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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from DiamondDust.
Posted: Mon, 25/05/2020 06:24 (4 Years ago)
"What happened to the girl?" Rasticore asked, letting his eye return to normal as he turned his attention back towards Avarius. She was right, he shouldn't stare directly at the Moon when it was like that, only fools would try to challenge a Great Old One, especially one like Flora. "Ah, you're right, sorry, I suppose... I almost lost myself for a moment. I'm glad I have you by my side Avarius. I'd no doubt be dead if it weren't for you."

He nodded again, listening to what she had to say about the matter of Flora, his attention perking as she mentioned a child of the Old One. "If it's possible, then I wouldn't put it past Flora to have one of it's own... though... now I wonder if it was a good idea to send the woman, and the child, to the dream. Wouldn't Flora..." have a better chance of getting to them from there? he thought as he cut himself short. He tentitively looked back towards the lantern, currently useless to him and Avarius, but, if that child truly did belong to Flora, and if the dream was also Flora's then, what could truly happen? He didn't want to think about it as he looked back towards Avarius, his eye growing wide as he saw a figure slowly rise up from the ground, a low hiss-like growl emerging from the creature as it rose, but, thankfully, it seemed to be looking away from them, perhaps it didn't really know they were there. ".!! Is that...?"

Celena listened to every word Brudo said as he fixed her arm, a small smile on her face as she saw him smile at her. She gave a small nod as she used her free arm to gently rest her hand on Star's cheek, running her thumb over the smooth, undamanged skin that this child had. She nodded again before a realization came to her. Brudo wanted to end the nightmare, but was the nightmare the hunt, the dream or all of it? She was afraid of the answer, because, by the end if it, any of those would no doubt lead to her own demise. But she tried not to show any such fear to Brudo, he was happy for the first time in what seemed like an eternity, and she did not want that to break because of her own selfish fears.

She let herself get moved to her usual place on the wall, a small smile on her face before she heard Brudo speakign to the Moon, she looked up as well to see that the moon seemed to blink before it faded away, the misty white returning before she returned her attention towards Brudo once again, looking at the large, imposing scythe he always kept with him before she nodded. The child didn't need to see the blood that was due to come when he forced the blue-haired hunter to the waking world. "ah, of course, Master Brudo. Innocent eyes should not see the dark thruths of this world... not while she's so young..." Carefully getting back up, she carried Star to the other side of the dream, setting the child down to play with the small white flowers and little creatures that inhabited the dream. "All will be alright little one. You will grow to be a fine hunter, and these little ones, they will help you too."

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Posted: Mon, 25/05/2020 01:28 (4 Years ago)
Rasticore gave a small nod, he had to agree, he may still be only a beast hunter, however, he had recently started to go after magic addled hunters with Avarius, it wan't a pleasant experience, however, if they didn't go after them, then those hunters would go unchecked, then those hunters would attack anything that moved, even innocence. He tilted his head a little as she mentioned the Solarians, he gave a small nod. "Ah, right... I almost forgot that they existed, they're so few and far between..."

He lets his attention stay upon the eye, staring, almost challengingly, towards the Moon sized eye. "I don't know... But if it was either of those wouldn't he have appeared before now?" he gently shook his head, it didn't make sense to him at all, the beasts were still, only him and Avarius were around as far as he could tell, the last living being he could remember was. "Wait... do you think he's for the blue-haired hunter? she had a child with her, and surely a child would attract anything, even him I would dare to think..."

Celena sat in Brudo's lap a little curious as he covered her ears again, but she had started to realize that he only did that when he was getting ready to shout, and she was grateful that he cared for her enough to protect her, it made her give a small smile.

After she retrieved the child she was grateful to return to Brudo's side, and happy that little Star had stopped crying for the moment, though she tilted her head when she looked to the mush that Brudo had retrieved. Happy to be back in his lap she watched carefully as he fed her, wanting to become a good figure to raise the child, she would learn, and she would not make the same mistakes that Moon herself admitted to doing. She could not train the child to hunt much like Brudo would be able to, but she still know she could do plenty of things that might be helpful to the child's growing. She listened as Brudo made mention to Flora, seeing the same reflection in Star's eyes as he did, before something struck her as curious.

