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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Lancer.
Posted: Sat, 07/04/2018 08:39 (6 Years ago)
ty and yes i did

boop < new one

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Posted: Sat, 07/04/2018 03:51 (6 Years ago)
Name: Ryka [He doesn't remember his surname, but he offers Hemlock as both a surname and a nickname]
Age: 20
Appearance: Ryka is short and slender, standing at 5'3", with slightly messy black hair that sticks out at the bottom of his head. What little of his skin that's visible under his dark clothes (he tends to dress a lot regardless of the temperature) is fair and scarred. His eyes are dark bluish purple and usually flat.
Personality: Ryka appears to be stoic, flat, and lacking a sense of humor, since his face is almost always impassive. He tends to reply to everything as curtly as possible, keeping his interactions with others as short as possible.
Despite his job as an assassin, he only takes jobs on people he thoroughly researches, making sure they actually kinda deserve it before going in for a clean, quick kill. He doesn't actually enjoy his job, but he figures someone's gotta take out the trash if nobody else will. He's also brutally honest and hates lying, which he's actually pretty good at picking up on, and will snap at you without holding back.
basically: honorable, stoic, impassive, impatient, and brutally honest.
Weapon: He's proficient with most bladed weapons, but his favorite is a short knife with a leather-wrapped hilt.
Job: he's an assassin
Skills: Proficient with bladed weapons and close-combat. Has no magic whatsoever.
Crush/BG/GF: This is open! I prefer to develop relationships. ^^
History: Both of Ryka's parents were assassins, albeit not exactly morally good; they took jobs regardless of who their targets were, and taught Ryka to do the same, training him in hand-to-hand and with various weapons. He himself always had a bad taste in his mouth whenever they took out someone who didn't seem like they deserved it.
When he was 12, his mother was arrested, but bought Ryka and his father enough time to escape, and they were on the run for a couple of years. When he was 14, he left his father; his father did love him, but he didn't want to live so... well. Morally ambiguously.
Ryka tried to make an honest living for himself when he was fifteen, but he realized that there was really no way he could live as a citizen, and picked up his old job again. He sent money to his father whenever he could, wondering about the fate of his mother.
Other: lmk if this is too edgy LOL (also i might add another character)

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Posted: Fri, 06/04/2018 02:55 (6 Years ago)


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Posted: Fri, 06/04/2018 02:50 (6 Years ago)
im not. towoma LMAO i think. u got the wrong person

those are super adorable!! ur human art style is rly good

uhhh it's finished and SEASON THREE HYPE

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Posted: Wed, 04/04/2018 20:43 (6 Years ago)
i literally died on this thread for like three months

anyways critiques!
Auyy it looks really good!

your art style is super cute, but you might want to center the drawing a little more :0

flat color is a totally viable style, knock yourself out, but shading is a useful skill to have.
and there's no shame in using references! search up the animals you're drawing/your drawing is based off of. it helps a LOT with anatomy.

your art style is!! super!! hecking!! cute!! i love it
i think it looks better without any shading. ^^

my own art (warning, it's a dump since i have been deAD)

and last one

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Posted: Mon, 02/04/2018 21:21 (6 Years ago)
[deeeeeep sigh]
♠ i've had several of these in the past but then i died on ph so cheers to starting afresh
♠ call me kas or kasu, my pronouns are they/them but i won't kill you for using he/him, and i draw sometimes.
♠ you can comment on this thread if you'd like. i would love comments please do that actually
♠ please don't steal any of the art on this thread. if you want to use my art as a faceclaim please palpad me first thank you
♠ you don't have to but i'd love it if you followed me on tumblr and twitter and watched me on deviantART.
♠ sometimes i do art requests so if you want me to draw anything just ask and i'll consider it.

that said here's some trash

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Posted: Wed, 28/03/2018 00:13 (6 Years ago)


||->a masterlist of character and writing help!
||->a random character appearance generator
||->non-heroes descriptions!

||->another masterlist
||->a character questionnaire!
||->color synonyms!

||->writing help!
||->writing help!
||->the mods are all resources!


