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Posted: Mon, 04/04/2016 16:42 (8 Years ago)
Happy Birthday! I hope your exam went well!

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Posted: Tue, 17/11/2015 17:17 (8 Years ago)
Got a few people for it and a few people against it.

Personally I am against it, as it says further up, if you want the pre-evolved form just get a new one.. That is a lot less difficult than having the random chance it pops up in the shop or in a box and would make finding fossils, maps etc just that little bit harder by adding another item into the mix.

Wouldn't mind being able to revert mega's though if only because sometimes it's a pain to get the original pokemon. Like Latias for example. You find one of those and ERMERGERD it can mega evolve. You throw on a mega stone aaaand then don't like it being mega'd. As far as I know that poke can't be changed back. If I am wrong please let me know how it is done.

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Posted: Wed, 04/11/2015 01:49 (8 Years ago)
It was an intentionally massively exaggerated example... Anywho, massive side tangent. Love the profile pic =]

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Posted: Wed, 04/11/2015 01:13 (8 Years ago)
Carpet if you want to argue more about "should not" being advice and "do not" being a command please pm me, I'm happy to chat about it because clearly we disagree and hashing it out here is a bit ridiculous. But please, stop repeating over and over that English may or may not be Riako's primary language and that may be the cause for the misunderstanding of what was said.

Yes, FIVE people, who have all either assisted friends in figuring out the code or given the code outright to friends to give them a chance, have commented on here saying "it seemed more like advice" (could be more at this point). Tbh that is an issue on your end more that his. If the message was "Be careful! Don't stick a fork in a plug socket! Remember electric shocks hurt and can kill" would you still go ahead and jam that fork in because you consider it advice?

There are many people that understood fully not to do it, no one made you own up to it, you put yourself in the limelight when you admitted to doing it. The people doing the "bashing" etc do need to stop as it is getting a bit excessive. However saying to Riako that they are sorry people have upset him isn't unfair. It's natural and polite to offer condolences to people.

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Posted: Tue, 03/11/2015 08:16 (8 Years ago)
Carpet. I did read your post. And quite frankly not sure why you are attempting to be rude. Your example of "Be careful! You shouldn't go outside because it is raining!" is a decent one if Riako had said "But be careful: you shouldn't tell anyone your code word". However Riako actually states "do not". The following sentence about the more users submitting the code correctly is a reminder that at the end of the day it is a competition for the prizes.

Here's an example. To get into university you need to get good grades at school, university places are limited. As you sit down for your final exam your teachers say "do not tell anyone else your answers. Remember every person you help could take a university place". Is that advice or is the teacher first stating a rule for the exam "do not share answers" and then stating that in that room everyone is competing for a limited prize. It's the second option. Because you have to work hard to get to the end result and earn it. I know that it isn't the best example but I have to shoot to work. Will happily discuss more later.

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Posted: Tue, 03/11/2015 01:00 (8 Years ago)
Guys the mysteries themselves you could help each other with. It's the sharing of the clue word itself that is the issue. Sharing that basically allowed people who hadn't unlocked the letters the chance to win the shiny.

To get a chance to win a shiny fairly did involve some brainwork and didn't really involve the show, which I don't have a clue is about. The first thought in my head was to move the letters one to either side. I was close but not good enough, and the clue about the show threw me off so badly that I ended up not having a chance at the end. Serves me right for looking at notifications!!

But anywho the event was set up so that those who worked hard and got to that stage had the best chance of winning, and it actually says in big bold letters "do NOT TELL ANYONE your code word!" above where you are supposed to input it.

There is pretty much no way of not understanding that you should not share the code word out..

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Posted: Mon, 02/11/2015 22:02 (8 Years ago)
Ah it was 3 letters! Tbh after having the drifloon girl pop up for the other half's little bro next to me I was sure it was something to do with a balloon holding girl from gravity falls (I'll be honest I saw someone mention your picture Riako and how it linked with the show)

In the end the three of us couldn't work it out together and I'm ok with not winning, I got some early help and when I got the map I helped out the other two as well as a few others.

It is a shame people gave out the completed codes to friends and worse that they gave it out for rewards but just so you know it was an immensely enthralling event which had so many people hooked and anxious for the next clue.

Thank you for putting in the hard work for creating the event, was brilliant!!

Good luck also with university! It all pays off in the end!

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Posted: Wed, 19/08/2015 14:14 (8 Years ago)
When I have the time I like to do at least the 500 every hour mark, sometimes I do a lot more by watching tv and clicking, sometimes I do a lot less all depending on time =] I do try to make sure I return all favours before the day is up though.

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Posted: Wed, 19/08/2015 14:10 (8 Years ago)
I don't have an all time favourite, mine is split between 3, Cubone, Snorlax and Sandshrew =] just love those three to bits!

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Posted: Wed, 19/08/2015 14:09 (8 Years ago)
I played Blue, then got every game up to diamond and pearl where I only got one or the other. Gotta say one of my favourite games is a gameboy colour mario clone called Pokemon Diamond that I got when on holiday XD it's just so very random!

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Posted: Sun, 05/07/2015 10:41 (8 Years ago)
There ya go =] a nice Sandshrew to your collection

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Posted: Sun, 03/05/2015 11:35 (9 Years ago)

Title: Hi there =]

Hey my name is Reklaw476 but feel free to call me Rek once you get to know me (or straight away! No worries from me =]) enjoying the game already tbh and can't wait to find a Sandshrew and Cubone =] good luck to all you trainers and breeders!

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