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Posted: Fri, 09/06/2023 17:48 (11 Months ago)
could i res a spot please and thank you?

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Posted: Fri, 09/06/2023 01:20 (11 Months ago)
Yvonne's face gave away none of her displeasure. The main street was covered in hextech propaganda. "Hextech," was the name of the company founded by an engineer named Jayce, who pursued knowledge through the help of runes and ancient magic. He claimed hextech could make everyone's lives better, but Yvonne was off the belief that if it wasn't broken it did not need fixing. Inviting runes and magic into the lives of simple people would end in disaster. Unfortunately, the people of Piltover were not of the same opinion as her.

As Yvonne continued down the crowded main street, her frustration grew. She wasn't big on people in general, but progress day seemed to invite the stupid out. "Excuse me, are you Yvonne Kameela?" Yvonne whipped around with an eyebrow raised. A young man, a little taller than her with combed hair and eager eyes stood behind her, with a hand outstretched. "Depends on who's asking." her responded, crossing her eyes. "I'm Emory Prewt. Head of the biggest digital newspaper company in Piltover." Yvonne eyed his outstretched hand and ignored it. "The people of piltover heard you were offered a position on the council and declined; would you be willing to speak a bit about that?" Yvonne cast her gaze over to Aemilia, who looked as bewildered as Yvonne felt. "Ah. May I ask how this information got out?" Yvonne asked sharply, crossing her arms across her chest. "Why, your press manager of course!" Yvonne grimaced. "I don't have a press manager." she said, grinding her teeth. Emory looked surprised. "Well that's simply not true ma'am! All of our information on you has been given by your press manager!" Yvonne looked blankly at Emory. "I think I know who I pay..." she muttered. "I am not available for comment right now actually. Or ever." she added the last part under her breath.

The next thing Yvonne knew she had stormed back to her laboratory and offices. "Once I find the rat, they're getting their ass kicked." she muttered angrily. Aemilia sighed. Every single time she tried to get her lady out of the house, Yvonne found a way to go right back.

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Posted: Thu, 01/06/2023 21:43 (1 Year ago)
8/10, its kinda cute :0

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Posted: Thu, 01/06/2023 21:42 (1 Year ago)

maybe a little morally gray but good overall

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Posted: Thu, 01/06/2023 21:42 (1 Year ago)
How much wood could a woodchuck church if a woodchuck could chuck wood

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Posted: Thu, 01/06/2023 21:19 (1 Year ago)

"Welcome to the Playground, follow me. Tell me your nightmares and fantasies."
Sign up Link Here!

The lands of Piltover and Zaun are like two sides of the same coin. They could not be more different, yet they are intertwined in every way.

Piltover, also known as "The City of Progress," or "Topside," is home to the rich, the intelligent and to the showmen. Piltover is a thriving metropolis dedicated to progress and research.

Zaun is everything Piltover isn't. Known as the "City of Iron and Glass," "the Fissures," or "the Undercity," Zaun is home to those who can't afford to live the flashy life the way people of Piltover do.

Yvonne stepped out onto her balcony overlooking the sprawling city of Piltover. The Day of Progress had arrived, and Yvonne was not excited. A day to show off her success and talent? There was no such day on the calendar year, where Yvonne did not do that. Progress day was simply an excuse for less talented inventors and scientists to pretend like they had accomplished anything. Yvonne knew her achievements spoke for themselves; she did not need the opinion of the uneducated to validate her hard work. "Miss, the council has sent a letter addressed to you." Yvonne's gaze snapped back to her assistant, Aemilia. Yvonne let out an exasperated sigh. Aemilia gave her a grim smile, "Should I leave it in the pile with the rest of their letters?" she asked, raising an eyebrow and Yvonne's tense features. Yvonne nodded with a frown and stepped in from her balcony. "Don't tell me you're planning on staying in again my lady?" Aemilia said, feigning surprise. Yvonne rolled her eyes in response. "You know how I feel about progress day," she replied, her tone dry. "It's a beautiful day out, even if it is progress day. Plus, I'm sure the people would appreciate a voice of reason among all the new 'hextech' chaos." Aemilia commented, sliding her pointer finger alone the arm of Yvonne's love seat. "You have a point there," Yvonne muttered, her face contorted with disgust. "He believes hextech will save us all. You and I know he's a fool." she muttered, to which Aemilia nodded in agreement. Yvonne sighed, giving in. "Fine. I'll go out for progress day, but so help me god, if a council member comes up to me, I'm making you customer support." Yvonne snapped. Aemilia's delighted smile was met with a shake of Yvonne's head. "As you wish, my lady."