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Posted: Thu, 22/03/2018 02:33 (6 Years ago)
>>Join here directly! All information can be found in the server.<<

Roleplay Rules
1: Be polite and respectful of all people, genders, disabilities, sexualities, races, religions. Discrimination (and thus, slurs) of any kind is not allowed in this roleplay out of character. In character, I will tolerate it to some extent until someone in the RP or myself get uncomfortable with it.
2: Mary Sues, Godmodding, and Powerplaying (and the such) are not permitted in this roleplay. I reserve the right to mention whether your character is a Sue (no character flaws/inconsistent personality/overpowered/special snowflake etc.) or if you are GMing or PPing.
3: This roleplay is not any particular level, so whether you write one-liners or essays for responses, you’re welcome here, as long as your stuff is readable! This RP is, however, PG13, so swearing, violence, and some blood/gore is fine, but NSFW must either be taken to private or faded out. [*Please note that this is on DISCORD. Over here on PH, all PH rules apply.]
4: In the RP, please try to avoid hogging all of the attention. While creating drama IC is totally okay, let’s try to give everyone an equal amount of spotlight and include everyone. If you have a tendency to get lost, there is a recap channel so you can see what you’ve missed.
5: Please create an equal amount of Chaos/Order characters! It would hardly be fun if the scales were tipped ridiculously unfairly in one side’s favor. And this isn’t a requirement, but I’d also like to keep the Humans/Magical Folk ratio even! You can have as many characters as you can keep up with, but just keep it close to equal.
6: When creating your characters, please use description for your appearances.
7: The list of magical folk below is not an exhaustive list. If you want to add a magical creature to the list, go for it! Just @ me on the #creature-suggestion channel, and provide a brief description for the magical being.
8: You can invite whomever you like to the server provided they follow these rules.
9: Paste your form anywhere you’d like so long I can access it.
10: I’m not actually a roleplayer, technically! I play the only neutral character, and he exists solely to answer any questions in-world, and I create situations to move the plot along, but that’s about it.


Magical Folk
Mages - Physically, they are no different from humans. However, they have the ability to channel magic from their surroundings and use it. All mages can make things float and move, but they typically specialize in one area (specific elements like lightning, healing, etc.). More experienced mages often have a secondary specialty.
Shapeshifters - They have the ability to alter their physical body into any shape they wish as long as they have the DNA (blood, hair, spit; anything will do) of whatever they want to change into, and they will become an exact replica. Their natural form can vary from a cockroach to a unicorn.
Dragons - Their true forms are much too large to blend in with humans, so they learned how to mold their bodies into a humanoid shape. Dragons have a vast reservoir of magic, but it is almost always focused on one type of magic (elemental).
Vampire - The classic blood suckers--immortal, physically powerful, burn in the sun, hate garlic. They can eat food but it doesn’t sustain them; they have to drink blood. Any kind of blood is fine, as long as it’s not theirs.
Wereanimals - The typical “turns into an animal” kind of creature but instead of every full moon, it’s every time the sun sets and the moon rises. Their power is completely dependent on what cycle it is. On full moons, they’re super powerful, and on new moons, they don’t even transform.
Demons - Straight from hell, they can take any form they want, but once they settle into it, until they go back and come out again, they’re stuck in that form. They’re extremely powerful both magically and physically, so don’t mess with them. Their morals are usually skewed and completely self-centered. Their natural enemies are Winged Folk.
Winged Folk - Powerful guardian beings, their sole purpose to defend something, whether it be an important person or a diary. They’re extremely powerful both magically and physically, with extremely steadfast morals that are almost never shaken. Their natural enemies are Demons.
Merfolk - Half-human, half-fish, they can live on both land and sea. They have two forms--one almost entirely humanoid, the other the more familiar manfish.


Character Form
Name: [x]
Nickname(s): [x]
Gender and Pronouns: [x]
Sexuality: [x]
Age: [x]
Occupation: [x]
Race: [x]
Magical Abilities: [x] (leave blank if not applicable)
Personality: [x]
Fatal Flaw: [x]
Skin tone: [x]
Hair color: [x]
Hair length/style: [x]
Eye color: [x]
Height: [x]
Body shape: [x]
Other: [x]
Alignment: [x]
Misc.: [x]


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Posted: Wed, 14/03/2018 03:19 (6 Years ago)
"Oh, that's good, then." Lynx backs off a little, presumably to give Zion some space, but more for his own sake. He grins cheerfully at the girl who'd cleaned Zion's hoodie with some soda. "Next time I soak my jacket in coffee, I'm using soda so I still smell delicious, and I will think of you, dear." He turns back to Zion, and inclines his head slightly. "Well, see you."

