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Searching for: Posts from Spamton_.
Posted: Mon, 04/12/2023 15:39 (6 Months ago)

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Posted: Mon, 04/12/2023 15:37 (6 Months ago)


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Posted: Mon, 04/12/2023 15:36 (6 Months ago)


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Posted: Sun, 03/12/2023 13:58 (6 Months ago)
Is this starting today?

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Posted: Wed, 29/11/2023 17:38 (6 Months ago)

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Posted: Tue, 28/11/2023 19:25 (6 Months ago)
Username - Spamton_

Name of Character - Asriel Dreemurr

Character Age (12-17) - 14

Fandom/Oc? - Fandom; Undertale

Gender | Sexuality - Male | Straight

Personality| Likes/Dislikes - Whimsical and caring, Asriel embodies a childlike innocence, radiating warmth with a playful curiosity that draws others in.

Appearance - I think you know.

Backstory - To be rileplayed!

Reference Image (Optional) -


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Posted: Tue, 28/11/2023 08:31 (6 Months ago)
Just found this!
Res or find yourself in an abyss

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Posted: Mon, 20/11/2023 15:30 (6 Months ago)
WHAT THE [50% off]? START RECORDING YOU [Little Sponge]

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Posted: Sun, 19/11/2023 18:06 (6 Months ago)
*Deflects it with a can of Pepsi

*Puts a knife in the can and throws it at Sans

*Duplicates it and throws it at Drakonia


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Posted: Sun, 19/11/2023 17:41 (6 Months ago)


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Posted: Sun, 19/11/2023 16:00 (6 Months ago)
WHAT THE [50% off]?! I DID NOT!!!!!!

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Posted: Sun, 19/11/2023 15:58 (6 Months ago)
*Kills Papyrus*

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Posted: Sun, 19/11/2023 15:57 (6 Months ago)

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Posted: Sat, 18/11/2023 18:50 (6 Months ago)
Uh oh

I’ll reset o-o

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Posted: Sat, 18/11/2023 18:40 (6 Months ago)
I killed paps o_o

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Posted: Sat, 18/11/2023 18:32 (6 Months ago)


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Posted: Sat, 18/11/2023 18:12 (6 Months ago)

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Posted: Fri, 17/11/2023 17:58 (6 Months ago)
(Yes , Napstablook from Undertale >:) )

In a desolate town, shrouded in perpetual mist, a ghost named Napstablook haunted an old, decrepit mansion. Legend spoke of its mournful wails echoing through the corridors, sending shivers down the bravest souls.

One stormy night, a group of curious friends dared each other to spend the night in the mansion. As they entered, creaking floorboards and distant whispers enveloped them. Unseen eyes watched their every move.

Napstablook, a specter of sorrow, manifested in flickering lights and chilling drafts. Its pale, translucent figure materialized, hovering ominously. The friends felt an icy presence, as if unseen hands reached into their very souls.

The ghost's mournful music echoed through the halls, a melancholic melody that resonated with the deepest fears of the intruders. Shadows danced wildly, distorting reality, and eerie laughter echoed through the air.

One by one, the friends succumbed to a sense of dread that gripped their hearts. Whispers grew louder, and ghostly hands brushed against their skin. Reality twisted, blurring the lines between the living and the dead.

As the night unfolded, Napstablook's haunting sorrow seeped into the very fabric of their beings. The friends, consumed by fear, stumbled through the mansion's labyrinthine corridors, unable to escape the ghost's relentless pursuit.

In the cold light of dawn, the once-curious group emerged, their faces etched with terror. The mansion stood silent once more, but Napstablook's mournful presence lingered, a chilling reminder that some ghosts are bound by a sorrowful tale that transcends the boundaries of the living and the dead.

The lingering fear from that fateful night in the haunted mansion continued to torment the friends, now forever bound by an unspoken pact with Napstablook. Nightmares invaded their sleep, each dream echoing with the ghost's mournful wails and spectral whispers.

Days turned into an agonizing blur as the friends struggled to regain normalcy. Strange occurrences plagued their waking hours — objects moved on their own, shadows morphed into grotesque shapes, and the temperature plummeted whenever the ghost's name was uttered.

One by one, the friends experienced disturbing visions, glimpses into a realm where Napstablook's sorrow reigned supreme. Faces distorted in anguish, and ghostly apparitions reached out, seeking solace in the world of the living.

The mansion, now a cursed monument, drew them back like moths to a flame. Their curiosity transformed into an insatiable obsession, driven by an otherworldly force compelling them to confront the source of their torment.

On a moonless night, they returned to the mansion, guided by an invisible hand. The air thickened with an oppressive energy as they ventured deeper into the heart of the haunted dwelling. Flickering candlelight cast eerie shadows on the walls, and the temperature dropped to bone-chilling levels.