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Posted: Thu, 01/06/2023 18:29 (1 Year ago)
accepted! ill the the RP thread soon, just need to finish a project!

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Posted: Wed, 31/05/2023 19:43 (1 Year ago)

”Maybe we're the problem.”

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Power: "The lights go dark. A minute passes. Now two. A spotlight springs to life to reveal the distinct shape of the one and only 'Lady Seraphine. The small crowd's faces light up. Tonight, the dead walk again." Seraphine Monikan, of District 12, has a devastating secret. Born a psychic medium, Seraphine learned early on that the dead hated her as much as the living did.
Strength: Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. While not the strongest person physically, she has high adaptability and is very clever. If you attempt to make a play on her while she expects it, you'll fail, hands down.
Weakness: If you manage to surprise her, she's most likely dead, due to her lack of mobility and strength.
Personality: Seraphine has a very charming but disarming personality. Having spent more time with the dead then the living, she doesn't know how to really make conversation but she's decent at improv and at making it up as she goes.
Personality Type:

Backstory: Seraphine used to love always having someone to talk too. Soon, once she realized that the dead were exactly like the living just worse. Overly cautious and always afraid, Seraphine thinks long and hard before making decisions.
might add more later, am tired rn
Sexuality: Often too scared for her own survival to really think about it, Seraphine isn't sure who she finds attractive.

i dont feel like re-copying all the links so please see earlier character post for reference <3

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Posted: Mon, 29/05/2023 19:13 (1 Year ago)
"It's not too hard darling, you're just not good enough."

Age: 18

Origen: Piltover

Gender and Sexuality: Female, Heteroromantic, Unknown

Personality: Yvonne Kameela, the emblem of progress, the epitome of success and talent. A very talented inventor who dabbles in future-seeing, Yvonne is a prime example of what someone from Piltover should be. Her exaggerated arrogance gives her a playful air, when in reality she is serious and hardworking. Having been offered a spot on the counsel an impressive 5 times and denying it every time, some say Yvonne has the right to be as arrogant as she is.

Other important information: face claim : elizabeth olsen, theme song: cooler than me - single mix

"You tell me the truth or so help me god, I'll kill you right where you stand."

Age: 24

Origen: Zaun

Gender and Sexuality: Female, either a lesbian or aroace, haven't decided yet

Personality: Her friend's call her Jett, her enemies call her Zero. Jett Rivers is the leader of an underground rebellion group called "Surge," that fights back against the cruelties of the underground. Make no mistake, Rivers is not a sweetheart. She doesn't have a 'soft spot' or a 'sweet side.' She is tough as nails all the way through, opening up to no one and never leaving much room for discussion.

Other important information: face claim : jessica green, theme song : punk tactics

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Posted: Mon, 29/05/2023 19:08 (1 Year ago)
ofc! answered your question in palpad :)

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Posted: Mon, 29/05/2023 18:36 (1 Year ago)
sure thing @serendibite! just palpad me when you finish the form!

@alexiis accepted!

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Posted: Mon, 29/05/2023 17:18 (1 Year ago)
absolutely! take as much time as you need! you can palpad me when you're finished if you want!

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Posted: Mon, 29/05/2023 17:14 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Mon, 29/05/2023 17:02 (1 Year ago)
Accepted ofc!

welcome aboard :)

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Posted: Mon, 29/05/2023 16:09 (1 Year ago)

"Welcome to the Playground, follow me. Tell me your nightmares and fantasies."

The lands of Piltover and Zaun are like two sides of the same coin. They could not be more different, yet they are intertwined in every way.

