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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Roshi-JOAT.
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2019 04:11 (4 Years ago)
"Well, seeing that i'm kinda scratched up, i might say the nurses office as well." She replied. She felt one of her scratches and it did diffidently heave some blood on her fingers. "Maybe a few band aids would be good as well."

"Also, if it isn't a bother, why do you need to go to the nurses office?" She questioned out of pure curiosity. "It doesn't look like you're sick, nor harmed."

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Posted: Sat, 27/07/2019 03:55 (4 Years ago)
She quickly realized where her hat was, right in front of her. "StupidIdiotSelfMe!" She uttered under her breath, taking the hat quickly and donning on her head once again. Suddenly, she looked like a new person, minus the scratches and bruises. "Heh, how i can finally make my debut-" She muttered until a thought shocked thru, 'That kid saw me while i was panicking, didn't he?" she said, crouching down. "Why must i be so emotional over the smallest things, and i even said my hat meant that much to me. DumbdumDumDummy!!"

She soon noticed Semi's call and composed herself in a quick second. "Oh, if i know this place like the back of my hand. The answer to that is, no i don't. I barely even know this place myself, with me being a new student." She replied. "But, I'll be happy to tag along!"

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Posted: Sat, 27/07/2019 00:55 (4 Years ago)
"Yes please, I'll appreciate it gladly." She said, looking up at the individual who decided to speak to her. She took his hand and got up, mumbling to herself, "Some freedom it turned out to be."

She quickly realized that her hat wasn't on top of her head and had a mini panic-attack, with tear on her already bruised and scratched face. "My Hat....I'm nothing without my hat..." she stuttered.

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Posted: Sat, 27/07/2019 00:23 (4 Years ago)
In no time, she managed to make it to the school entrance. "Come on Hoshiko, don't mess this up!" She thought to herself while sweating up a storm. "It's your freedom from mom and dad's expectations of yourself, it's time to make your own destiny." she continued to think. She put on her best smile, all tho creepy and trekked forward.

"It's gonna be me who gets to the top of emotions if it's the last thing i do!" She thought confidently, until she miss stepped and slipped, hurling herself to the ground in a few second. Shortest failure of all time, and the biggest mistake in the world. "Why does the world hate me?" she mumbled, laying on the ground, not even attempting to pick herself up and grab her top hat that has fell on the floor in front of her.

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Posted: Sat, 27/07/2019 00:00 (4 Years ago)
It was morning already and Hoshiko has already done her morning routine. It's been hammered into her head for who knows how long, but she did add a few new activities. "Umm, Hello! My name is Hoshi and- oof." She scolded herself. "DummyDumDumDummy! You're supposed to say your last name first!" It was obvious that she was nervous, a home schooled child entering a public scene was something you weren't gonna expect.

"ARGHH! Now i got start over again! Practicing introductions is hard!" She shouted at her testing buddie, a bunny plush. "Am i really prepared for today Quick Silver? I'm just gonna look like an absolute nobody!" The plush obviously didn't respond, because it was just a plush, nothing special actually. "It's about to be time Quick Silver, even if i dread it, i'll have to go." She said as she kissed the plush and placed it in her top hat. "It's time for my debut as Hoshiko the Great Magus of...Gotta work on that name."

She left the building of her new home, far from her parents, but dread still in her soul for every step she took. Was she really prepared for this? She still continued forward towards the school, even if her legs were trembling.

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Posted: Fri, 26/07/2019 22:39 (4 Years ago)
I'll start in a while, i need to eat first

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Posted: Fri, 26/07/2019 02:24 (4 Years ago)
I'm done

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Posted: Thu, 25/07/2019 05:18 (4 Years ago)
Name: Hoshiko Dietrich

Age: 14

Appearance: Hoshiko has short, dark blue hair and a set of golden yellow eyes. She also has a warm ivory skin tone, since she is half-american. At school, she wears the school uniform, along with a collapsible top hat that she keeps in her backpack when the teacher is looking. Outside of school, she wears a blue vest with a skirt, her top hat(Sometimes with a set of headphones) and white, knee-high socks. She is also 155 cm tall.