"Perhaps, but... Master Brudo," she started as something told her to look towards the moon. "That reflection you mention, I do not think it is simply just that... Her eyes had shown the moon proper earlier this night, and now, his eye is showing, not only in hers, but..." she carefully moved her free, albeit fractured, arm towards the sky. "The Moon. The Moon has changed."

She ended up lowering her arm after the moment, it hurt to keep it moving as such, but she would never complain about it, there were more important things to her than her elbow, namely, the will of Brudo, and the happiness of the child. She turned her attention back towards Star and gave a small smile, gently stroking her blonde hair as she ate.

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Posted: Sun, 24/05/2020 23:14 (4 Years ago)
Thank you all for your patience.

I have msot of the pieces ready!

first up, 96XNeko:

I do hope you like how this turned out! They were super fun to draw!
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Secondly, ItsChey:

I hope you like how he turned out!
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Third, Dorameshiya:

She was certainly an interesting one to draw! Sorry if she's not the best, I've never drawn either of the pokemon before so I do hope you like it anyways! I had a lot of fun working on the Untra Desert too ^^
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and Fourthly YungRover:

I do hope you like you how Yung turned out!
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and that's it for now, Lucky, I'm still working on your piece, so please wait just a little longer!

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Posted: Sun, 24/05/2020 22:54 (4 Years ago)

Username: DiamondDust
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original <--- Input link, in case images start to break.

I even made a variant of this one, more patchwork/voodoo

Other: Glad you made another one of these! :D hope you don't mind me doing an evolution of this little guy~

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Posted: Sun, 24/05/2020 10:13 (4 Years ago)
Rasticore gave a small chuckle, he had to agree, when Brudo wanted him to wake up he declined as well, though, he's fairly certain that Brudo thought him a madman, his never gave a reason to Brudo, probably making the man think him mad, but his reasons were more personal. He gave a small chuckle as Avarius gave her small yip and nodded in a 'I know' sort of way. He thought about it and nodded again. "Yeah, that would be the best place that I can see them going... I just hope that they got through the path. I remember there being a tunnel you could go through once, but now, I think that a powerful being guard it now, not sure if it's beast or sane though..." he gave a small shrug and chuckle, it was true, he did actually think Marco was a Mewman with how close he and Thomas were at all times, he almost wanted to suggest that the two might've been more than friends and a powerful duo, but it wasn't his place to assume things like that.

"Oh?" he tilted his head curiously, he nearly forgot that she saw just about everything that happened in Mewni, but his attention went to the small object she pulled out from her shawl, he couldn't see what she saw, but he felt a strong emotion come from her, so he wouldn't press for information, he already had an idea. =

He had stopped in his tracks, something felt wrong, and he noticed that she felt it too. "Yeah, I feel it. It has to be... and he's pissed about something..." he looked up as well, his eye narrowing to a slit as he saw the once white moon turn a garish yellow, a thin black pupil soon appearing as it stared below, scanning the area. Rasticore whispered a slight profanity before he kept himself steely still. "Be still Avarius, he's looking..."

Celena sat a little stunned, she had no idea what it was that just happened, somethign fell from her eye and turned into this beautiful crystal, she tilted her head a little before her attention went back towards the child, listening to Brudo as he mentioned that she was hungry. So, this cry means hunger, she took a mental note of that, memorizing the particular cry, trying to keep herself calm as she wished to take the child from Moon. She blinked for a moment when she suddenly felt Brudo's hands covering her ears, he was a lot louder than he usually ever is, she could still hear him even with his hands on her ears, but she didn't complain, he was looking out for her, which made her happy. She tried to pick out what he was saying, she didn't hear all of what he said when he covered her ears except for 'dead', 'fresh magic', and 'rogue hunters'. It didn't take long for her to realize that Moon was fully intending to take the child to the waking world. She was starting to fill with rage before she was turned around in Brudo's lap, soon looking right into his tired eyes, and seeing his smile, she couldn't help but smile too.