Piltover, also known as "The City of Progress," or "Topside," is home to the rich, the intelligent and to the showmen. Piltover is a thriving metropolis dedicated to progress and research.

Zaun is everything Piltover isn't. Known as the "City of Iron and Glass," "the Fissures," or "the Undercity," Zaun is home to those who can't afford to live the flashy life the way people of Piltover do.

Hi everyone, here are some details and important notes about 'Welcome to the Playground:'
This is an Arcane AU! The story roughly follows a similar timeline, with the people of Zaun struggling to escape the influence of a mysterious drug lord while the people of Piltover scramble to track down the people responsible for wreaking havoc around their city. All the Arcane canon characters exist, but our characters will only hear of them, we won't be interacting with them at all.

Note: This is a semi lit roleplay, meaning paragraphs are welcomed and eventually expected :)

1. This one is fairly simple, but don't hate the roleplayer, hate the character.
2. Powerplaying, godmodding, bunnying etc etc kinda sucks, so don't do it!
3. Romance is allowed and inevitable in most roleplays, but don't make it an entire plotline please.
4. Have fun!

I'll add more rules if I feel I need to, but I don't think I'll need to.


Show hidden content

"insert quote giving a hint of personality here"

[b]Name: [/b]

[b]Age: [/b]

[b]Origen: [/b] (piltover or zaun)

[b]Gender and Sexuality: [/b]

[b]Personality: [/b] (piltover tends to have people who are more arrogant and fuller of themselves...)

[b]Appearance:[/b] (a picture, description or picrew works!)

[b]Example(s) of your roleplaying ability [/b]

[b]Other important information: [/b] (i always like to include a character theme song here, but it's your guys' choice!)

just copy and paste!

Accepted Characters:
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1. Vanessa Rainn-Delacourt
2. Adelaide Manon
3. Idris Kallikrates
4. Yvonne Kameela
5. Jett Rivers
6. Isla Greer
7. Aryan Herpich
8. Andrea
9. Jasmine

RP Link!

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Posted: Mon, 29/05/2023 02:20 (1 Year ago)
”You have my permission to clap now.”

"The shining idol of District 5"

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Power: For short periods of time, Lorelei can entrance people with the power of her song.
Strength: Lorelei is surprisingly in shape. She has an incredible vocal range and very powerful lungs, meaning she can hold her breath for a while and her endurance is high.
Weakness: Lorelei does not... fight. She can run and evade, but she can't fight.
Personality: Called the 'shining idol of District 5,' Lorelei knows how to work hard. She can be whimsical and fun, but serious and calculating when the moment calls for it.
Personality Type:[/b

Lorelei grew up singing for her family and friends. Eventually, her talent caught the attention of peacekeepers and higher-ups, and she began to sing for her District. Lorelei does not shy away from a challenge or a crowd, her desire to perform making her beloved by her friends and fans.
Sexuality: She kind of just doesn't have one, as she's never given attraction much thought.
Other: Haven't done one of these in a while, figure there was no better way to get back into it then with a HG RP
Sample of your roleplaying ability: Linked a few, take your pic :)
This has much smaller paragraphs
Slightly longer paragraphs
Not my best, but it's old
This one was good

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Posted: Sun, 16/10/2022 01:12 (1 Year ago)
Rhiannon had always been unique. But not unique enough to be reaped... right? Wrong. She knew even before she took her place in the lines that it was her turn to be reaped. Her turn to go to hell, and not come back. With her head pounding and her heart barely beating, Rhiannon took her place on stage. Looks of horror spread amongst the citizens, but not for a particularly empathetic reason. If Rhiannon was gone, who would read the lost one's stories and guide the alive? A bitter taste caused Rhiannon to frown. They didn't care about her. They cared about the tales of what is to come that she read and shared. Rhiannon meant nothing. She never did. And maybe she never will.

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Posted: Sat, 15/10/2022 02:48 (1 Year ago)
no thank you, not really my type

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Posted: Sat, 15/10/2022 02:38 (1 Year ago)
Children terrify me

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Posted: Sat, 08/10/2022 23:55 (1 Year ago)
can I reserve a place please?
currently kind of busy so cant fill a form out right away^^

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