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Posted: Tue, 28/11/2017 23:30 (6 Years ago)
Zylin walked upstairs to a hallway with 24 apartment looking rooms all up and down the hall.

Zylin: "Rooms 1-22 are all open, take your pick. There's a sign in each room on the front door that says the room is occupied. You should put on your door knob to let anybody know."
Zylin said now sounding a bit tired, as she headed for room 24.

Zylin: "Oh, also, room 24 is me and my mom's room. If anybody needs anything, don't bother asking either of us! There's breakfast in the morning that they have in the room next to the waiting room, head there when you wake up in the morning."
Zylin said, pointing to the very last room on the right at the end of the hall that had "24" in large silver numbers on the center of the door.

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Posted: Tue, 28/11/2017 23:08 (6 Years ago)
Dr. Autumn took everybody's sheet of paper to check and see what they wrote.

Dr. Autumn: "I'm afraid that tonight everybody will have to stay here. We have rooms for everybody but I need to make sure that there aren't any... uh... side affects. Zylin, show everybody to there room, I have to do some research."

Zylin sighed.
Zylin: "Yes mom. Everybody follow me."

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Posted: Tue, 28/11/2017 22:44 (6 Years ago)
After everybody had entered the lab, Dr. Autumn brought in five different Pokémon. A Lycanroc (Midnight Form), a Charizard, an Onix, a Magikarp, and a Sandshrew.

Dr. Autumn: "I'm going to have each Pokémon say something, and to save time, each of you will write what the pokémon said on a piece of paper, as will the pokémon. If what you wrote matches up with what the pokémon wrote, then this machine will be a success."

Lycanroc : "Ly-lycanroc lycanroc roc (Humans understanding Pokémon? Impossible.)"

Charizard: "Char char Izard (I think this is an awesome idea!)"

Onix: "Onix Onnnnixxxxxx (Yeah, I finally don't have to spell out what I say for my master to understand me.)"

Magikarp: "Magi magikarp magikarp Karp (Who cares about any of that stuff, I'm here because my master promised me a good meal if all goes well.)"

Sandshrew: "Sand sand sand shrew (I'm not sure I understand exactly what's happening but I feel like I like the idea.)"

Zylin laughed at the pokémon's conversation and wrote it down with the name beside what each Pokémon said.

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Posted: Tue, 28/11/2017 22:17 (6 Years ago)
Dr. Autumn: "Alright haha."

Dr. Autumn opened the door for Duchess to enter the large machine, after entering a few codes, the machine turned on. A light flashed as it made it's way to the top of the machine. After it reached the top of the machine, as it had done with everybody else, the machine filled with smoke, and the doors opened.

Dr. Autumn: "All done, Duke, you're next."

Dr. Autumn led Duke into the machine and did the same thing she did with everybody else.

After the machine shut off, Dr. Autumn spoke.

Dr. Autumn: "If everybody still in here would wait here for a moment. Zylin, can you go get everybody in the waiting room? We should test and see if it worked by bringing in a few pokémon."

Zylin nodded and raced into the waiting room.

Zylin: "Can everybody who volunteered follow me into the research lab."
She said as she entered the waiting room.

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Posted: Tue, 28/11/2017 21:53 (6 Years ago)
Dr. Autumn took Duke and Duchess's forms.

Dr. Autumn: "Now, which one of you would like to go first?"
Dr. Autumn asked glancing from Duke to Duchess.

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Posted: Tue, 28/11/2017 21:37 (6 Years ago)
Zylin led both Duchess and Duke into the room before heading back out into the waiting area.

Dr. Autumn: "Welcome both of you, I need you both to sign these real quick before you try anything."
Dr. Autumn said handing Duke and Duchess each a form.

Zylin walked over to John
Zylin: "Don't worry, I've been a bit nervous about trying my mom's machines before too. In fact, this is actually the first time that I've ever tried one of her machines, well gone through with trying one of her machines. It's not as bad as it seems."

