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Posted: Thu, 20/10/2022 10:14 (1 Year ago)
"Ahh,forgive me,my lady. I only wished to greet you and express my gratitude for the invitation,I had no intention of disturbing you." Being the princess,it was obvious she was well-versed in etiquette and speaking manners,though Eltnam could tell she was irritated by his approach. "Now then,if you excuse me," he bowed ",I'll go help myself to some drinks." he said as he started walking away.

After approaching a servant and getting a glass,not knowing nor wanting to ask what the tray had to offer,he stood for a moment and started looking around,taking a sip every once in a while. Though everyone's face was quite well hidden,he could easily spot the Marquess twins as they were quite close to each other. He grabbed two additional glasses,carefully holding one between his second and third finger and the other between his third and fourth,walking towards them. "Good evening." he greeted as he offered the glasses. "Why,isn't this the most grandiose event. Never thought I'd see so many noble people from all around the kingdom in one room." he added.

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Posted: Wed, 19/10/2022 14:17 (1 Year ago)
Concealing even more of herself with her cloak,Lestianda headed for the city's gates at quite a fast pace,knowing that if she chose to run she would arouse even more suspicion. Her current goal was to seek refuge at a small hut not very far from the city,which served as a hideout in case of emergency such as this one,though this would be the first time it is ever used. Very few people knew of its location other than Lestianda's family. With every step she took her desire to leave until the situation de-escalated kept increasing,much like her anxiety hearing people gather at the place she announced her prophecy.

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Posted: Wed, 19/10/2022 13:09 (1 Year ago)

I'm going to make a difference!
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Character Name:







A very suspicious and distrustful person,trusting only in her divination and what she sees. She speaks with caution,knowing that even one wrong sentence could alter what she has foreseen and only wants her prophesies to come true,no matter the side it benefits.


Lestianda is a slighter taller-than-average woman,standing at about 172cm (5'7"),though her slender body in combination with her dark blue cloak and dark brown boots make her seem slightly taller. She has inherited her family's signature light silver hair,part of which is concealed between her shirt and cloak,and blue eyes.


Lestianda(I don't know if that's right or not,please correct me.)



Magic Style:

Apart from the divinations and ability of foresight she has inherited from birth,Lestianda has no other magical abilities.

Preferred/Favorite Weapon:

None in particular,but she does like blunt weapons such as hammers and maces simply because she thinks they are easy to use. Never really used a weapon before.


It should come as to no surprise that when seeking help or advices from divination,people usually want to hear what they like. That has not been the case regarding Lestianda's family,however, and that's why quite some people disliked them and even feared her for the truth they spoke. She was leading quite a stable life she was grown used to even after the passing of her parents,until,of course,she witnessed the world's calamity. No matter how many times she tried to see if she made any mistake or if the vision would change,it was always the same one. After mustering enough bravery and courage,she climbed at some elevated area near where there was a crowd to announce her prophecy. Soon after she finished, various curses and mean words were thrown at her. Knowing that it would only draw more attention,she fled while her head was still on her shoulders.







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Posted: Wed, 19/10/2022 12:26 (1 Year ago)
Can you please palpad me some details about Lestianda? I'm thinking of claiming that role.

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Posted: Tue, 18/10/2022 18:57 (1 Year ago)
Could I also have a spot,please? It's currently quite late and I just saw this forum pop up as i was about to log off and thought i should join. I'll make the post whenever i can tomorrow. I also have some questions about some roles lol

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Posted: Mon, 17/10/2022 16:45 (1 Year ago)
The room shone brighter than every single source of the kingdom's light combined with all the shiny pebbles and rocks attached to most,if not everyone's,outfits. It was quite fascinating how all the wealth of the land was amasses in one spacious hall. One could say this room became a treasury of some sorts. No one however,outshone the Princess,which was to be expected of course. Eltnam slowly made his way through the crowd,respectfully glancing at the ones already dancing as he carefully made his way besides the staircase she was descending.