"I... I'm not sure... Master Brudo... but..." she let her voice lower to a whisper so only he could hear her. "I wish to care for the child... I feel... compelled to do so..." she started to look back towards the child before her eyes grew wide again, looking up, the sky had changed, it was darker now, and the moon looked different, was it her imagination? No, it couldn't be, Brudo felt something too. She looked back towards Brudo again and with a small nod she carefully removed herself from his lap and approached Moon, doing something she never knew she was capable of, she used the force of her elbow and jabbed Moon in the stomach, taking the slightest free moment of Moon's reaction to snatch the child away from her, walking back towards Brudo as any dutiful doll should, and carefully place the tip of her finger towards the childs mouth so she had something to suckle on for the moment, hoping that she could help cease the little one's crying, trying to ignore the fact that elbowing Moon had fractured her elbow.

"Forgive me, little one, you must be scared... we will care for you..."

From the perspective of the moon, a low growl, that almost came off as a hiss, echoed through the streets of Old Mewni, the eye that overtook the moon was scanning the area slowly, it heard a child crying. It heard its own child crying, and it enraged it. It wanted the child, his child, and he was going to make sure that nothing stood in his way.

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Posted: Sun, 24/05/2020 07:19 (4 Years ago)
Rasticore gently shook his head, a small smirk lining his face before he got closer to Avarius. "Oh you're not that old Avarius, but true, neither of us will be dreaming again, after all, we finished our time in the dream, didn't we?" he gave her a small nod as he listened to her talk about Marco and Tom.

"If I had to guess, it was probably a dark one, with how tough they normally are they must've had a ton of old magic in them..." he gently shook his head, not knowing where the duo could have gone in the time since they last fought them. "Wish I knew, but, I would guess, if Thomas has any sanity left, he'd go to somewhere that had protection... somewhere with a lot of nullifying incense." He looked towards the City where Avarius was looking. Central Mewni, without a doubt, they were in there somewhere, perhaps close to the castle? he could only guess. It was when Avarius mentioned that Marco was an outsider that his good eye widened a bit. "Oh! that's right, he is isn't he? He looks similar to some of the mewmans around here, I almost forgot..." he nodded again, moving forward, and, despite knowing he would probably get slapped for it later, he picked up Avarius and carried her in one of his powerful arms, having her sit upon his forearm. "Yeah, work is never over for a hunter."

Celena remained quiet as Brudo and Moon seemed to argue, she knew she had little part in any input, she had only ever known the dream, and, from listening to what Moon wished for her child in this bleak world, confused her. How could a girl, raised much like herself, ever survive in the living world with how it is now? Did she not know that out there was the place she awaited with a higher chance of dying for good if she was removed from the dream? Moon's words confused her, but she listened to Brudo, his voice alone was enough to remind her to keep herself grounded in the dream, and feeling his hand stroke her hair made her give a small, if perhaps, vacant smile.

She kept looking towards the small child, who she just found out was named Star. It was a beautiful name, she thought, and seeing her cry seemed to stir something within herself. She wanted to hold the child, gently bob her on her knee until the child would laugh again, seeing tears forming in those bright, pure eyes seemed to anger her, and she couldn't fathom why. She could feel Brudo moving his hand slightly, he must be grabbing his hidden weapon he kept with him. She always stood by as he awoke hunters from the dream, but usually they had finished their duty, Moon would be the first to leave unfulfilled after the magic contract had been set. She did fear the words Brudo whispered to her for a moment, only because she was afraid of what would actually happen to the Hunter, would the magic overtake her, driving her insane and make her a beast? Would she heal, but slower? Would the magic outright kill her if the contract was broken? So many questions ran through her head before she focused on the rest of what Brudo had whispered to her.

Raising the child that could possibly be the living offspring of Flora? Not only that, raise her as their own? hearing him whisper those words to her made her eyes widen, and the strangest thing happened, she felt a small shining tear gently roll down her face, landing onto her dress as it crystallized almost instantly, creating a tiny, but dazzling clear gem. "...!"

