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Trainerlevel: 29

Trainerpoints: 678/2,551


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Pidgeotto19833 / 885
Gulpin20356 / 1,042
Numel1347 / 547
Roggenrola20467 / 998
Absol1193 / 231
Dottler19643 / 1,141


Mistys_Psyduck hasn't collected any medals so far.


Last Action
Reading the news (9 Months ago)

Game Records

Trainer ID: #741044011
Registration: 29/01/2019 (5 Years ago)
Game Time: 152:19 Hours
Total interactions: 348,448
Money: 74,454
Starter Pokémon: Samurott


Trying to be more active on here again!! :D
3 Years ago
5 Years ago
Am trading PD for nuggets! I go by price check!
5 Years ago
5 Years ago
5 Years ago
5 Years ago
5 Years ago
5 Years ago
Looking to buy a Derpitung! Pm/Pp me if selling! Thanks!
5 Years ago
So...I somehow obtained a SHINY ABSOL and I have no idea how. Of course, it was in my trade box, so I almost traded it away.
5 Years ago
YESSSS!!! I FINALLY got my Zeraora!! :D
5 Years ago
When will I get one of these event eggs?! It is taking foreeeeeeevvvvveeeerrrr!!
5 Years ago
Hey, Mistys_Psyduck!

How is my Axew doing? ... ... Oh, it's currently on Level 102, I see.
Well, according to some friends of mine, Prof. Oak's Axew is on Level 90, so you're currently in the lead!

Remember that I'll reclaim my Pokémon this Sunday at 8AM. Its level has to be higher than Prof. Oak's Pokémon by then.
Please keep it in your Party or in one of your Storage Boxes in the meantime

Okay...can you take it back now? I don't wanna fail... :(
5 Years ago
#shamethedaycareman It is spreading like wild fire.
5 Years ago
Where can you find the sleeping Harvest Sprite?
5 Years ago


List Of Shinies To Get

List isn't in any particular order, but I'm looking for Espurr first. (There will be a slash in the parenthesis once I've obtained Pokemon.
Espurr (/)
Male Meowstick ( )
Murkrow ( )
Porygon ( )
Lichitung ( )
Absol (/)
Solosis ( )
Psyduck (/)
Nidoqueen ( )
Nidoking ( )
Slowbro ( )
Grimer ( )
Pinsir ( )
Seadra ( )
Bayleef ( )
Cleffa ( )
Murkrow ( )
Teddiursa ( )
Delibird ( )
Mega Gengar ( )
Mega Altaria ( )
Leafeon ( )
Audino ( )
Bunnelby ( )
Honedge ( )
Sylveon ( )
Dedenne ( )
Alolan Raichu ( )
Dartrix ( )
Yungoos ( )
Oricorio (Sensu) ( )
Toxapex ( )
Mudbray ( )
Mincinno ( )


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
KUSATA 9 Months ago
Argentis 3 Years ago
Mistys_Psyduck 3 Years ago
ShadowRaven 3 Years ago


Trying to complete the Kalos dex of Pokemon and the Kanto dex of plushies! Please, help out!

Last Visitors

Oceanic_KitsuneSun, 21/Jul/2024, 20:46
kurtabraFri, 08/Dec/2023, 14:26
Milotic6721Sat, 22/Apr/2023, 09:01
Nuigi12Thu, 06/Apr/2023, 12:49
CloudfairyFri, 03/Mar/2023, 05:40

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4