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Two Lovers Nightmare

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions Two Lovers Nightmare
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Fri, 10/07/2015 02:45 (9 Years ago)
*clears throat* Ahem, here is the story you guys have been waiting for.

This story will include two well known users on pH!
One is our amazing master admin Riako!
Next, is the miss amazing ilovcows!

For story situation, Riako's name will stay Riako, as it sounds like a name.
For ilovcows, it will be changed to Claire. Cow---Claire...same thing right?
And Riako will be 19, as Claire will be 18.
Haha, well...here you guys go. My first story after a good four years after not making one.

(Oh, and you MAY comment between Chapters, but do NOT spam and write nonsense. Max will be three-four pages of comments between each Chapter!)



Two young people, by the name of Riako and Claire, are in the situation of moving items to the truck. They plan on moving onto a new house, since they do not want to stay in the current house. The current house was Riako's parents until they passed away. They held it until they gathered enough money to buy a new house.

"Everything in the truck Raiko?"

"Ummm, let me go back for something."

Claire sighs. "Ugh, hurry up! I want to ditch this place."

"Shut it will ya." Riako responds as he opens the door, and enters it.
"Now where are you?"

Riako walks up to the second floor, and enters his old room.
He turns to find the beaten up Ducklett doll on a dusty wooden shelf.

"There you are!" Riako exclaims as he walks up to the doll and grabs it.
He then looks around the room, opening the door, and exhales.

"Bye-bye old house. I'm going to miss this beaten up old house."

Riako walks downstairs to the front door, and opens the door.
He walks up to the truck, and stuffs the Ducklett doll into one of the boxes.

"Alright bud! Everything's packed! You can go ahead and take the stuff!" Riako says as shuts the back door to the truck.

The truck driver honks the truck, and drives off.
Riako and Claire wrap arms behind each others back, and face the old house.

"See ya good ol home. 19 years in this house." Riako says with a sniff.

"Aw babe, you're getting emotional. C'mon, let's get in the car before you start crying."

Riako and Claire head to the white BMW, and enter it. They slam the doors shut, as Riako drives off.

Chapter 1: Moving in

Riako pulls the car to the side of their new home. The home is a beautiful white on the outside, while it stands two story high, with a large front yard, and an even larger backyard.
The windows are as clear as diamonds, and the roof is a purple triangle shape.
Red-violet curtains fill each window, while flowers dance outside on the grass.

"What a beautiful house Riako. How much did we pay exactly?"

"Well thanks to the money my parents laid onto me, I was able to buy this house for a good eight-hundred thousand dollars."

"Holy heavens...eight-hudred THOUSAND! And I thought forty thousand for the car was enough."

"Trust me babe, KoKo knows how to make his cash" Riako says with a follow up wink and kiss to Claire's cheek.

Claire blushes, and spots the moving truck. "Hey look, the truck is here." Claire says as she walks up to it.

"Good job truck, I was gonna make my move...." Riako says while following Claire.

"Everything's safe! Just get it out of the back guys!" the truck driver states.

"Thanks Max, you were a big help." Riako says as he walks to the back of the truck.

Riako and Claire unload things into the living room, and start viewing rooms in the house.
They end up walking to the kitchen, where they see a bright room, where the best wooden tables are placed with glass tops, and the sinks and silverware shine like blades from a knight.
They move into the bathroom inside the kitchen, and see a beautiful white toilet, with a golden handle, and a wooden top. Across from it is an oval shaped mirror, with gems encrusted in it across the circumference.

"Kitchen....check. Bathroom...check. Outside next hun?" Riako asks.

"Most definitely, then the second floor."

They move outside and see the emerald green blades of grass, lined up, and swaying back and forth in the spring breeze.
Farther out, there is a built in pool, that reaches to nine feet.
And next to it, is a stature that reaches eighteen feet high, and has a blue slide that leads around the pool, and curves into the five feet end.
Farther out, there are two red colored swings, and a bit farther, is a laid out volleyball net.

"I don't even know what to say...." Claire says in awe.

"You don't have to say anything hun." Riako says as he reaches in for a kiss.

The two love birds kiss, and walk in happily. They set foot to go upstairs, and cross the twenty set staircase.
There they see two small rooms, and one big room. Then there is a decent sized bathroom, and a very small room isolated from the others.
But then there is a little entrance gate on the roof. They'll need a ladder to enter it, for the ceiling is ten feet high.
They decide to check the bathroom, and then they'll come back to this built in attic.
Inside the bathroom is a copy toilet of the kitchen one, but golden sinks unlike the kitchen ones.
The ceiling contains three mini skylights across it. And it is shines like a brand new car after the wash.
There is a small shower, that can only fit one person. But next to the shower, is a hot tub.
Around the tub are prelit candles, and strawberry bubble shampoo.

"You know darn well we're getting into this later baby." Claire states with a huge smile.

"Guess i'm gonna be a lucky boy then." Riako says with a blink after.

The two exit the bathroom, and help each other up to the attic.
This small attic is eight feet by eight feet. And the ceiling reaches above their heads, but not by much.
The distance from the wooden floor to the ceiling is six feet.
The room is currently empty, with a single visitor residing in it.

"Aw how cute. A spider in the corner." Riako walks up to the spider, and lets it crawl up his finger.

"Eeee babe no! Put that thing down!" Claire screeches.

"Haha, you're such a scaredy-cat." Riako says as he puts the spider back down.

After the house tour, they move everything into where they should be, and get ready for bed after a long day.

"What are you doing Ko? I want you...." Claire pats the area next to her in bed. "....right here."

Riako sets the beaten up Ducklett doll on the shelf across the bedroom, and walks to the bed. He enters the bed next to Claire, and then takes his shirt off to lay down.

"Sorry, got to place my dear Ducklett onto the shelf. Can't lose him, he was passed on to me after momma died." Riako proclaims.

"Yeah whatever, I didn't need that ugly duck doll staring at me while I sleep." Claire says agravatedly

"Don't be such a..." Riako says as Claire kisses him.

"Just shut up and sleep with me." Claire says as she holds Riako tight.

"Y-yes...d-dear." Riako says while being smothered in kisses. He reaches for the light, and turns it off.

End up....Chapter 1.

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 33
Posted: Fri, 10/07/2015 02:52 (9 Years ago)
-Thanks Daster!
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Fri, 10/07/2015 03:08 (9 Years ago)

Haha, thanks! ^_^
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,087
Posted: Fri, 10/07/2015 03:24 (9 Years ago)
You should totes introduce a new character named Mal in the next chapter.
He would be hella flirty and have a secret affair with Riako tho.

Just a suggestioooooon.

Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Fri, 10/07/2015 03:29 (9 Years ago)
Haha, don't count on it buddy.
We don't need secret affairs going on with Riako involved. ^_^

But thanks for reading! <3
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,710
Posted: Fri, 10/07/2015 08:01 (9 Years ago)
Jesus Christ! Your story made me cry tears and tears.
I cried when they first kissed; crying intensified when they taked about bathing together and I couldn't stop anymore when Riako took off his shirt. Jesus Christ!

This is truly 5 stars 10/10 should read high quality fanfic.

(Why is this topic locked, though?)