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Posted: Tue, 28/11/2017 21:15 (6 Years ago)
Dr. Autumn: "It's alright John, you don't have to go if you've changed your mind."

Dr. Autumn: "Alright everybody, now that I got everybody on the list-"
Dr. Autumn stopped mid-sentence as she looked down at her volunteer sign up sheet.

Dr. Autumn: "Wait, looks like I've missed a couple of people. Zylin, can you go get Duchess and Duke from the waiting room and show them the way to the testing lab?"

Zylin nodded.

Zylin: "On it!"

Zylin raced out of the room and down the hall into the waiting room.

Zylin: "Is there a Duchess and Duke out here? We need you two in the testing room if you still would like to volunteer."

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Posted: Tue, 28/11/2017 21:02 (6 Years ago)
Accepted! I just added them!

Feel free to jump into the role-play whenever, after the next person posts, I'll have Dr. Autumn announce that she missed a couple of volunteers that were on the list or something.

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Posted: Tue, 28/11/2017 17:32 (6 Years ago)
Dr. Autumn led Ike into the machine and typed a few commands in. After the machine finished, Dr. Autumn then led Josh into the machine.

The machine shut off and Dr. Autumn turned to John.

Dr. Autumn: "You ready?"

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Posted: Tue, 28/11/2017 02:15 (6 Years ago)
Dr. Autumn: "Last but not least, you three."

She said turning to Ike, John, and Josh.

Dr. Autumn: "Who would like to go first?"

Zylin: "Oh, just in case you were worried, it doesn't hurt, you don't feel a thing!"
At first everybody can communicate with all pokémon, but after you turn into a pokémon, you can choose if you want your characters to talk in English (sorta like meowth from team rocket can) or not, oh but everybody who turns into a pokémon can understand every pokémon and the language they knew before being turned into a pokémon. Also, just to make things interesting (and I know the concept of this idea sounds weird) but you can get caught in a pokéball like any other pokémon. (I may or may not make a pokémon hunter who tries to catch all of them... So yeah...)

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Posted: Mon, 27/11/2017 13:42 (6 Years ago)
Dr. Autumn typed some things into the machine and a scanner light began to make it's way to the top of the machine from the floor. After the scanner light reached the top, it faded and a bout of smoke was released into the machine, and then the door opened to reveal Bright, who looked exactly the same besides what looked like a black ink tattoo of an eevee (which seemed to slowly be fading) on the back of her left hand.

Zylin walked over to the machine and entered, the same thing that had happened to Bright happened to Zylin. She left the machine with what looked like a black ink tattoo of a Sylveon on her upper right arm which also seemed to be slowly fading, though Zylin didn't notice the strange mark.

Dr. Autumn stood aside and waited for Aria to go next.
I think I'm going to have it so that once the ink tattoo completely fades, they turn into pokémon (sorta like a timer).

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Posted: Sun, 26/11/2017 21:25 (6 Years ago)
Dr. Autumn walked over to Bright and led her to the large machine.

Dr. Autumn opened the machine door for Bright to step inside of the large see-through glass tube.

Zylin: "I'll go next!"

Dr. Autumn nodded to her daughter to show that she had heard and turned her attention back to Bright.

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Posted: Sun, 26/11/2017 14:08 (6 Years ago)
Dr. Autumn
Dr. Autumn took everybody's signed forms.

Dr. Autumn: "Alright, whoever wants to go first, step up."
I'm going to have everybody turn into a Pokémon about an hour (in the rp) after everybody goes into the machine, so that nobody will want to change their mind about going in, since Dr. Autumn can't force them to test out the machine. Also the machine doesn't work when they try communicating with a pokémon.

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Posted: Wed, 22/11/2017 21:44 (6 Years ago)
Zylin stood beside the other volunteers in the room with a giant step in machine.

