Rose smiled. "I don't mind" she said. "I'm Rose. Nice to meet you"
she said standing up to shake his hand. "I don't have many places
to sit yet." She only had her bed and her chair at the deck.
*He shook her hand slowly because he was afraid that he might hurt
her* Nice to meet you too Rose.Its okay i will sit on the floor,im
exhausted from the trip.
Rose nodded and smiled. "I know that feeling. I drove three days to
get here. Had to leave my cat behind, and she wasn't too thrilled
when I was packing" she said. She noticed something starting to
glow and blushed brightly when she realized what that meant.
Yumi opened her eyes slowly. She realized she had dozed off and
checked her phone. 'Oh thank goodness I wasn't asleep for that
long.' She thought. Yumi rushed into her room and picked up a
book. Her stomach growled and she began walking to the cafeteria
while reading her book.
*Notices the glow and desides not to talk about it* Poor
cat.Whenever u feel lost dont worry because i have a map *checks
his backpack* Yep,here it is,u can have it,i can go to that lady
and ask another one.
Rose smiled. "Thank you Tom" she said. "You are very kind, and I am
grateful for that." She looked down for a moment before looking
back at Tom. "Are you hungry" she asked.
Aimi looks confused at Grey "hey, are you ok...? I'll be right
back, going to grab something to eat so forgive my abssence please"
she says before getting up again and going to the balcon to order
something. Thankfully they didnt took too long to get her tea and
soon she was returning to her table when she almost bumps agaisnt a
girl reading a book, being distracted to not let her drink fall
"Dont you know it's dangerous to be that distracted while walking?"
The girl stares at her with her ice blue eyes, trying to glare or
simply stay mad for the reckless behavior but she couldnt bring
herself to do so. She gulps and looks away, a slight blush on her
cheeks as she tried to think about the situation "j-just... Don't
do it again. You can get hurt"
Rose nodded. "I am pretty hungry. I haven't eaten anything really
for the past few days. Hard to eat when you are driving" she said.
She stood up and looked at Tom. "Lets go get something to eat."
Everything was going well, they had a nice quiet table to
themselves,but after a few bites of food a weird feeling came over
them, they dropped their fork. What in the world? What's
happening to me? It was a feeling they had never experienced
before. Was that soulmate crap true? If so, who is it? There's
so many students in the room.. they noticed they were
panicking. Regaining their composure, they took another bite of
salad. Calm down you dork, don't panic. they chided. Their
soulmate must be in the room with them.. who? It was a question
haunting them, they couldn't simply shake it off either. It was
frustrating and confusing, a soulmate.. they didn't come here for a
soulmate, did they? Would it really be that bad? This is going
against every fiber of my being.. but you know what? I could get
used to it.. Alex told themself. Having a soulmate wouldn't be
that bad. Heck, they may even enjoy it. Mom did always say I
needed to get out and meet new people.. maybe this is what she
I don't even know anymore.. they sighed, picking up their
fork. I came here to get something to eat, so I might as well
finish my goddamn salad. Not letting my money go to waste. they
took another bite of those delicious leafy greens. Now that I
think about it, I really wish I brought my book with me..
reading always helped Alex distract themself. Oh well.
"It´s fine. It was an accident...what´s your name?" she asks while
looking at the book, trying to read the tittle. She then checks her
tea, happy to see everything was still there unharmed
Rowan- She headed tworads a courtyard to draw the birds and
flowers. Drawing had always calmed her down and she didn't want to
interact with people right now. A chickadee was sitting on a
camilia so she started drawing.
Kira- She went over to the cafeteria. She wasn't going to eat. Just
interact with her new peeps. She entered and sat down at a table.
She realized she had left her schedual and map in her room. "Oh
well. I'll figure it out as I go." She hummed as she thought about
all the awesome parties she'd throw.
"You can call me Aimi, I-I mean... My name´s Aimi. It´s a pleasure
to meet you... even under this certain circunstances" she bows down
her head a little, murbling the last part as doing so
Rose smiled. "No need for me to look. I trust you to lead us the
right way" she said. Her blue eyes looked at the window. "Let me
close the window and I will be ready." She quickly moved to close
the window before walking back. "Lets go" she said.