Without waiting for a response, he heads off towards the lunch line, bringing up a hand to adjust his sunglasses.
Riley sighs, taking his food and going off to find an empty space to eat. Considering the sheer amount of people in this place despite the terrible hour of the day it is, he doesn't think that's going to happen, and he hovers by a relatively empty table, wondering if it isn't against the rules to eat in the dorm rooms.

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Posted: Wed, 14/03/2018 00:24 (6 Years ago)
Riley spots a boy he vaguely recognizes--he's probably a familiar in one of his classes, but he doesn't really take the time to interact with people, so. But he spots him walking, and not paying attention, and considers shouting at him to warn him of the boy he's about to walk into, but makes the decision too late, because now there's coffee everywhere, and oh dear. What a mess.
Lynx winces in sympathy when he sees his familiar and dormmate being doused with what has to be hot coffee. He picks up the pace, catching up to the commotion and ignoring the weird crane kid standing off to one side awkwardly. "Fine," he says, lips quirking up with mild amusement. "Well, at least you smell fine. I love coffee. I love you." He grins cheekily. "Seriously, though, you need anything? Ice?"

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Posted: Tue, 13/03/2018 03:40 (6 Years ago)
Lynx yawns into a hand as he quickly heads towards the bathroom to freshen up and get changed, coming out slightly more alive. He grabs his scarf and throws it around his neck, swiping his backpack from the side of the door, spotting his familiar and dormmate walk off in the distance.

He clears his throat quietly, takes a deep breath, and wipes all traces of morning crankiness from his face, trotting off towards the cafeteria with cheer he doesn't really feel. The only reason why he even puts on this particular face during the mornings is because apparently being overly cheery in the morning is annoying. And Lynx lives for annoying people.
Riley just shrugs when he sees the bed still occupied. It isn't really his problem if Theo decides to sleep in, so he just grabs his stuff and leaves, heading for his first class. It's better to be early than to be late.

He spots a few of his fellow students out already, and resolutely ignores them.

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Posted: Mon, 12/03/2018 02:37 (6 Years ago)
Lynx mutters some pretty unsavory things as he slides a hand under his pillow, groping around for his phone to turn off its alarm. He blinks blearily at the bright screen, cursing the ridiculously bright light, and presses a thumb against the Snooze button with more force than probably necessary.

He sits up, pressing a hand against his head when the usual morning vertigo assaults his senses, hitting him like a freight train, and he blinks at the blurry world. Where are his sunglasses... Lynx reaches out towards the blurry black object on the nightstand, feeling for them before shoving them on his face haphazardly. Blinking a few times, the world comes into focus, even though it's substantially darker.
When Riley hears the sound of his alarm, he rolls over and pretends it doesn't exist. It lasts for all of three minutes, because eventually, the constant vibrating started to tick him off, so he gets up and scrubs roughly at his face. He turns off his phone, swinging his legs over the side of the best, heading for the bathroom quietly, wondering if he woke up his dormmate.

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Posted: Fri, 09/03/2018 06:03 (6 Years ago)
Lynx shuts his mouth when he realizes it's open. "I was joking, earlier, about being transported to a different world," he says faintly. "Oh sweet baby Jesus, I was joking." A freaking wyvern. Holy crap. Or is it a dragon? He doesn't know jack about mythological animals. Or if they even go by the same names wherever the hell they are.

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Posted: Fri, 09/03/2018 02:18 (6 Years ago)
Lynx squashes down his instinct to flinch when a voice pretty much comes from the sky, a la Mufasa, and squints, mildly annoyed by the rain clinging to his sunglasses. "La'Teherane," he comments, voice the only thing dry about him at the moment. "Now I'm certain we've been transported to some fantasy world or video game."


Kei twitches when he hears the shrill screech, raising his hands to cover his ears, but it's gone when his hands are only halfway there. He can hear the voices more clearly now, and cautiously, he approaches the area he can see some articles of clothing from. From what little he can see through the foilage, they seem to be wearing the same kind of clothing as him. Either that means they're in the same boat, or they're natives here and they might be able to help.