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Posted: Sun, 24/05/2020 04:13 (4 Years ago)
"Hm.. very true..." he nodded, either that or they could have missed her entirely and the woman and child could be dead. He tried not to think about that as he returned his attention towards Avarius, blinking before he looked towards the group, happy to let his gun take fire on the magic addled beasts that approached them. He wastched as Avaruis used some of his bullets to make a quick run towards the beasts, slashing down the ones who didn't take much damage from his gun or those who she could see that he didn't. When all was clear he approached her to see her injecting herself with the controlled magic, a slightly concerned look appeared on his face. "Well, you did come out of one fight and directly into another without much time for rest..." he started before looking around. It all seemed nice and quet now, perhaps the other beasts were either far, or simply gone for now. He returned his attention back towards Avarius before he gave a small sigh. "Indeed. Those two were quite the duo, pity whatever it was that attacked them that day corrupted them... probably a fanicful idea, but, perhaps it's possible to find a way to return them to who they used to be? I don't recall if they've become full beasts or not, but... just maybe they're still just barely sane enough to come back..." he tilted his head, he knew deep down that, if anyone, the one she'd want to save most would be her own son, but, if small steps had to be taken, then perhaps seeing if Thomas and Marco could be returned would be first.

"Ah..! Master Brudo.." Celena was a little surprised to be picked up and placed into Brudo's lap, but she quickly regained herself and gave him a gentle smile. She knew he's been doing this for a long time, and she wished for nothing more than to be there for him as long as this dream lasted. Deep down, somehow, she couldn't quite place it, but she feared the end of the dream, if the dream ever ended, would she ever be able to stand by his side? She never said her mind in that aspect, she didn't want to worry or anger Brudo, she just simply smiled and nodded, accepting all he said to her gratefully. "I am sure she will be wonderful, perhaps even as wonderful as you dear hunter." she turned her attention back towards Moon and the baby, seeing what Brudo saw in the child's eyes, her eyes widening only slightly, but kept her tongue, if Brudo didn't say anything, then she wouldn't either. "She is beautiful, dear Hunter." she tilted her head a little, she knew that Brudo must be thinking about his own child with how he rested his hands on her lap and his head against her back, she knew she could never give him such a beautiful thing, something she was quite jealous of every woman for, but she gnetly shook her head, removing the envious thoughts from her mind.

"What is your little one's name dear Hunter?"

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Posted: Fri, 22/05/2020 11:51 (4 Years ago)
Rasticore listened intently as Avarius mentioned the child. It was incredible to him, that someone would be reckless enough to bring a new life into this world with such high stakes at hand. He noticed her quieter tone and looked around, spotting the larger beast not far, he carefully pulled out his machine gun and kept it at the ready, if that thing saw them there would be trouble for sure and he wasn't going to let trouble hit them easily.

"I see... well, at least the child is safe now." he started before he noticed her shake some blood off of her claws, poor woman, he thought, he had no idea on her age, but she must be growing tired of all of the hunting, she's been at it for about as long as he had, perhaps even longer for all he knew. But he wouldn't dare bring it up to her, she seemed stubborn, stubborn enough to keep hunting when everyone else would tell her to stop no doubt. He gave a small nod as she said he would be needed other times, giving a small chuckle he nodded again. "I suppose it was a good thing we split up for the rounds tonight then. Things might've been different if we stayed together like usual for that Hunter."

He flinched for a moment as he felt her thumb gently rub his gem eye, causing him to put his full attention onto her, and not where that beast from earlier went. "Ah... well, you wont need to worry about that Avarius... I know better than to let the magic get to my head." He listened to her, she must be remembering her son again, he pondered for a moment, he never met the child, but he knew that she loved him dearly, so much so that she had never hunted him, even though the boy had become lost to the corruption. He wanted to do anything to help, sure, he wasn't the best at comforting others, but, he did want to be there for her, perhaps even find a way to help save her son. 'Maybe he's not too far gone yet...' he wondered.

"Hm..?" He snapped out of his thoughts as Avarius mentioned his chance to help arising, turning his head to see the approaching beasts, a small grin on his face. "Ah, I see, well, let's not keep the hunt waiting then, shall we?" With his expression hardening, he started to fire up his weapon, the whir of the belts inside of the machine warming up before a flurry of bullets started to fire towards the approaching group of beasts.

