Cleaning up the kitchen, Yohane looked around satisfied, before
walking back to place the broom back, tripping over a bucket in the
process and landing face first on the floor, a dish falling on top
of her soon after.
Ow.." Yohane whined, getting up. Brushing the plate shards off her
head, she stood up and put the broom away. Her roommates were out
at sea, kayaking and swimming, so she decided that i'd be a good
idea to go out and dip her feet in the water.
Draco noticed Yohane dipping her feet in the water. An evil grin
spread across Draco's face as he had an idea to prank Yohane. Draco
grabbed a large amount of sands in his hand and snuck up behind
Yohane. Draco poured all the sand from his hands, into the back of
Yohane's shirt.
Screaming like a little girl, Yohane, toppled forward into the
water, coming up sputtering. Seeing Draco, Yohane grinned. "Oh, you
just picked the wrong girl to prank."
"You do not know how many times i got scolded by the village elders
for wreaking most of the huts they lived in through pranks." Yohane
smirked, climbing out of the water.
"Illusions? Nice try. You're a Zoroark. And even if I was really in
water, I'm not gonna die in it like a charizard. I just don't like
water but I can deal with it." Draco said.
"I don't just rely on illusions." Yohane smirked, before dumping
water over him. "I use then as distractions." Putting sand into his
hood, Yohane snicked before crafting a plan.
Draco growled and took off his hoodie and threw it over Yohane's
head. Draco picked her up and threw her into the water. Draco then
used flamethrower at the water to make it incredibly hot.