, but felt as though she'd always belonged.
Her favorite things are her sheep, and a few goats-- her flock- which is almost entirely composed of those unlucky souls that she's made a contract with over the years who she enjoyed the company of, and who she used her magic to transform into livestock once their contract was fufilled. Those she dislikes get eaten once she's transformed them.
Abilities : She has a very large array of magic and spells that she can perform, though she used to be far more powerful in the past, though she's often weaker when attacking enemies who have a strong religious faith. She also has strict requirements that must be set for certain spells.
She can freely transform her shape into anything she'd like, but eventually must return to her true form at sunset, which is of a monstrous goat-headed beast, which is when she's both strongest and weakest, and she can no longer perform most spells in that form. Those who have access to her true name, however, can easily control her and force her into a contract with them, though it would be extremely hard to find her name, and the act of making a contract would automatically forfeit the contractor's soul over to her.
Questions/Concerns :


Accepted Characters:


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Accepted characters so far:
Remilia Gravire: Waddlenohara(Me)
Elodios Gravire: Waddlenohara(Me)
Lamb: Waddlenohara(Me) She's likely the character I'll play most, seeing as there might not be much opportunity for me to play most of the others)
King Alderic Gravire & Queen Arev Gravire: Waddlenohara(Me) [ I won't play them too often, only when it's necessary for the story or plot.]
Lauren Gracelyn Amiya: AndPeggy
Sebastian Joseph Aligarch: AndPeggy
Skata (and other various bird names): SandeviRae
Ivy Everglade: SylveonGirl23
Kovu Ciana: AriaWolf
Dercquireno Körkeyn Svårt ("Derc"): Finhawk


Banned Users:


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Basically anyone, due to behavior/ a refusal to adhere to the rules, who is banned from participating in this, and/or any future roleplays of mine.
So far, no one has been banned.

You may now find the roleplay thread Here

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Posted: Fri, 20/05/2016 04:32 (8 Years ago)
Wips bc I'm,,, tired rn...

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Name: Paris Ashtonn
Species: Braixen
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5
Age: 15 1/2
Pronouns: She/Her
Of course, she wears the school uniform during school hours.
House: New // Crescent
Skills: She isn't naturally talented, and she doesn't have the easiest time learning about magic, but she's a very dutiful and relentless student, who's determined to learn as much as she possibly can. Through hard work and dedication, she's decent in most areas of magic, though she excels in fire-based magic, and has a vast knowledge of summoning spells.
Personality: A very sweet and helpful girl, Paris doesn't hesitate to offer help or encouragement to anyone, ecenter if she might not like them very much. She, above all else, believes that everyone should have at least one person who believes in them, and who's kind to them, and Paris is determined to be that person for nearly anyone she meets.
WHY you applied to this school: She wanted a chance to go somewhere where she'd be able to learn herself, and help others if they need a hand as well.

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Posted: Sun, 24/04/2016 00:56 (8 Years ago)
(( pretty please qwq))

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Posted: Sat, 23/04/2016 18:30 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 20/04/2016 20:07 (8 Years ago)
Well, if everyone (or at least a majority) is ready, I'll post first//

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Posted: Wed, 20/04/2016 02:38 (8 Years ago)
em pls dont be the pedo teacher
Anyway ur accepted babb

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Posted: Wed, 20/04/2016 01:32 (8 Years ago)
Thank you!
Accepted uvu

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Posted: Tue, 19/04/2016 20:55 (8 Years ago)
I'm not ignoring u I've just been kinda busy

Please put more detail into your personality, one word answers aren't really all that telling??
Also, I'm okay w/your characters crushing on each other, but maybe give them less of an age gap? Because a 14 year old and a 17 year old getting together is kinda gross//

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Posted: Tue, 19/04/2016 03:34 (8 Years ago)
Thank you!!
Sorry if I sounded a bit rude// I've had a pretty long day--

Also, since there's (so many ) ocs, I'll probably add another one or two of my own later.///)

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Posted: Tue, 19/04/2016 00:21 (8 Years ago)
@Knight_of _Mind, I'd appreciate if you'd give your character's last names- and Also if you could actually read my rules before posting your character sheets •v•

@Meme ur totally accepted

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Posted: Mon, 18/04/2016 15:34 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 18/04/2016 05:45 (8 Years ago)
Welcome to Rosewater Academy, one of the most prestigious Academies in the country. With it's almost sparkling reputation and the grandeur of the schools beautiful, almost mansion-like appearance, it's hard to believe all the dark and disturbing rumors that are being spread about it. Rumors about such severe bullying, kidnappings, and even muder- though school officials deny it all.