"Ah, forgive me dear Hunter..." Celena started, feeling a little bad that she forgot such a detail as this hunter carrying a child with her now. How long was she asleep to forget such a thing? She looked to the small child, her bright eyes shone like the stars that dared to break through the misty sky of the dream, it was quite beautiful. "Milk and tea? of course Dear Hunter." She was about to turn around to fetch the drinks before she gave a small gasp as the baby fell from the Hunter's arms, but she gave a sigh of relief when she saw one of the little creatures had caught the baby safely. She had started to kneel down to gently pat the baby's head, a small smile appearing on her face before she looked back up towards the Hunter, the tiniest spark of happiness dared to appear as the sound of the wheelchair came closer and Brudo appeared with the drinks in tow.

She naturally gave him a respectful bow before she gently closed her eyes, smiling as she received the pat on the head from him. "Ah, thank you for such kind words, Master Brudo." She said in a gentle tone, standing back up as she saw that Moon had picked up her child again and started to feed the baby with the milk. Giving a small smile as she watched the baby share the milk with the little demon creature who caught her.

"We are always happy to help dear Hunter." She said again as she stood by Brudo's side, awaiting any kind of order from either Moon or Brudo.

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Posted: Fri, 22/05/2020 07:40 (4 Years ago)
Ah, that's alright, I made a mistake as well and miscounted so you are added, please remove the password~ ^^

The next post I do should have some of the requests up!

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Posted: Fri, 22/05/2020 07:35 (4 Years ago)
Rasticore gave a small shrug, he admitted, he wasn't as fast as he used to be, but at least he was always a reliable ally in this nightmare that they called their home. He watched as she got off of the wall, gathering a few of the extra blades himself and returning them to her as she did. He listened to her as she said that the blue haired hunter had a baby with her, causing him to stop and look back towards the lantern with a surprised look in his eye.

"Ya don't say? So that lass there had..." he trailed off a bit, looking towards the lantern that his friend that the woman escaped to. "Daft woman... carrying an attractant like that... especially if it was a newborn." he shook his head before he looked back towards Avarius, a toothy grin appearing on his face as he saw a glimpse of her lemon yellow eye.

"True, the Hunt never really ends, but thank you. My apologies for being late on that again." he gave a small chuckle, placing a hand on his waist as he did before, a small breeze passing by to make his cape flutter a little. "But now that we know that the blue haired hunter had a child with her, it's no wonder that the section I was patrolling was so desolate."

He gave a small sigh again, he knew what she meant, hunting hunters, he was just glad that she didn't set her sights on him like how she's done for several other hunters before, though he knew he was safe for now, he didn't give into the lust of the old magic that plagued the lands like the ones before him, and he prayed that he never would. He looked back towards Avarius again as she mentioned him, quickly looking up towards the moon, his good eye becoming a slit for a moment before he let out a heavy sigh of relief. "Very true... if HE came out tonight when that hunter was exposed... pretty sure that both she and her child would be gone... Hopefully he wont try anything funny tonight..."

The still figure barely moved as the hunter tapped her shoulder, in fact, it was as if the figure didn't even feel the touch at all. However, after a moment of silence, the figure gave a small breath. It seemed that she hardly even breathed when she was standing there, but as she did she opened her eyes, only one being visible with the mass of light pink hair that surrounded her face covering the other. She took a moment to register what was around her before she carefully turned her attention towards the hunter who woke her.

"Ah, welcome back dear Hunter." She said, her voice slightly higher than a whisper on the small breeze that the dream had. "How may I be of--" she stopped for a moment, looking towards the bundle that the blue-haired hunter had with her, blinking slowly, she tilted her head quizzically. "Strange... you are now with a child..?"

She seemed to catch herself, gently lifting a hand to her own mouth for a moment before she gave a small bow. "Ah, my apologies, dear hunter... That was rude of me... How may I be of assistance to you?"

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Posted: Thu, 21/05/2020 12:35 (4 Years ago)

Welcome back! You are accepted! please remove the password~

and with that... after... only a few minutes, I am closed again o.o;

I'll do my best to be more on top of these requests!

