"Wowie ! Its soo sparkly !" She said and hugged psychic ball ,
luckily nothing happened to her "Okay , So Nyx and I are in one
team , Does anyone wanna join too ?" Kora asked
"Okay so Me , Meg and Nyx ! Who is leader ? Not me becouse i am
really bad at almost everything i do ! And what path we take ? Its
soo hard to dicide !" Kora is talking really fast but it seems like
it isnt really problem for her .
But, what if something strong attacks us? "We shouldn't do
teams in case a human attacks us. I'll call the small human Jerry
just so I can shorten it from "small human" to "Jerry" for
simplicity purposes. We should all stay in a group."
"Yeah , its too true but maybe we will go left but stairs will be
on left ! Bum maybe Hu-Jerry attack us and we will die becouse we
arent in one grounp ! I am soo confused ! " She said and shaked her
head , its easy to get Koras confused .
Jerry said that they'd attack us tomorrow, right? "I don't
think Jerry will be down there...but maybe a different human will?
That last one was loud, so maybe the next one will be loud, too?"