Nobody can deny the fact that less and less students are returning to school, and the ones that do go are frightened and uneasy, no matter how much they're assured that everything is safe by teachers..




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-PH rules apply.
-This rp is based of Yandere-Simulator, and I'd like to have some Yandere characters, I'd possible. If not, I'll just add one myself.
-Mild swearing and violence acceptable.
-No Legendaries unless given explicit permission.
- 4 characters limit.
-No Godmodding, or OP characters.
-Gijinka can more than 4 moves, though please make sure that they're moves your pokemon can actually use. Ex: no eeveelutions using fly, or gijinka w/out wings/non psychic being able to fly/levitate, etc..
-No Mary-Sues/Gary-Stus, please.
- Don't stray from the plot, unless I approve.
-I have the right to reject your form, and ask you to revise.
-I have the right to ban you, though I'll probably give you warnings and a few chances first.
-Dont spam, at all.
-if you've read through these rules, put your favorite pokemon I'm the 'Other' section of your form.
- Please write at least 3 sentences that have some details- it's hard to respond to just one liners.
-Most important is to try to have fun!




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Grade: (1st Year: 14-15 year olds
2nd Year: 15-16 year olds
3rd Year: 16-17 year olds
4th Year: 17-18 year olds
Your character(s) are allowed to be held back, or ahead by 1 grade) If your character is a teacher, please put what year they teach.
Occupation: (Are they a student, or a teacher? Are they in any clubs?)
Background extras: (Anything extra you'd like us to know about them?)


My Character(s):


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Name: Izumi Matsui
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Species: (Shiny) Ninetales
Grade: 3rd Year Teacher
Personality: He's a very kind and patient person, which really helps in his teaching. He's the type of teacher who likes to encourage students to be themselves, and to try their best, and he's rarely had a student who actively dislikes him. Unfortunately, he's incredibly naive and oblivious, which has often put him into an embarrassing and/or hilarious situation.
Occupation: History Teacher.
Background extras: He's got furry ears and fluffy, fluffy tails, both of which when touched make him extremely cross- though he's very forgiving.
He's overprotective of his Niece, Honey, and has an extremely close relationship with her, despite how they might act around each other.
he's probably the teacher who people always crush on
Encounter Theme
Fight Theme
Crushes: Open

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Name: Honey Matsui
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Ninetales
Grade: 3rd Year
Personality: She keeps her face in a neutral, emotionless mask pretty much at all times- showing any kind of visual emotion means that she's pretty comfortable with you. Despite her appearance, isn't just some emotionless, distant robot- she's surprisingly sarcastic whenever she actually speaks, has a fondness for taking underwear, and an obsession with eyes.
Occupation: Student. Member of the Photography club.
Background extras: like many Ninetales, she has an aversion to people grabbing her tails- and she has no qualms about giving people horrible curses. She secretly has a dream of becoming a famous horror novelist.
Encounter Theme
Fight Theme
Crushes: Open

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Name: Margarita Rose-Rivera
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Species: Furfrou
Grade: Years 1-4
Personality: She's typically blunt and rude when she's speaking, though she softens up around kids who meet her for counseling, as she often feels a motherly need to coddle them. Otherwise, she's often seen as a scary, indifferent lady who'll send you to detention in a heartbeat (which she does- she won't tolerate fooling about, because of her own history)
Occupation: School Counselor
Background extras: She has a clearly Hispanic accent- though she's very unforgiving towards people who make fun of her for it.
She's never spoken about her past, knowing that it'd just ruin her credibility as an educator/social worker.
Encounter Theme
Fight Theme




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Accepted Characters:


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Honey Matsui, Izumi Matsui & Margarita Rose-Rivera: Me(me)
Tsume Sakubara: SanstheSkelememe
Leliana "Leli" Demione, Oliver Melinko & Sunfire Amiko: MemetheWeirdo
Averis Landes, Levita Amiel: Knight_of_Mind
Teddren "Teddy" Demione, Kelly Ragia: Murasaki
Yoru Enyba, Sakura Emoyo: SoratheYandereSylveon
Samael "Grim" Abarys: Nyancat15