He didn't have the honor of interacting with her often since his matters and affairs had nothing to do with her,though they did exchange a few words during such events. "Milady." He said as he gently bowed,at least more gracefully than what he showed to the Queen and Prince. He wasn't certain if she could hear him given the music's volume combined with the distance between them but the gesture alone should imply an invitation or a greeting. There can't be a Queen without a King,after all.

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Posted: Sun, 16/10/2022 14:48 (1 Year ago)
As the Archduke himself stepped out of his coach,he motioned the few escorts he had riding beside him to return home. He quickly put on his mask before showing the porter his invitation,which he placed in his coat again afterwards. He entered the giant room spinning around himself,with his hands carefully placed near his body so as to not disturb any poor servant,almost mocking the whole idea of the event. A few spins,slides and fancy steps later,he stopped and started acting proper in sight of the others. It felt odd being in a room where everyone was someone.

It came as to no surprise that the room was adorned with precious items that had value beyond that of a human's counting. After he performed a desultory bow the moment his eyes met the Queen's and Prince's,he then started looking at the rest of the guests. He would be a liar if he said that he could actually look at a person's face,or what was visible of it,and not the eye-catching shiny embellishments. It was impossible to figure out who's who,but then again that's the charm of the event. Eltnam had no real interest in additional power. Of course,he won't deny it should he be the one chosen but something is bound to happen in a room where everyone has a high status and he wouldn't miss it no matter what.

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Posted: Mon, 26/09/2022 20:09 (1 Year ago)
Riesbyfe's body slightly moved as if to answer Amalie's question but before he could open his mouth to the point of being noticed he only cast a glance at Clef,waiting for their reply. The way they suggested this little excursion seemed as if the answer would be "right now" but Riesbyfe was already embarrassed enough for one day.

Enzo audibly sighed,squirming against the wall before walking closer to the table and placing her elbow on Hadeed's shoulder to stand comfortably. "...And if they don't listen? It's our skin we're puttin' on the line here. Leavin' after making ourselves known ain't gonna be as easy as breakin' in." She didn't want to be that person,the one to be leery and almost cross the line during these meetings but Enzo can't just stay idle when the Leader is being that optimistic regarding the enemies.

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Posted: Sun, 25/09/2022 17:48 (1 Year ago)
As he was listening to Amalie's words,Riesbyfe suddenly felt breathing and a more calm voice almost next to his ear which resulted in him getting goosebumps. "Ahhh,no no no..." he repeated,recovering from getting startled. "...the rumors suffice." He shook his arms as a means to calm down the hair that stood on end. It was surprising to see Amalie act that way since everyone was talking about her sword-wielding skills and etiquette. He knew she wasn't only an elegant killing machine but their lack of interaction caused him to think of her as unpredictable.

[felt like bumping this lol]

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Posted: Sun, 11/09/2022 18:59 (1 Year ago)
Riesbyfe held up his left hand to conceal his ear-to-ear smile as he was at ease again. "We really would not leave you behind,Amalie. Your words really do cut deeper than your blade sometimes..." he added. "But no matter,we are glad you will supervise us and we will also make sure you have some fun before the main event as well." he suggested.

Enzo kept nodding at each and every point the leader emphasised. "No objections here. After we 'storm the stage'..." she quoted the leader. "...what'd we do then? Ask for food and money?" she leaned in,curiously expecting an answer. Even though she did agree to a non-violent approach,that wouldn't make them any better than beggars even though they have some sort of weapons at their disposal.

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Posted: Sat, 20/08/2022 11:12 (1 Year ago)
(Excuse me for posting even though I'm not part of this roleplay,I was amazed by the fact that there are 1000+ pages of this. What's the plot? What's going on right now?)

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Posted: Thu, 18/08/2022 10:49 (1 Year ago)
"Your worries are respectable,Amalie but we won't be away for long." Riesbyfe replied half lying. There was no was for him to know how long they will be out for but there were a lot of other knights present or in the near vicinity at least which eased his worries. "Almost every knight is nearby,you can rest easy. Come on,you won't have many opportunities like that in the future and we'll also get to know each other better!" he added,following up on what Clef said. Riesbyfe and Clef were quite good friends because they had a few things in common but Amalie,for Riesbyfe's perspective,was just in a completely different league. Her fame made her almost impossible to approach since Riesbyfe was always worried about tainting her reputation.

