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Posted: Sat, 22/02/2020 04:42 (4 Years ago)
Moon! No shading please~!
Username: Skadi800
Pokémon: Reshiram
Other: Love these- Will give a tip of PD or whatever else I can dig out of my item bag- Hopefully it’s not too hard!

Moon! That Pokémon used Substitute!
Username: Skadi800
Pokémon: Liepard
Other: Don’t worry if it takes a while- I have a lot of patience and- as an artist myself- understand that art can be FRUSTRATING and take a LONG time!

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Posted: Sat, 22/02/2020 04:26 (4 Years ago)
The sisters turned to Brimstone expectantly.

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Posted: Sat, 22/02/2020 02:31 (4 Years ago)
Username: Skadi800
Character Name: Aurora
Tribe(s): IceWing/RainWing
gender: Female
Abilities (frost breath, venom, leafspeak): a combination of frost breath and venom (see below)
Other: (copied and pasted from the Forbidden signups- a bit wordy sorry)
Description: A normal looking IceWing apart from the RainWing-like scales around her eyes, and her scales can become any shade of blue. Instead of venom or frostbreath she exhales freezing cold poisonous gas. She also is known to have many pets, and her favourite is a blue pit viper she calls ‘Dewdrop’. She can usually befriend wild animals. A pouch with a few scrolls and drawing materials hangs around her neck.
Personality traits: She is a scrollworm and has written many of her own. She is also a renowned artist in her area (she lives with the IceWings). She is friendly, kind and a Mediator, meaning she helps to make agreements out of arguments. She takes no sides and is loyal only to her closest friends and her values. She is smart rather than strong and uses her intelligence to gain the upper hand in battles. She is sarcastic, and can be shy around dragons she doesn’t know.
Group: Talonprints
Questions?: well I’m kinda confused about the whole ‘Talonprints thing but don’t worry- I’ll figure it out in time.
Are you an animus?: Sort of- she has a small power as in that she can do enchantments, but only ones that affect inanimate objects.

Username: Skadi800
Character Name: Shine
Tribe(s): IceWing/RainWing
gender: female
Abilities (frost breath, venom, leafspeak): freezing venom (see below)
Other: (same as Aurora- copied and pasted)
Description: Aurora’s sister. She lived with the RainWings and her mother. She looks like a RainWing but her horns are straight. She spits freezing venom and although most of her scales can go any colour, her underbelly can only do shades of blue (and black and white). Aurora enchanted a small snake locket to allow Shine to speak to animals, but only the sisters know about it.
Personality: Optimistic and happy (like Sunny). She’s bold and courageous, and loves animals. She protects her friends and family with her life.
Group: Talonprints
Questions?: (see above)
Are you an animus?: no, but she has several objects enchanted for her by Aurora.

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Posted: Sat, 22/02/2020 01:10 (4 Years ago)
Conor found himself lying in a glade of trees. *Where... am I?*

The Ditto screeched as it fell, then it landed next to a black Pokemon.

Conor jumped when he heard the thud, then turned around to see a blue, grey and white Pokemon. “Kyurem...!” He gasped.

The Ditto frowned. “What?” It replied. “I’m a Ditto! You must have mistaken me for someone else,”

Conor shook his head. “I’m a Pokemon expert. You’re a Kyurem, definitely! And... you fell out of the sky.”

The Ditto looked up. “Well... I suppose I did... but what do you mean, a Pokémon expert? Is that like, because YOU’RE a Pokemon? Because, well, so am I, you know!”

Shadow heard a CRASH and decided to investigate it. She flew over to a clearing in the forest.

Conor gasped and looked down at himself. His body was scaly and black, and instead of arms, he had... “Wings?”

The Ditto nodded. “WINGS! You can FLY! It’s really fun, you know!”

“But then... I must be a Zekrom!” A roar alerted Conor to the arrival of another Pokemon.

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Posted: Sat, 22/02/2020 00:28 (4 Years ago)
Conor bent down to help the Lillipup. Its paw was caught in a wire, and it was struggling to break free with little yelps. “Here,” he told the Pokemon, “I’ll help you.”
Gently, he prised the paw free. He offered the Lillipup a Heal Ball. “Get in,” he advised, “it’ll heal you. Then I’ll release you again,”
The Lillipup looked up at him with wonder in its eyes, before touching its nose to the Pokeball’s button. It disappeared in a flash of light. Conor shielded his eyes from the light, but it seemed brighter than usual. *What...?*
Then everything went dark...

The Ditto slid happily along the ground. It saw its home- a hole- and went into it. The Ditto had a simple and satisfying life. Suddenly, a flash of light blinded it. “Ditto!” It squeezed its eyes shut as shadows enveloped it...

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Posted: Fri, 21/02/2020 06:00 (4 Years ago)
Username: Skadi800
Character Name: Nightvolt (Was Conor as a human)
Pokemon: Zekrom
Gender: Male
Personality: Brave and strong, but kind as well; loyal and a bit too trusting of total strangers (this can be exploited as a weakness); reasonably smart but struggles with creativity.
Were you human or Pokemon before?: human
Other: loves Pokemon and actually used to save them when they were injured, then he healed them and released them if they didn’t want to stay with him.

