Lithar rolled his eyes."That would be the pot calling the kettle
black."He mutters out while still following after Lyn."Anyways I'm
not insane...just special."He whispers to himself while his tapping
speeds up significantly.
A little weasel with black fur and a light gray stripe down her
back glares up at Dexter. She was half invisible, but completely
solid blood rolls down from her closed mouth. Her ears are flicked
back angrily and her dark brown eyes glitter.
Lithar had slipped into his room and sat on his bed.His legged
bounced while he continuously tapped on the metal part of his
bed."Stupid ticks.Stop making me so anxious.Anyways it's not bad
being in here.Quite fun actually."He grumbles to himself.
Lithar calmed down and walked out of his cell.He decided to just
stroll around and see if he would come across any Alia.His fingers
were drumming on his stomach in a slow and lazy way revealing that
he was in a calm,if not sarcastic, state of mind.
"I'm Mira," She didn't bother asking about the blood; she'd most
likely not get a straight answer. "So, where are the other Alia? I
saw Red already, but Lyn said there were more of you around here."
"Did you even listen to the conversation?" Echo asked.
"We both know I didn't listen to them talk about anything. Though
fortunately you know. You do know right?" Dexter mused standing
near Echo causing her mutter a few swear words.