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Posted: Fri, 09/03/2018 01:05 (6 Years ago)
"Does home even exist?" Lynx mutters when he hears the girl exclaim about transportation. He scowls at the clothing; it isn't uncomfortable, but it isn't his, it looks terrible, and he doesn't really want to think about how he'd gotten into them in the first place.
Kei hears the sound of talking in the distance; it's too far for him to actually hear any of what they're saying, but he heads towards it anyways, beginning to feel unnerved by the unfamiliar environment, not that he had been comfortable at all before.

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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 04:07 (6 Years ago)
Lynx hears a girl's annoyed voice yelping about her clothing, and he turns in her direction, and to his horror, he realizes he's in the exact same situation. "Oh god," he says, voice an octave higher than usual. He's used to his winter clothing, not whatever the hell this is. The girl is wearing clothes that aren't outdated by a couple years, but closer to a thousand.

What's going on?!

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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 02:13 (6 Years ago)
Lynx gives a triumphant noise when he finds him, shoving them onto his face as soon as he can, grinning slightly because of the familiar weight. He blinks a few times as the world comes into focus, the prescription in his glasses helping, and frowns. This is hardly the first time he's accidentally fallen asleep outside but he definitely doesn't recognize the place.

Then he hears a distant scream, and he jumps slightly before schooling his face into a more neutral expression. Instantly, he's on guard, and he gets the feeling that there's something wrong.
Just when Kei's thinking that his day can't possibly get any worse, he hears a shrill scream, and he hangs his head. At the moment, he's more annoyed by the fact that he just had to bait lady luck, but it quickly transforms into concern. He pulls himself to his feet, blinking slightly when he notices that his clothes aren't what he was wearing last he checked, and he's pretty sure nobody's worn these kinds of clothing for a few centuries.

Pushing that aside, he heads towards the direction of the shout, ignoring the rain and the fact that this is probably the lead up to a horrible, cheesy, B-rated horror film.

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Posted: Tue, 06/03/2018 06:31 (6 Years ago)
Lynx blinks blearily when he feels water dripping onto his face, kind of like--rain?

The world swims into focus, revealing a gray, drizzling sky. He can feel grass tickling his face (oh god WET grass that's gross) and water soaking into his clothes. Then he realizes his sunglasses are missing.

Well, that at least explains why 1: everything is so bright oh god 2: everything is 144p and buffering. He frowns, sitting up, and gropes for his sunglasses.
Kei wakes up to a mouthful of wet grass. He sputters awake, using some choice words that probably shouldn't be repeated, and pushes himself up, coughing and gagging because good lord wet dirt and grass is nasty, and the worst way the wake up, probably.

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Posted: Mon, 05/03/2018 06:23 (6 Years ago)
Name: Felix Zhang
Age: 18
Appearance: Tall and lanky, he stands at about 5'8", with a head of white (slightly spiky but it's the fluffy kind) hair and electric blue eyes and freckled tan skin. Lynx is always wearing a tattered, teal scarf regardless of whatever else he's wearing, and sunglasses.
[@toma is he lucky enough to keep em or is he gonna be emotionally defenseless the entire rp]
Personality: Lynx is flirty, cheerful, funny, and clever, though sometimes airheaded. That's everyone's first impression, at least, and that's the face he goes for. Despite being talkative, he actually never reveals much about himself at all. He's much more cold and calculating than anyone ever gives him credit for, and logical to a fault. While he does care about people, and would lay his life down for them, there are only a select few people who he feels that way for.
He wears sunglasses because it's harder for people to read him that way. If you can only see part of someone's face and only hear their voice, really, it gets a lot more difficult to figure out what they're thinking. Lynx also happened to dye his hair white because only part of it went white from trauma/shock, and hid it because that's just the easy way out. And despite his flirty and friendly disposition, he despises physical contact and lashes out if touched without being warned.
He's clever, definitely, cleverer than most people assume, but he can be cruel and insensitive, and is honestly a bit of a coward when it comes to his own feelings and the feelings of others. Lynx takes the easy way out most of the time because the hassle isn't worth it to him.
Power: Illusions! He himself is a master of deflection and pretending to be something he isn't, so it's obvious his ability will have to do with manipulating others' perceptions of reality.
He can either do a blanket illusion over a specific area, and make it solely visual, or he can touch someone and force them to experience what he wants them to
Downside: He experiences whatever they experience, not to mention he has to be totally focused on the illusion.
Weapon: screw the rules he uses an axe jk
He's a dagger type of person.
Crush/BF/GF: pan with a plan. he will flirt with your characters, but palpad me if you want it to be serious.
History: Unhappy childhood, so he and I will not get into it. If I have to, I can and will, but until then, it'll be implied and referenced rather than outright spoken.
Other: im an uncreative child you generally know who these two are