Enzo kept muttering "I get it,I get it." when she picked up what the Leader was implying. "If it goes badly,no matter how prepared we are,when we get in,we will be surrounded and they will probably be outnumbering us." she said as she used the most advanced vocabulary in her arsenal. "You better make this clock spell thingy work.The hell do clocks have to do with breakin' in?" she added,whispering the last part at Hadeed.

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Posted: Mon, 15/08/2022 22:07 (1 Year ago)
Averting her gaze,focusing on the plain wooden floor,she considered for a moment what she heard. It was really difficult for her to object the ideas suggested,especially Hadeed's since they tried to appeal to Enzo. "Pfft...Fine,I guess we could try a nice infiltration." she reluctantly admitted. She hated the idea of relying on magic since it intimidates her but it would spare her the trouble of going up against swords and spears barehanded. "So,what kinda magic..." she said as she moved her fingers as if she was sprinkling fairy dust "...are we talking about? Do we even have anyone for that kinda thing?" she asked as she looked around the room.

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Posted: Fri, 12/08/2022 22:48 (1 Year ago)
A pleasant surprise,to be accompanied by one of the most famous and well-regarded knights of Ruddilia for both her looks and skills. It was difficult for Riesbyfe to chime in the conversation but he was glad with how well Clef was handling it,even though her eyes wandered off at times.. He kept nodding along and wished Amalie didn't witness his gaffe. He couldn't help but feel relieved that the pages would be under the wing of such knights.

Enzo rolled her eyes,almost in disbelief. "A nonviolent approach? Rush the stage peacefully?" she repeated Tarin's idea. "You oughta be kiddin'. We can't get in as is." she pointed out. Not only is the event happening in the Kingdom,it's happening inside the castle. "We can't avoid conflict and bloodshed,you know that. I bet my other eye that there's no way in hell they'll just let us stop such a big event without putting up a fight." she added.

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Posted: Fri, 12/08/2022 11:57 (1 Year ago)
"Tch." Enzo scoffed back,muttering something under her breath along the lines of being a scaredy cat. She walked around the room,greeting everyone with a simple nod of her head while also trying to find a vacant seat. Seeing as there was only one,she motioned Hadeed to sit there comfortably as she casted an annoyed glance at the leader,regardless of whether they could see her due to the hood and rested her back on the wall. "So...what'd we miss?"

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Posted: Tue, 09/08/2022 20:14 (1 Year ago)
"Alright,we'll excuse ourselves now!" he said as he fixed his posture from bowing,seeing as Clef was pleased with the questions they asked and the answers they received. He pivoted to the side and started marching,walking back the way he came. He stopped after a steps when he was out of the royals' and the performers' sight and turned to face Clef. He stretched his arms and extremities downwards,shaking. He was really trying not to yell 'why' so he just expressed himself via body language. He couldn't bear anymore embarrassment.

"I'd never do that,calm down~." Enzo replied almost as if she was irritated. She continued strolling with a slight arrogant smirk now carved on Enzo's face since she interpreted Hadeed's answer as Enzo could and is able to kill the Leader. "I've never killed a guy on purpose. I just knock their lights out,that's all! I only killed to protect us.Not my fault they just didn't get up..." she muttered.. She shook her head as a couple memories from scavenging and having a tough time surviving in the wastelands when she was younger resurfaced. She shook those nightmarish memories away and found herself facing the meeting room's door. After huffing,she raised her knee and thrusted her leg to kick the door,opening it wide open. She motioned Hadeed to enter,tilting her head inside as she herself went in. "Mornin'!" she greeted.