Dr. Autumn: "Welcome everybody, thank you all for volunteering to test out my new machine. As you all saw on the pamphlet-"
Dr. Autumn held up a pink folded up piece of paper.
Dr. Autumn: "-This machine will hopefully allow all of us communicate with pokémon. I'll need you all to sign a form, just in case anything uh...."
Dr. Autumn trailed off and then handed everybody a piece of paper.

Zylin: "Uh mom, don't I need to sign anything?"

Dr. Autumn: "Haha, no."

Zylin: "Alright..."
The forum with all of the accepted characters, rules, plot, etc.

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Posted: Wed, 22/11/2017 21:13 (6 Years ago)
Accepted, although when I put Pokémon, I was looking for what Pokémon they were. It's cool though, I can tell that Aria's an Eevee XD

The actual role-play.

Also, I'll be starting the RP with before they were transformed into Pokémon, just to clarify XD

Possibly when they were waiting to test the machine out if that's okay with everybody.

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Posted: Wed, 22/11/2017 21:05 (6 Years ago)
Accepted, I'll add her now.

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Posted: Wed, 22/11/2017 20:18 (6 Years ago)
Accepted! I'm gonna wait for two more people to join before I create the actual role play though.

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Posted: Wed, 22/11/2017 17:57 (6 Years ago)
Closed due to me leaving PokéHeroes

The actual role-play


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Dr. Autumn, a scientist that works alone, spent several years working on a project that would allow people to communicate with pokémon, however, something in the coding of the communicator went wrong and everybody who used it turned into a Pokémon! That would be cool and all if it weren't for the fact that there's (as of now) no way to turn back into a human...


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•All of pokéheroes rules apply
•No immortals
•No killing or majorly hurting other people's characters without their permission
•You can have as many characters as you'd like, as long as you can keep track of all of them
•You can only have two characters that are humans (that don't turn into pokémon)
•No legendaries
•You can have one Shiny and one Albino pokémon (just because they're supposed to be rare)
•You can start off as an evolved pokémon, or you can evolve over time

Will add more rules as I think of them
I'll create the roleplay when three people join

Form to join

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Name: (What are they called?)
Age: (How old are they?)
Gender: (Are they male or female?)
Pokémon: (If they're a pokémon, which one?)
Moves: (If they're a pokémon, what moves do they know?)
Form: (What do they look like?)
Personality: (What are they like?)
Family: (If they have family members that are characters in this role-play, who are they and what is their relationship with this character?)
Other: (Do you have anything else to add about this character or any questions about this roleplay)?)

Accepted Characters

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Dr. Autumn - Faded
Zylin - Faded
Ike - ToshiroHex
John - ToshiroHex
Josh - ToshiroHex
Bright - BettyTheC-Event666
Aria - Littlegamer34
Duchess - Humbloom
Duke - Humbloom
Elijah Figueroa - ToxicFox
Rucan - Blu_FLare

My Characters

Dr. Autumn
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Dr. Autumn
Tall pale woman with long waivy red hair and green eyes. Usually wears a lab coat over a black shirt, jeans, and black boots.
Find out
Zylin - Daughter
Dr. Autumn never uses the machine, which means she never turns into a Pokémon.
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Find out
Zylin looks like a normal Sylveon
Goofy, weird, derpy, friendly, and can sometimes be quiet and other times be talkitive, depending on her mood.
Dr. Autumn - Mother
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Midnight Lycanroc
Jay looks like a normal Midnight Lycanroc
Jay is mother-like (in the way that she treats everybody as her child), serious, kind-hearted, extremely protective of those she's close to and quiet
Bright - Daughter
Jay is Dr. Autumn's assistant, though she will stop whatever she's doing (important or not) if she senses somebody upset or hurt and go help them

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Posted: Tue, 21/11/2017 16:54 (6 Years ago)

Title: Hello

Hello, I'm new here and I love Sylveon. :P

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