Name: Kei Takahashi
Age: 17
Appearance: Kei's of average height, about 5'8", with messy black hair and cobalt-blue eyes. His skin's pretty pale since he hates going outside, though he burns super easily. He's also on the skinny side because he. keeps forgetting to eat because he's an idiot obsessed with gaming and there's nobody around to remind him lol.
Personality: He's sour, bitter, and salty, and he doesn't taste good. In all seriousness: he's rude and antisocial and he really hates social interaction (though that's mostly because anxiety is rude). Kei, well, considering he has no temper at all, doesn't really have a short temper. But if you stick with him long enough he's less abrasive, though not by much. You just get used to it.
Also highkey self-sacrificing but you don't need to worry about him (lie). He's not an idiot but he kind of is.
Power: The ability to put people to sleep via music. Depending on the intensity of the playing, you could be just drowsy or snoring within seconds.
Downside: He has to be either singing (which he would rather die than do) or playing an instrument (which he is thankfully decent at). It actually affects anyone within hearing range other than him, so yes, allies will get drowsy.
Weapon: Aside from the flute, which is made of metal it will break your skull, he uses a sword.
Crush/BF/GF: honestly, let's just see how the rp goes. flirt with him
History: dead parents that he didn't know very well. lives with his cousin Shiro in Japan.

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Posted: Sun, 04/03/2018 20:16 (6 Years ago)
Name: Felix "Lynx" Zhang [he goes by lynx]
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade Level: Junior
Average Grades: As and Ss
Sexuality: pan with a plan my dude
Type: Pyro
Appearance: Tall and lanky, he stands at about 5'8", with a head of pure white (slightly spiky but it's the fluffy kind) hair (most of it is dyed; natural hair color is brownish red) and electric blue eyes and freckled tan skin. Lynx is always seen wearing sunglasses (which he claims is because he's cool, which he really isn't) and a teal scarf. Since he's always wearing winter clothing other than the sunglasses, people don't really see him and think "hey that's a fire wizard". He says it keeps people on their toes, especially when he sets their butts on fire.
Personality: Lynx is flirty, cheerful, funny, and clever, though sometimes airheaded. That's everyone's first impression, at least, and that's the face he goes for. Despite being talkative, he actually never reveals much about himself at all. He's much more cold and calculating than anyone ever gives him credit for, and logical to a fault. While he does care about people, and would lay his life down for them, there are only a select few people who he feels that way for.
He wears sunglasses because it's harder for people to read him that way. If you can only see part of someone's face and only hear their voice, really, it gets a lot more difficult to figure out what they're thinking. Lynx also happened to dye his hair white because only part of it went white from trauma/shock, and hid it because that's just the easy way out. And despite his flirty and friendly disposition, he despises physical contact and lashes out if touched without being warned.
He's clever, definitely, cleverer than most people assume, but he can be cruel and insensitive, and is honestly a bit of a coward when it comes to his own feelings and the feelings of others. Lynx takes the easy way out most of the time because the hassle isn't worth it to him.
History: I won't talk about it at length, but it will be mentioned/referenced.

Name: Riley Summers
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade Level: Senior
Average Grades: As and Bs
Animal: Crane
Appearance (Human and Animal Forme): Despite his animal form being rather tall and graceful, he's pretty much the opposite in human form. He's about 5'6", with pale skin from staying inside 25/8, and messy black hair. His eyes are brown, but in the right lighting, can seem yellow.
He's just a normal crane in animal form.
Personality: Riley is quiet. That's almost his entire personality right there. He doesn't like talking at all, and avoids social interaction at almost any cost. If you try talking to him, he either stares at you blankly or he gives monosyllabic responses. He's not trying to be rude, he's just. Super uncomfortable with you.
That being said, he's actually pretty nice, he just. Doesn't like people.
Sexuality: bi and ready to fly

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