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Searching for: Posts from Tune.
Posted: Wed, 02/12/2020 19:18 (3 Years ago)
Aah my baby, so soft and squish! Thank you <3

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Posted: Sun, 29/11/2020 16:15 (3 Years ago)
I want: Plushie
I am paying: PD
Reference of my character: You know Vice very well 8)
Comment (e.g. special wishes): You don't have to include the seaweed cape if it's too hard to do, but if possible please include it :3

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Posted: Mon, 02/11/2020 22:42 (3 Years ago)
hey! may i have a shiny?
shiny (and quantity): Frillish (Male) x1 [hard rarity]
everstone?: Yes please
password: Polteageist <3
other(optional): I will pay in PD. Sadly I don't own a breeding pair myself otherwise I'd supply that :(
Also do I pay in advance or when the shiny hatches?

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Posted: Sat, 24/10/2020 11:56 (3 Years ago)
pretty sure I picked kids, nothing more scary than sitting and enjoying the silence and then you hear from nowhere "got any games on your phone?" :'D

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2020 12:15 (3 Years ago)
*squints* my mouse triple clicked and posted the stuff over & over.. >8(
Sorry for the extra posts.

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2020 12:14 (3 Years ago)
I do not support the shelter because it'd put more strain on the server to have released pokémon still stay in the coding system. (I am aware they still stayed in the history for a bit even when released back in the past as Riako have restored accidentally released pokémon many years ago but it's unlikely he still kept that data after all the server updates/changes)

Finding events missing for your dex is actually not that hard providing you actively use the auction house/GTS/forums, and even if there's no bites there's the event shop in which you can buy the egg of what you're missing (and treasure chest and mystery chests can give you event points so it's not a "only way to get points for an egg is to use nuggets" issue)

the chances of someone releasing valuable things to the shelter is very low and so we'd mostly end up with common stuff like starter bugs or pidgeys everywhere, taking up extra server resource.

As for the PotD, unless we want copyright issues here (because I doubt Niet would sit still if Riako just copied that, unlike this site PFQ is labeled a company and we the players their customers and companies don't exactly like when others straight up copy them) it'd have to be something else that increases the shiny chance.

We also already have the emera fountain for a shiny boost and having another boost might make things a bit unbalanced. pfq is using delta points as a way to remove shinies/albinos from the site as there's a lot of them hatching with all the boosts, a lot. and shinies would be worth next to nothing if the chances were increased too much.

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Posted: Mon, 14/10/2019 18:53 (4 Years ago)
I'm a bit with Akemie here.
While I also don't expect to win, I expected to be told if I lost or not.

The inconsistency messes with my brain and makes me stressed out since I didn't expect this sudden change (I need things to be very clear & straight forward otherwise I get stressed out and kinda just, get stuck in endless thought processes trying to recalculate any possible outcomes and when/if to expect them happening or giving me information to further process my thoughts)
I'd rather know if I lost and move on from the disappointment faster or if I won and thus have to just wait to see it implemented and see what others think about it.

It wouldn't have been a problem for me if at the beginning of the contest didn't say they'd announce people in the thread and then change it last minute. Had they during voting or something told us "hey so, Riako decided to make it a surprise so we're not gonna say who the winners are until you get to see the events" then I'd be fine with it. I'd know what to expect/prepare for better.
Now I'm just.. confused and trying to tell my brain that surprises like this are good.

Making it a surprise reveal is okay, making the decision and not tell us what to expect was not.
Not going to click any less during these events though, like Banette was definitely amazing to make these sprites and I want so many of them lol. I just wish I could enjoy each new event with (more) excitement rather than go all "is the next one maybe mine?"

edit: to clarify, I wanted to know about riako's change of heart for the reveal earlier than one day before the event because it was more like a "okay so we've decided on winners. first event is out tonight" and then silence/no clarification or anything until several hours later.

So I suppose what I really just want is: better/more communication.

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Posted: Sun, 06/10/2019 14:08 (4 Years ago)
That's okay, thank you for the heads up and don't stress yourself! :)

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Posted: Wed, 28/08/2019 22:23 (4 Years ago)
Aw man, still can't believe I won (especially not after I dreamt last night it all ended & I wasn't top 5 lol)
Congrats Piolla, Hime, Kata & Banette. I like all your entries a lot! (and even hoped some of them would win so I am super pleased I'll be able to eventually collect the pieces for them) <3

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Posted: Thu, 15/08/2019 13:44 (4 Years ago)
Zubats aren't the only thing lurking in the tunnel (x)

And here's my entry.
I really can't draw caves (or normal rocks in general lol) so I experimented a bit with the background. Turned out fairly okay imo :')

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Posted: Sat, 03/08/2019 17:30 (4 Years ago)
So if I understood it correctly, we just draw a 600x400 image of anything PH related/themed we feel like and post the link here? And then whichever picture you guys vote on will become puzzles, yeh?

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Posted: Sat, 20/04/2019 11:47 (5 Years ago)
I'd like to join in, if all slots are taken I don't mind being a backup artist either :)

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Posted: Mon, 18/03/2019 16:57 (5 Years ago)
done, dunno how to delete

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Posted: Sun, 11/11/2018 11:35 (5 Years ago)
Yah, Title states it all.
I have one week of premium to use and I really want this nightmare to end .'D

Can pay with PD, Cold Rocks, Nebula Stones and whatever you'd like from my tradeboxes.

I'll offer art as well (if you want to see my style, there's a link to my DA on my profile) but for that you'd have to contact me with details to come to an agreement for the price.

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Posted: Sun, 04/02/2018 10:41 (6 Years ago)
I'm only looking for ZC/Melanistics sorry. I can hunt any/all shinies myself and I'm not really interested in Deltas.

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Posted: Wed, 01/11/2017 09:35 (6 Years ago)


2x Shiny Numel + 1 mega able
3 shiny mudkip + 1 mega able
Shiny Absol
Shiny Audino
Shiny Magikarp + Gyarados
Shiny Weedle
Mega able Metagross
Enigma Stone
100k PD

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Posted: Mon, 30/10/2017 20:31 (6 Years ago)
oh lords, maybe I can finaly have some use for my hunt fails then xD

ahaha anyhow I guess I offer...
2x Shiny Numel + 1 mega able, 3 shiny mudkip + 50k PD

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Posted: Mon, 30/10/2017 20:18 (6 Years ago)
I usually don't buy OC pokéfusions but sign me the heck up on that SB please.
I never knew I wanted a Jolchink up until now *_*

Edit: ooh I'm too late, hmm. Do you accept offers of items/pokés as well or just pure currency?

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Posted: Wed, 06/09/2017 18:36 (6 Years ago)
Yeah title is saying it all.
I have this guy:

Whom I do not need.
I am looking for Pokefarm Q stuff (melanistics or ZC) for the slimy guy.
OR a shiny mega able Gallade on here.

PFQ ratio; 1 ZC = 1,000 PD

People have attempted to scam me in the past so for this sale to work out you need to be aware that I will not send Ditto until you've sent your payment first. (unless shiny mega (able) gallade as that is just a 1:1 GTS trade)
Sorry but this is like the only rule I have and I won't change my mind.
Considered offers:

None atm.

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Posted: Sun, 05/03/2017 22:45 (7 Years ago)
Pretty sure forme changes apply as well, though I dunno how true it is since I could technicly change Nebula & Comet at will & nullify that...
(but mm, shiny alien, how nice to see another one not on my account!) :D

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