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Posted: Thu, 21/05/2020 12:26 (4 Years ago)

That's correct! you are added! please remove the password ^3^


welcome back! you are added! please remove the password~

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Posted: Thu, 21/05/2020 12:20 (4 Years ago)
Toffee gave a small grin, but not a 'i'm so happy' grin, more like an 'ow, i feel like my head is going to explode' grin before he looked back towards Buff Frog, then towards Moon. He admitted, it was nice to be there to support Ludo with his fun activities, but sometimes he really wished that Ludo wouldn't sing songs in such a manner, but he held his tongue, he couldn't be the one to bear the harsh news that none of them really cared for his singing, and he knew the others wouldn't either.

He looked back down towards Moon again and gave a small chuckle, tilting his head a little. "ah, no, not quite my dear. I do hear a lot of ringing though..." he admitted, giving a small shrug before he took a sip of his drink again. He knew that his beverage wasn't the best for his splitting, song induced, headache, but it was in front of him and he had to at least appear that he was fine in case Ludo looked over.

"I do think, however, that I'm going to lay down and get an ice pack when we go to rest..." he jokingly said before wrapping an arm aroung Buff Frog and his tail around Moon, using his free hand to raise his glass towards Ludo.

"Wonderful Job Ludo! You really brought the house down this time!" he gave a small cheer before he took another sip.

Ludo seemed to have exausted himself with all of his singing, he gave a few pants before he put the microphone back onto the stand and took a bow to his 'adoring' fans in the tavern, a big grin returning to his face as he saw Nel had been clapping along as he sang. It seemed that he had a new fan in this woman, and not only was she a fan, she seemed to cater to him in everything he desired. He had only known her for a few short minutes, but it was clear to him, he was in love with her. He wanted to know everything about her and he hoped that he could convince her to stay. Though he didn't know how things would go, if she was really from the enderverse like she said she was, then how would she feel living in a world that moved much slower than hers? and, more importantly to him, if she went back, would he ever see her again? He kind of understood that time worked strangly for the enderverse, where full years passed by there in a matter of minutes here.

"Oh well thank you!" He happily took the water from her and took a few big chugs of it, giving a happy exhale as he finished his glass in mere moments. "you know Nel, you're probably one of the biggest fans I've ever had when I sing! Normally everyone is so in awe of my powerful voice that they pass out before me! You really are something special."

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Posted: Thu, 21/05/2020 12:03 (4 Years ago)
The Septarian man had heard the sound of gunshots being fired on the other side of town. Giving a sigh he placed his hands on his hips before he started to run towards the source of the sounds, the heavy machine gun he kept on his back weighing him down reasonably, but he was still able to move with swift grace. When he finally reached the location where he heard the commotion he gave another sigh, all he saw was a mass of downed beasts, a moonlit haired woman vanishing into the light of a nearby lantern and a familiar figure sitting on a brick wall by the area.

"Ah, well, this certainly explains a thing or two." he muttered, leaping down from the ledge he stood upon, moving through the bodies as he approached the figure. "I was doing rounds on the other side of town, imagine my surprise when over there is quieter than an empty pram in an abandoned home and over here seems to have had a swarm bigger than normal for this early in the night." He looked up towards the figure, looking into her mask's dark eyes before giving a small sigh again.

"So, couldn't leave some of the fun for me, eh? Tell me, Avarius, what led you to do some standard hunting? This isn't exactly your normal work." he placed a hand on his hip before giving a small chuckle, notioning towards a few blades that stuck out from the bodies that littered the ground.

Within the realm of the lamp, a single figure could soon be seen by the woman of Moonlit blue hair, this figure seemed to be standing completely still, her extremely long light pink hair barely moving with the slight breeze that passed through the misty area. As the area cleared, it was revealed that the figure was standing by the base of a small flight of stairs, standing by a small stone wall that bordered a patch of grass and colorful flowers. where the moonlit haired woman appeared from seemed to be a small meadow, small white flowers blooming in patches all over the place. Was the figure asleep? She didn't seem to even respond with the sudden appearance of the woman, she just stood there, as if waiting, ever patiently, for someone to approach her.

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Posted: Thu, 21/05/2020 11:42 (4 Years ago)
"Hm... Very true." Toffee said as he though about the day that moon insisted on throwing Ludo that birthday party. His eyes were as big and shiny as brand new dinner plates that day as his grin was so wide that he felt like he'd need a pole fault to get to the other side, but he knew Ludo was happy. It was a good day for everyone, and he didn't want that to change anytime soon.