Username: Skadi800
Character Name: Border (Used to have no name but will be named by friends)
Pokemon: Kyurem
Gender: gender less (was a Ditto) (can be thought of as either gender depending on the situation)
Personality: Adapts to any situation; very solitary but loyal to their friends; experienced and remorseless fighter; not very smart but has a good memory.
Were you human or Pokemon before?: Pokemon; was a DITTO
Other: was lucky enough to not have any contact with humans ever before becoming a Kyurem

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Posted: Fri, 21/02/2020 05:52 (4 Years ago)
Shadow slunk into the shade, reeling from new wounds inflicted on her by her owner. Closing her eyes, she began to sob. She HATED humans. They were so mean and horrible. Would she ever escape? Quivering, she closed her eyes, and fell asleep...

Shadow woke up in a completely different place from which she fell asleep. Stretching, she stood up. Where was she? Looking around, she saw some figures in the distance. *Maybe they can tell me where I am!* Tensing her well-developed muscles, she prepared to run, before realising... *What happened to me?*
Her body was white, and she only had two legs. Staring at herself, she realised that instead of front legs, she had wings... *I can FLY!* Roaring with confused joy, she opened her wings and leapt into the air.
Flying was easier than she thought it would be. The air was easy to move through and she quickly realised how to use the wind currents to soar faster without trying. She swooped down to the others.
“Hey!” She called.

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Posted: Thu, 20/02/2020 20:58 (4 Years ago)
Username: Skadi800
Character Name: Frostburn (Was Shadow as a Pokemon)
Pokemon: Reshiram
Gender: female
Personality: She figured out how to read in her spare time and so can help with that. She is also an artist. She is friendly, kind and a Mediator, meaning she helps to make agreements out of arguments. She takes no sides and is loyal only to her closest friends and her values. She is smart rather than strong and uses her intelligence to gain the upper hand in battles. She is sarcastic, and can be shy around Pokémon she doesn’t know. (Pretty much copied from Forbidden)
Were you human or Pokemon before?: Pokémon, was a Liepard before changing and escaping her dangerous trainer, who was mean to her all the time.
Other: distrustful of humans

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Posted: Thu, 20/02/2020 09:52 (4 Years ago)
Shine’s eyes widened. “Oh!” She turned to Aurora. “What did the prophecy say again? There might be something important...”
(Now I need to go- bye)

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Posted: Thu, 20/02/2020 09:44 (4 Years ago)
“Fathom?” Shine asked. Aurora looked away at the mention of animus magic. *What will happen to my soul?* she was thinking.

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Posted: Thu, 20/02/2020 09:37 (4 Years ago)
“WHAT??!!” Both Shine and Aurora roared.

(Btw have you seen my shiny? I was so proud 8) )

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Posted: Thu, 20/02/2020 09:35 (4 Years ago)
Any Marvel movie. LOVE THEM! Any other people who like Marvel out there? If so, who’s your fav character?

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Posted: Thu, 20/02/2020 09:34 (4 Years ago)
As they flew, Aurora talked to Brimstone, her mind clear with determination to save her father. “Where were you?” she asked. “Did anything important happen?”

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Posted: Wed, 19/02/2020 09:28 (4 Years ago)
Shadowslayer smiled menacingly. Her eyes took on a strange, dangerous glint. “So why don’t we get going? Or do you want to sleep more?” Shadowslayer teased.

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Posted: Tue, 18/02/2020 07:08 (4 Years ago)
“As long as I (emphasise I) get to kill Aurora.” Shadowslayer growled.

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Posted: Tue, 18/02/2020 07:04 (4 Years ago)
“Do you know anyone who’s an IceWing?” Shadowslayer asked Doomhunter.

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Posted: Tue, 18/02/2020 06:57 (4 Years ago)
They (Aurora’s group) started to fly towards the Ice Kingdom.

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Posted: Tue, 18/02/2020 06:45 (4 Years ago)
Guilt showed in Aurora’s eyes as she spread her wings. “How about we cross that bridge when we come to it,” she suggested.

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Posted: Tue, 18/02/2020 06:32 (4 Years ago)
Aurora ducked her head, and muttered quietly, “well I could ench...” Her voice faded before she finished the sentence.

Shadowslayer’s eyes lit up. “Of course! But would we be able to get inside?”

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Posted: Tue, 18/02/2020 06:27 (4 Years ago)
Taken aback, Shadowslayer frowned. She hadn’t gotten to that part of the plan yet. “Hmmm...” she mused, “How about we go back to *insert wherever they were before she went off, I don’t remember*?”

Aurora’s eyes unmisted, and she turned to look at Brimstone. “We’re going to the Ice Kingdom, to save Blizzard.”
“And Pine,” Shine added, but Aurora showed no recognition of the name.

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