Barry decides to leave a bit early and to go out for a fly. He gets
ready, for he hasn't done it for a while. He gets outside and is
about to take off.
*Suvansh noticed Aurora and Dragini glaring daggers*
"Oh don't worry about her- I know her...and Rohit likes her."
Rohit blushes like hell when Suvansh tells this. He says to Dragini
"Uh- don't listen to my bro-"
"Hey stop using legilimence like this on my bro!" Suvansh says
Rohit blushes more than ever...he didn't know what to do...he was
just so embarrassed and happy at the same time...he wanted to leave
and stay at the same time. He wanted to hide his face but talk to
Dragini at the same time...He had never felt like this ever before.
Barry transforms into the falcon and takes a quick fly around the
castle. He loved flying, it was one of his favorite things to do.
He flies around one of the towers of Hogwarts and goes on it, just
standing there and looking up at the stars.
"Sure. Oh an... I don't think that's an actual falcon." Aurora
says. "Kind of looks like an animagus." she said. "Then again, I
only know a leopard." she said.
Holly pauses. "Where did that boy go? The one from earlier." she
wonders. "What was his name? Dylan?" she asks herself.
His smile has a grip on me <3
Agent Fallows, signing out~
Barry gets off of the tower and flies back down to the ground. He
doesn't notice Anthony came outside and he lands behind a bush,
turning back into his human self and walks back to the Great Hall.