Napstablook, the harbinger of despair, materialized before them, its form more twisted and malevolent than ever. The ghost's mournful music intensified, resonating with the group's escalating fear. Tormented souls from ages past seemed to merge with the spectral symphony, amplifying the haunting chorus.

As the friends struggled to maintain their sanity, the mansion itself seemed to come alive. Corridors stretched and contorted, trapping them in a nightmarish labyrinth. Ghostly hands emerged from the walls, reaching out with spectral fingers that brushed against their skin like the icy breath of the afterlife.

In the climax of terror, the friends confronted the truth: Napstablook's sorrow stemmed from an ancient betrayal, an unresolved tragedy that bound the ghost to the mansion. The friends, unwittingly entangled in the ghost's tale, faced a choice — break the curse or succumb to the eternal torment that awaited them.

The air crackled with energy as they delved into the dark history of Napstablook's past, uncovering secrets that had festered for centuries. The mansion quivered with suppressed anguish, and the ghost's mournful cries reached a deafening crescendo.

With a final, desperate act, the friends unearthed the key to liberate Napstablook's tormented spirit. The mansion shook violently, and a blinding light enveloped them. As the spectral energy dissipated, the friends found themselves standing in the now-peaceful ruins of the mansion, the ghostly wails replaced by an eerie silence.

They had broken the curse, but the harrowing memories of Napstablook's haunting sorrow lingered, a chilling reminder that some ghosts, once freed, leave an indelible mark on the living. The friends, forever changed, departed the haunted grounds, haunted by the echoes of that night, forever etched in the diaries of their nightmares.

Years passed since the friends thought they had banished the specter of Napstablook. However, the curse proved relentless, as the haunting memories resurfaced with increasing intensity. Strange occurrences followed them, shadows danced in the periphery, and a pervasive sense of unease clung to their every step.

One by one, the friends received ominous messages, cryptic whispers that echoed with Napstablook's mournful voice. The ghost, now fueled by an insatiable rage born from centuries of confinement, sought vengeance against those who had dared to meddle in its tortured existence.

As the group reunited to confront the malevolent force they thought they had defeated, a new dimension of horror unfolded. The town itself seemed to bear witness to their impending doom, the atmosphere thick with an unsettling fog that obscured familiar landmarks.

The cursed mansion, thought to be nothing more than ruins, had regenerated into a grotesque semblance of its former self. The walls pulsated with an otherworldly energy, and the air crackled with the tormented souls that still lingered within.

Napstablook, more powerful and malevolent than ever, materialized before them, its ghastly visage twisted into a grotesque mask of fury. The mournful music now transformed into a cacophony of anguished screams, driving the friends to the brink of insanity.

The very fabric of reality warped as Napstablook unleashed a torrent of supernatural horrors. Apparitions of long-forgotten tragedies manifested, their ghastly forms merging with the relentless ghost's vengeful onslaught. The friends found themselves trapped in a nightmarish kaleidoscope of suffering, each twist and turn of the haunted mansion revealing new horrors that defied reason.

Desperation seized the group as they frantically sought a way to break free from the ghost's vise-like grip. Yet, with each attempt, the mansion seemed to reshape itself, trapping them in a never-ending labyrinth of terror. Whispers of ancient curses echoed through the halls, and the walls themselves seemed to bleed with the anguish of countless lost souls.

In a chilling revelation, the friends learned that Napstablook's sorrow was inexorably tied to the town's dark history. They were but pawns in a malevolent game orchestrated by forces far beyond their comprehension. The very essence of the town had become a breeding ground for supernatural malevolence, and Napstablook was its vengeful guardian.

As the friends grappled with the realization that their fates were entwined with the town's cursed legacy, a sinister force enveloped them. Shadows congealed into nightmarish shapes, and the air turned icy as the ghostly orchestra reached a fever pitch.

In the climactic struggle against Napstablook's unrelenting wrath, the friends faced a choice: sacrifice themselves to break the curse, or succumb to the eternal torment that awaited. The mansion quivered with the weight of their decision, and the very fabric of reality seemed to hang in the balance.

In the eerie silence that followed, the town appeared to reclaim a semblance of tranquility. Yet, the friends' fates remained uncertain, forever bound to the spectral echoes of Napstablook's insatiable rage. The chilling legacy of the haunted mansion persisted, a testament to the inescapable grip of malevolence that lingered in the shadows of that accursed town.

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Posted: Fri, 17/11/2023 17:51 (6 Months ago)

Anyways, Ralsei, I have another story!

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Posted: Thu, 16/11/2023 22:25 (6 Months ago)

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