Barry starts acting like a normal falcon, just pecking at random
things and walking around. He hears magic leopard and a griffin,
then thinks that there are two other animagus' nearby.
*Professor McGonagall walked towards both Trinity and Dylan. He
stopped once he reached them and looked up.* You two are both
very late. Follow me and I will sort you into your houses.
*McGonagall turned around and walked down the hall. Trinity and
Dylan followed him to his office*
Credit to art I use in roleplays is always linked to the
image itself IF it is available (as of August 1st, 2022). If the
artist is on PH, starter will be linked (see this)
"Dragini, let's return to the great hall and finish our dinner. If
that stupid **** says a thing more about you or anyone, he is gonna
face the consequences."
*They return and continue their dinner*
"Dragini, I'm sorry I couldn't do much in front of James today...I
just remembered the spell father did on the man who caught Dylan...
wait, where is Dylan? We haven't seen him since morning!!" Rohit
Suvansh comes in "Bro that was epic! You just saw father do it once
and you mastered it in a try! How did you do it?? Tell me the
truth, do you practice magic at home?"
Rohit: "Bro how will I? I got my wand a week ago!!"