Gently nuzzling her again, Toffee prepared himself for the onslaught of Ludo's singing, gently closing his eyes so he could mentally prepare himself, keeping Moon close to him, actually moving her onto his lap as he continued to stroke her hair.

"Ah, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl! And she's smart too! if you were able to name yourself with such a unique name!" Ludo started before he grabbed hold of the microphone. "I hope you're ready to have your socks blown off Nel!"

He gave her a big grin again before the music officially started and he started singing, his piercing notes and enthusiasm quickly getting to everyone else in the tavern, sausing a select few to pass out from some of his higher notes. he kept singing his little heart out to the song "Funkytown" as he moved along, hopping and dancing every now and then when the lyrics dropped before he picked back up again, ready to keep going before the song finally ended several minutes later. He gave a few deep breaths, trying to regain himself as he used a lot of energy, but he was having so much fun he hardly cared about it, looking around to see several passed out people in the Tavern, he gave a big smile.

"Ah! Another show stopper! What did you think about that Nel?" He looked towards her, his smile bigger than ever.

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Posted: Thu, 21/05/2020 11:26 (4 Years ago)

Sorry dearie! The description is a little to vague for me to work with anything and I cannot accept it. Update the description with at least a pose idea and update the password and try again! ^3^


Hello dearie! You are accepted! :D Please remove the password~


Welcome back! I wouldn't mind working on this piece for you, however the password is wrong TwT try again! ^3^

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Posted: Thu, 21/05/2020 10:48 (4 Years ago)
An endless night. That is what the cursed world of Mewni had come unto when the hunt started. Time seemed to stop in this nightmarish world, as the ever bright full moon rose overhead. It seemed that nowhere was safe anymore, mewmans and monsters alike have been driven mad by the healing properties of a substance called "white magic" or, what it was called by others, "old magic." It seems like no one with a shred of sanity left knew what this old magic was, or where it came from, all they knew was that it was able to heal any wound and fix any sickness. However, it seems that the old magic is tainted somehow, for too much of it is what turned these once peaceful beings into beasts.

The beasts that roam the streets and forests of Mewni have lost their minds, unable to tell friend from foe and will attack anyone they see who isn't also a similar type of beast. They have been known to attack other beasts, those that look too differently from themselves, and those who were once Mewman or Monster have been seen attacking each other with reckless anger and bloodlust. But yet, among these beasts and the ones that remain who hide themselves away in their homes, using the power of light and essences to keep themselves save from the reach of the beasts, there are Hunters. These hunters are tasked with facing the beasts, fighting them and and removing them from the world to attempt to make the world safe again. But as long as the moon stays high in the sky the hunt will continue.

There is one place that is truly safe, a place that only hunters may enter. A special workshop that seems to exist on the border of dreams and reality, a place that balances on the essence of magic itself. This place, just simply called "the workshop" is a haven for Hunters, and the workshop itself is looked over by one man, Lord Brudo, and his Doll, Celena. Here in the workshop they wait, and offer a place of rest and care for Hunters and those they manage to take with them. A Hunter can only take one "non-hunter" with them, and if they do, the non-hunter will be kept safe until they are ready to become a hunter themselves. No one who has entered the workshop has left without being a hunter in one way or another.

Our story takes place in Old Mewni, the town that surrounded Butterfly Castle before it was walled off and set ablaze, where a few old faces seemed to rise from the depths... and face the hunt again...

A tall Septarian man was treading carefully along the streets of Old Mewni, looking around for the sound of anything that could be moving. The night was long tonight, longer than it usually seemed, as far as he was concerned, and he gave a small sigh, a small glint of purple shone underneath the ripped gauze that he kept on half of his face, barely revealing a large gem that lay in the socket in place of his eye. Tonight was quiet... perhaps, a little too quiet as he maneuvered the empty streets. Boxes, loose papers and scraps of who knows what were everywhere.

"I don't like this..." the man muttered to himself as he carefully adjusted his hat, making sure that the wind that blew by wouldn't blow it away. "It's too quiet tonight... Something must be happening..."