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Posted: Thu, 31/03/2016 00:14 (8 Years ago)
Sorry for posting late rip))

Seong-Jin yawned loudly, stumbling a little as she walked. She rubbed her eyes tiredly as she moved down the street, smudging her makeup and nearly falling down again during the process. She'd stayed awake nearly all night studying about different types of Indonesian ghosts, and by the time she had decided to stop for the night, it turned out to already be dawn. She looked up in time to see some guy crash into the girl who'd been walking a bit ahead of her, and watched sluggishly as said girl pull the guy into a nearby alleyway. She stood there for a few minutes as she tried to understand what just happened before her phone started vibrating and she pulled it out to check it. "Oh God- I forgot I took over Charlie's shift today!" She exclaimed, nearly dropping her phone. She rushed forward, all her previous sluggishness forgotten as she ran.

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Posted: Tue, 29/03/2016 02:42 (8 Years ago)
Pls guys

Or I can just make a demon 4 myself if it takes too long rip)

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Posted: Tue, 29/03/2016 01:31 (8 Years ago)
Name: Seong-Jin Lee
Species: Human
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Host/Demon: open!!
Personality: She's not very talkative normally, and often likes to hide behind her hair when she is talking, often making her appear more shy than she actually is. Besides her silence, her most distinctive traits are her intelligence and her eagerness when talking about anything that has to do with magic or the unnatural.
When she latches onto something she finds interesting, her whole demeanor changes immediately. She changes from a silent, unnoticeable bookworm into an energetic, brilliant and professional young woman.
Relationships/History: Her history is a sore subject
Other: She's Super-Ultra Trans and loves anything and everything occult.
Naughty demons get thrown into the sinpit

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Posted: Tue, 22/03/2016 20:48 (8 Years ago)
Cassander sighed in frustration, uttering a quiet 'woof' as he changed into a wolf. He shook out his fur and ran off in the direction of the girl. He figured it couldn't be any worse than waiting around for whatever that hunting horn belonged to. He noticed the set of footprints, though making sure to check for any other scents, in case it was a trap. After a little while, he came upon a hill, with the girl from earlier sitting on it. He should really ask her name- just calling her 'girl' was getting annoying.

// rip

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Posted: Tue, 22/03/2016 04:54 (8 Years ago)
Cassander let out a quiet whine, stepping back to get as far from the vampire as possible. He briefly thought about changing to his wolf form and running away before discarding the idea entirely. From personal experience, Cas knew that this vampire enjoyed the hunt. He stared at the obviously frustrated girl, hoping that they'd get this settled with already. He really didn't want to meet anything else in these woods today.

James laughed, throwing his hands up and stepping from his 'hiding place' "Ah, it seems that you're a bit mistaken, Wolfie." He shrugged making sure to give 'Lambchop' another curious glance. "I didn't know that you get to choose who your pack gets to talk to. Besides, it's not harassment if they approach me first-" he said carelessly. "Honestly, for all you know, I've been here the entire time, and you just happened to call all your little doggies to me . It's not my fault if I wanted to see what little mutts you've managed to gather around yourself." He said cheerily. "So, what gave me up? Was it the little faery girl and her warning- or maybe because you noticed little Lamby wandering from the rest of you?" He asked in a clearly mocking tone.

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Posted: Tue, 22/03/2016 03:16 (8 Years ago)
Cass narrowed his eyes at the outsider, watching her eyes change color faster than he could imagine. The sight made him extremely uncomfortable, and he subconsciously took a step towards Fenris, keeping his gaze locked on the stranger. "She might be right. We should at least listen to her.." he mumbled, being unable to speak up in such a large group. He ignored the vampire comment, despite the sense of dread he'd immediately felt once she'd said it.

"Oh, don't be so afraid dearie- though I will warn you that I do bite-" he murmured, making sure to stare directly into her eyes. If he got this done quickly, while the rest of the pack was focused on the Fae girl who'd interrupted their little get-together, he just might get a delightful snack. "Does it really matter who I am, Lambchop?" He said gently, in comforting tones, beckoning her closer with his hand.

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