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Animal crossing: New Horizons players: UNITE!

Forum-Index Fan Clubs Animal crossing: New Horizons players: UNITE!
Trainerlevel: 7

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 24/06/2020 20:02 (4 Years ago)
Hey there! Do you guys play New Horizons? If so, I do too! If you want to come to my island or want me to visit your island, you can post on this! To be fair, I might not be on all the time, because tomorrow I am going to New York for 2 weeks! I might be able to go onto this website on my phone, though. If you are kinda new to this game, don't worry! I am too, and I only have a 1-star rating! I hope you guys like my island if you come! See you there!
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Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 676
Posted: Wed, 24/06/2020 20:04 (4 Years ago)
I might post some designs here later. Im actually pretty decent at it~
Trainerlevel: 7

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 24/06/2020 20:07 (4 Years ago)
Hi! I have a few designs, too! if you want to share them you can! I might love it, so yeah!

Also i did not expect to get someone on here THAT fast! Thanks for coming, ~KawaiiDino~! i am glad to have you!

Oh well my anteater, Pango, wants to move out. Should I let her?

I let her leave. I hope this was a good decision!
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Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 676
Posted: Wed, 24/06/2020 20:13 (4 Years ago)
oh haha~ don't worry.

ill try to copy them, parents wont let me on I-pad, so the website will have to do~
Trainerlevel: 7

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 24/06/2020 20:17 (4 Years ago)
im wondering if i should change my orchard up a bit... its kinda hard to see the fruits. Should i wait until i get terraforming? Or should i make the fruits easier to see and edit my orchard?
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Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 676
Posted: Wed, 24/06/2020 20:24 (4 Years ago)
maybe put them in rows and make signs for each fruit. that's what some people do~
Trainerlevel: 7

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 24/06/2020 20:29 (4 Years ago)
Alright! I'll try that, but is there a DIY recipe for signs that you can write on or something like that, or do i just make a pattern with said fruit on it? If i have to do that, it will be fun! I might actually do just that, but first i have to find a good place for my orchard. Thanks for the suggestion!

Alright, I re-organized my orchard! Turns out I have a few more Cherry trees than i thought! (i thought i only had 2 or 3 but i have 7 :D) I don't have pears yet, do you?
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Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 676
Posted: Fri, 26/06/2020 02:43 (4 Years ago)
pears are my gosh dang fruit~ (my local cuisine)
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 910
Posted: Tue, 07/07/2020 14:10 (4 Years ago)
I have all the fruits so ask me for anything your missing!