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Posted: Thu, 21/05/2020 10:03 (4 Years ago)
Hi there everyone! sorry this took so long, but the wait is over! my shop is back up and running with a new riddle! :3

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Posted: Thu, 21/05/2020 09:20 (4 Years ago)
Toffee gave a surprised glamce towards Ludo, he could hardly believe it. Ludo was attempting to flirt and this She-Kappa was actually going with it. He pondered for a moment, wondering if she actually felt in awe of Ludo's small stature and advances or if she was just humoring him. He started to feel like it was the previous of the two, she wasn't looking away or rolling her eyes he noticed, so maybe she could actually be the one. He gave a small chuckle hismelf before gently running his fingers through Moon's hair, glad to see her happily eating the the cookies and watching Ludo as well. He was starting to think she was tempted to fall asleep, but something told him that she wouldn't, not yet anyways.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself wuite a lot tonight my dear." he whispered to her as he continued to stroke her hair. "Curious, do you think she might be the one for him? She hasn't rejected any of his advances yet as far as I've seen so far."

Ludo couldn't hide a small blush as the she-kappa poked his beak, her claws were so clean, much as the rest of her he could see. And her expressions were adorable as well, he couldn't help but give a big, almost dopey smile as she chuckled. 'She... she even sounds like an angel!' he thought as he then watched her bow before him, making him feel even more powerful than he did before.

"Ah! Well I see that you certainly know how to treat someone of my stature!" he laughed before he notioned for her to rise back up and take her seat again. "But no need for such formalities tonight Nel!" He felt his tongue tingle as he said her name, it had such a sweet sound to it, and he wanted to say it more. "Nel... Such a beautiful name if I do say so myself!"

He gave her another big grin before he gave a chuckle again. "Well, that's fine if you don't sing! I have more vocal talant for both of us!" he chimed before he leapt down from the seat. "Here! let me show you!" he gave her a playful wink before he started to walk towards the Karaoke stage, unaware of the stone-eyed look of Toffee as the table knew what was about to come.

"Oh dear... Buff Frog my friend... some ear buds for Moon please... hopefully this Nel girl will... ah.. appreciate... Ludo's distinct singing voice..." Toffee said as he watched Ludo picking a song from the small computer, the music starting to load for his song.

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Posted: Sun, 17/05/2020 09:42 (4 Years ago)
Toffee gave a small sigh as he looked towards Ludo, he really was hopeless, such a lame pickup line, but it seemed to work for him.. this time. Giving a small chuckle he looked back down towards Moon and nuzzled the top of her head as she cuddled against him.

"I suppose it is my dear, though, I do think that your face is much more adorable to look at." he said with a cheeky little grin, looking down towards the napkins with the worm cooking within, gently passing them down towards Moon. He wasn't hungry after dinner, but he knew that she would probably love to have dessert. "Cookies, my dear?"

"hhmmmmm?" Ludo rested his elbow on the counter as he watched her giggle, as he let himself become even more in awe of her. "Well, Thank you! I.. I do take great pride in my smile!" he began before he gently leaned forward, an elbow on the counter. "You know, you look like an angel to me, miss... uh..." he blinked for a moment. It was only now that he realized that they had not actually introduced themselves to each other. "Oh! Silly me! I seemed to have forgotten my manners while I was so enraptured by your stunning presence! We forgot to introduce ourselves!"

He gave her a big smile as he stood up on the seat. He kept what she said earlier about not having family of her own in the back of his mind. He figured she would open up to him enough later to tell him more about it when he decided to ask, but for now, he was more concerned on learning this beautiful she-kappa's name. "Allow me to start, I am the one and only, great and powerful Ludo! Future King of Monsterdom!" he said, hardly remembering that he was inside a smaller area. "Plus I'm a master Karaoke singer if You're interested~" he finished with a playful wink, before he sat back down, taking the drink that the barkeeper offered to him and taking a fair sized gulp. "aaahhhh~ Well, now that I've introduced myself, what's your name? I'm sure you wouldn't want me to just keep calling you 'Beautiful Angel' all night... eeeven if you look like one, heh."

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