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Posted: Mon, 08/08/2022 10:15 (1 Year ago)
"Yes!" he exclaims with a somewhat trembling voice,still bowing. The voices of the two accompanying the Queen and the Prince were new to him and completely threw him off. "I apologize for my actions! I thought people who shouldn't and can't be here were roaming the halls. Deep down,Riesbyfe wished that this gaffe wouldn't affect anything regarding the ceremony but it was extremely likely. He felt proud when Clef decided to save and assist Riesbyfe instead of turning a blind eye and walking away but shame and embarrassment were still prevailing.

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Posted: Sat, 06/08/2022 23:34 (1 Year ago)
Riesbyfe noticed that his logorrhea had taken quite a toll on Clef,greatly amplifying their worries and anxiety,but before he could try and take some of his words back and comfort them,they had already moved on ahead of him. They arrived at the castle after a few minutes of silence,as Riesbyfe was trying to find the proper words to say and ease Clef's troubled mind. As much as he admired the place he kept his focus on Clef who was looking around,not really minding where they were going. Even though he had visited the castle a couple of times due to his family's relationship with the royals,he could never memorize such a humongous place and what hall lead to what room and he was afraid they might end up somewhere they weren't supposed to be. He froze as he noticed Clef hid behind a plant,whispering to him. Did she find some spies and enemies from the wasteland? The only possible explanation for Clef hiding and whispering is so that they could scope out how many they were without being heard. He took a deep breath as he placed his hand on his sword's handle,which was sheathed and held at the side of his armor. He unsheathed part of it and sidestepped. "STO-" he yelled before shutting up,noticing that he was facing the Queen and the Prince instead of the enemy. He deeply bowed and let his sword slide back in the sheathe,which wasn't noticeably drawn anyway. He couldn't think of anything to say from the sheer embarrassment and shame he felt.

Enzo couldn't understand whatever Hadeed was blabbering so she ignored it and kept strolling with her arms comfortably above her head. Sure,the Leader did end up inviting them but it left quite a bad taste on Enzo's mouth. "What'd ya think'll happen if I kill the leader? Just wonderin'." she spouted. She remained dead silent while waiting for an answer.

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Posted: Fri, 05/08/2022 14:26 (1 Year ago)
Riesbyfe nodded at Clef. "I can't help but imagine them as our own children." he added. Since some time has passed Riesbyfe finished wiping and rubbing some of the dirt and possible rust off from his armor and wore it. He lifted his arms and moved them around to see if everything was alright. The clacking sound it made put a wide smile. "Fits like a glove." he chuckled. He expected that it would be alright since he keeps his body in check and also goes on various expeditions in the wasteland,meaning that he wears it from time to time. He kept his helmet in his hand,only wearing body armor and leggings. "Come on,we have royalty to meet." he motioned.

Enzo just kept raising her fists from excitement when Hadeed mentioned them winning at whatever was about to go down. She kew her head wouldn't be able to maintain all the information so she was glad she was accompanied. "Yeah!" she cheered. "Come on,let's get movin'." She opened the door wide and headed out,doing a little hop as she jumped over the singular step onto the road. Even though Enzo and Hadeed always stuck together,they had their own ideas and opinions which they expressed during such meetings. That wouldn't stop Hadeed from helping Enzo,however,convey her thoughts properly,even if they didn't agree with Enzo sometimes.

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Posted: Tue, 02/08/2022 20:14 (1 Year ago)
"Right back at you!" she said between laughs. "Though I doubt I'll be able to scold them at the start but I suppose it's only a matter of getting used to their presence." he said as he grabbed a piece of cloth to wipe his armor. "I'll go ask more specific details about the event after this,wanna come with?" he asked while rubbing. He figured that being a knight he had to be present earlier and already at a specific place but he preferred to be safe than sorry.

"That damn..." she growled as she closed the door shut. "D'ya hear that,Hadeed? Seems like they remember us. Finish up what you're doing and let's head over there." she said as she sat on a chair backwards. She knew her presence there was mostly for moral and psychological reasons since her ideas were almost always rejected and that it was Hadeed who made good suggestions but she didn't mind.

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