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No item

Level: 26
EXP: 1,748 /1,833

Health Points 70
Attack 47
Defense 30
Sp. Attack 38
Sp. Defense 41
Speed 40
Pokédex No. #33
Rarity Medium
Nature Gentle
Trainer TomatoSoup
Origin. Trainer TomatoSoup
Breeder TomatoSoup
Obtained 3 Hours and 49 Minutes ago
Bred in the Daycare
Family Tree
Hatched 3 Hours and 12 Minutes ago


Nidorino wants to train with you a bit!


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Jaquscaliber, Ashe012, ace666, Unseen05, Hime-Nyan, Thaaya, NoctisWolf, Chilenka, Maguro, KAMATOSE, Aisling, DeadlyKoopa, Lemeyx, Ilse, lairon00, Raiogen, KoayZQ, amelia3077, hinagatari, $pring, i3ydlaczek, HarpyScale, BrookeOak, Jam_Toast, Voski, CatLady, Ivanthedragon, Menxi, Abufirestar01, Solo~Leveling, quilavant, WisteriaAria, Defronix, Sorasdra2simp, Pixer, Kimie, Purrloin, Shiny, AshlyKagome15, Inner-Nexus, BarnacleBoy, enderminty, Kurumi, Kaede, AmeliaHamAndEggs, -XYZ-, EpicFailure, Ashikawa, cat-rose, Go_Gettem_Bon_Bon, Allisa1504, katyn, Alphamon_Ouryuken, *CrystalWinter*, NelvixAzone, Verus, Espevahr, fakemagican31, HariKing8, JellyMew, HyperBeam, GengarKeepsGrinning, Cyain.