the doors burst open on them"i dont think so*bzzt*"eggman-bot said
with a sqaudren surrounding the 2 leaders "my plan is going out so
well i have brough the leaders into on room who do you think gave
you the folder who else knew where you would be i had spies all
over the world you all have lost. open fire!"the dquadren open
fires on the leaders.
Meanwhile, Spark and Joe arrives at Red Square Zone. Both see the
ruins of the city being infected with swatbots everywhere, even to
the point that the streets were also infected. Spark tells Joe
about the Red Empire itself, telling him about the secret entrances
to their bunkers underground, the Top-Secret plans on domestic and
international policy, and within a few short moments, they arrive
to the only non-infected area, which is the entrance of the bunker
where Niokian and his Commissar are laying.
"it seems the eggman bot has spies and knew everything about the
red empir...."joe loses his words and stares at spark"i have a bad
feeling about this"joe calles all units to the trasport"everyone we
have to get back to the fort now!"joe said as he gets on the
transport with the other units and spark and the tank and heads to
the fort.
Spark: Joe! Wait! Why did you stop mid-sentences for? *Looks at him
with a grim face, as if he knows whats wrong* Is it with Fort Acorn
Meanwhile, Fort Acorn is now in conflict. Fighting through what
seems to be an endless legions of Eggman Forces coming at them.
Troy leads the defenses of the fort, while fighting at the same
Troy:*Finishes off one swatbot* Where are these guys come from!
*Throws fire at one swatbot*
Gold:*Picks up 15 swatbots and throws them at the incoming
Snake:*Uses a heavy machine gun to take out a large number of
swatbots* I don't even know.*Hits one behind him* Theirs too many
of them! That's the problem.
Cyan: I can deal with that. *Uses Laser Spin Dash on some of the
Egg-tanks* Wooah! *As he jumps up from the egg-tank* *Uses Drill
attack on an Egg-Transporter* (FYI: Cyan uses Wisp powers, and
technology. If you want to know)
the gang is surrounded as the swat bots destroy the machine gun and
parazled cyan. "you will be exterminated!"*they aim at the gang and
about to open fire when suddenly laser fire hits several of the
bots at a time as transports come in surrounding the gnag as first
calvery troopers come out and open fire on the army as joe fires
the tank at some of them.
Troy: Regroup and charge! *Fights back the swatbots*
Snake:*Regroups with Troy* Lead the way!
Gold: *Follows them into the charge* What about Cyan, Troy?
Troy: Give him medical support. We can't win without him. And
Gold: Right. *Actives medical gloves while flying towards Cyan*
While the fighting is going on, the paralyzed Cyan tries to get up,
but with no success. Until suddenly, a Egg-Raptor Scout is behind
his back. Failed to get up, he is hopeless at first.
first calvery troops comes in and blast the scout and help defend
cyan as gold comes in and helps cyan out. the fleets from the 2
other areas start coming in to support with the 3rd fleet.
Gold: *Lands next to Cyan* I got him. *Heals him with the medic
While that is happening, Troy and Snake takes the swatbots head on,
as more and more forces appear to keep on attacking at them. Most
amount of the forces surrounded the First Calvary Troops.
Spark defends Gold from the incoming forces with the used of
electricity a pond the swatbots, giving them time to heal Cyan.
Troy: *Attacks the swatbots head-on* *Stabs one swatbot with sword*
Leave none functioning.
Snake: *Pulls out a knife* Come on! I got all day to take out
walking buckets!
Joe heads back to the first calvery base and board a new ship and
takes it out for a test run as it flies overhead of the battle it
drops off a special bomb on the swat bots that sends out a
electrical pulse destroying them by overloading their circuits.
then he send the order to use the EMP Cannon as it fires at the
fleet disabling all controls and bots commanding the ships of one
of the fleets.
The Egg-Typhon looks at the land forces and fires meteorite fire
balls at the forces. One of the wings grabs a huge chunk of land
and throws it at the town. The four heads destroys fighters on
their surroundings. To make matters even worst, one of the heads
bites the S.S Sharkhead.
Troy and the gang were all caught surprised to see the size and
scope of the Egg-Typhon.
(adding a character)
Powers:Silver Toungue, dark abilities
*Back-story:He works for noone and has a unknown personal
electricity of a powerful standard is shot at the typhoon and it
starts to short out.
Walks over to troy and says"hello i am Baras i was the one who
cause the eletricity and i am here to help you with your defense"
he says as he shoot more eletricity out of his fingertips at the
The Eggman forces are being defeated by the minute. The swatbots
are quickly overpowered by the arrival of Baras. It seems the
Neo-Freedom Fighters, so far, has won this day.
Baras askes after the fleets retreat and the troops and ship head
back for repairsand medical help"i am actually trying to find a
aceint artifact that is hidden around this location."
Troy: Hidden Ancient artifact? In this location? Can I ask what's
about the artifact that you are looking for? Because we can help
you finding it, as long as you don't turn against us. Do you have
my word?
"it is pyramimal shaped artifact which is said to have been buried
here it was buried by my ansestors and i would like to find it
since it is a part of my family history"