Personality: Hoshiko is a self-conscious person, who hides her fears with a smile on her face and a loud personality. She always wants to be needed, or even noticed by the people around her. This is the soul reason for her fondness of magic tricks and the vast amount of tricks she can play on people. She's also pretty hard headed and will always follow her goal, unless something massive blocks her way. Along with this, she's a pretty kind person and tries to crack a joke, even in the worst situations.

Arcana: Magician

Passion: She enjoys a number of magic tricks, especially card and dice tricks.

History: Hoshiko has always had a fondness for magic tricks. It was in her life blood, something that made her tick and give herself meaning. But, her family were against her beliefs in magic. Her home was one of science and mathematics, not fit for someone who enjoys thing that have no scientific meaning. She did attempt to rebel against them, but it just got her removed from her school and friends. For most of her middle school years, she spent her days toiling at her studies under the watchful eyes of her parents. She thought that this will be the end of her love of Magic, but there was a light at the end of the tunnel. At the age of 14, she was approved to go to high school far from home, even at her age. Her parents viewed it as a life lesson, but Hoshiko saw it as her true freedom. So she decided to enter the highschool, her ticket to freedom and away from her parents, but her heart ached by an unknown emotion, fear.

Weapons: Physical weapon=Rapier Ranged weapon=Slingshot

Persona’s name: Merlin

Persona’s appearance: Merlin is a man who is covered in the darkness of his own cloak. It's rare to see him without said cloak over his head, but his body is completely black, only showing short, platinum blond hair, small horns, and a mouth. He's always seen levitating above the ground in a criss-crossed manner, never walking. He's always seen carrying a tome covered in silver and gold with various inscriptions on the cover. When summoned for an attack, the book will open with the spell used.

Persona’s personality: Merlin is a proud and matured persona, who uses his abilities to benefit his user. He also acts as Hoshiko's adviser, or consciousness, helping her with her problems in life, no matter how small. In addition, having Merlin out improves Hoshiko's tarot card readings.

Persona’s description: He is based on Merlin of the King Arthur Legends.

Persona’s specialty: Bufu and Health Support(such Dia, Recarm, Patra, ect.)

Other: She currently knows a total of 6 card tricks, and can preform tarot card reading, even if they aren't that accurate.

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Posted: Wed, 24/07/2019 03:16 (4 Years ago)

Sorry about that, i'm kinda in a mini-hiatus(kinda forgot to mention it in my profile:S ) Regardless, i'll fulfill your order.

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Posted: Sun, 14/07/2019 02:42 (4 Years ago)
It changed its type!
Other (particular elements and/or colors):I'm fine with anything
Subscribed? (Yes or please PM me when you've finished):Yup

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Posted: Mon, 24/06/2019 20:46 (4 Years ago)

Your Keggleon egg has been found!

Also, i'll take any plush i don't have in my collection.

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Posted: Mon, 24/06/2019 11:52 (4 Years ago)


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Posted: Fri, 21/06/2019 16:06 (4 Years ago)

Please send missing

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Posted: Fri, 21/06/2019 03:37 (4 Years ago)

Anything i'm missing

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Posted: Wed, 19/06/2019 16:58 (4 Years ago)
At the moment, we aren't accepting new breeders wince we have a good amount. Sorry about that.

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Posted: Mon, 10/06/2019 20:38 (4 Years ago)

Other:Done, Also, this is for design one

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Posted: Mon, 10/06/2019 01:36 (4 Years ago)
I support this idea, especially if they have a section for emera pokemon.

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Posted: Sun, 09/06/2019 22:22 (4 Years ago)
Breeder You Are Ordering From:Inverso
How Many Will You Be Taking?:1
Other:Nothing much

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Posted: Sun, 09/06/2019 17:48 (4 Years ago)
Who would you like to hunt you your beast?:Awesomedude12
Which beast would you like?:Poipole

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Posted: Thu, 06/06/2019 02:21 (5 Years ago)
Yeah, with the trade. And sorry it took so long

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