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Posted: Thu, 23/11/2023 00:24 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Sakura nervously tapped her pencil on her desk, biting her lip a little as she stared at the first question...

"That's it, I'm gonna ask if we can use our notes!" Sakura said to herself before raising her hand, again, a bit hesitantly, but the teacher had already spotted the girl with her hand in the air.

"Yes, Sakura? What do you need?" The teacher asked, with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, I just wanted to know if we could-" Sakura paused when she felt her phone vibrate in her lap. It must've been Eris!

"I-I forgot my question, nevermind! If I remember, I'll ask you again later, if that's okay? Haha!" Sakura giggled with embarrasment, putting her hand down with a small sigh.

"If you're sure..." The teacher sighed as well, keeping their focus back on the timer, and the working students.

Sakura looked at the math teacher before getting her pencil and pretending to write on her test and look down, when she actually looked down at her phone to see Eris's message.

Quote from ErisSorry to hear you have a pop quiz. I wish you all the luck!
Currently class is splitting into groups for a project. I'm flying
solo on the work, again. :P

Sakura smiled with a quiet giggle at Eris's message. Sweet as always! Looking up and around to make sure she was out of sight, she put her pencil down and began to reply...

Sorry to hear you have a pop quiz. I wish you all the luck!
Currently class is splitting into groups for a project. I'm flying
solo on the work, again. :P

Hehe, thanks! Hope the project goes well, I understand the solo part. I just hope I don't get caught texting you during this quiz, tho! I'm afraid to ask if we could use our notes on it, I wasn't paying attention to anything the teacher had previously said..

Sakura turned her phone off and looked back at her test, this time, actually trying to solve the problems.

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Posted: Wed, 22/11/2023 23:34 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

As some time went by, students were now halfway through their first class.

Sakura was already so bored, and wanted it to be over with.

Unfortunately for her, she had only started to pay attention when the math teacher had announced that they would be taking a pop quiz. Right now.

What?! She wasn't paying attention at all!! She was SO going to fail...

"I guess thats karma, huh..." Sakura sighed in dissapointment.

As the students got their supplies ready for the test, Sakura pretended to look in her bag, when she actually decided to use her phone. She decided to send Eris another message about her unluckiness.

Quote from Sakura: To Eris
I hope you see this message rn, but hey, Eris! I wasn't paying attention in my class, now all of a sudden we have to take a quiz! Hopefully I pass, wish me luck! What's going on in your class atm?

Sakura giggled a little at her message, before taking her phone and placing it in her lap, under her desk. If Eris replied, she would be able to feel the vibration and try to send her a message, only if she didn't get caught, that is..

"Alright, class, you may begin the quiz! You have thirty minutes to finish. If you need extra time, come back to this class during lunch." The teacher had set a timer as the other students began to work.

Sakura looked around nervously as the other students started. She started off with putting her name and the date, obviously. She then had an idea. Hopefully the quiz could be open note? She raised her hand, but hesitated.

There was a possibility that the teacher would decline her request, most likely because she had went over some things before the quiz started.

Putting her hand down, she decided to stick with using her brain and remembering what she had already knew, while also waiting for a possible reply from Eris.

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Posted: Wed, 22/11/2023 21:17 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"My first period class is Chemistry. One of my favorites. I've always had an interest in the ways of science. Which class or subject is your favorite?"

"My personal favorite subject is English. There's a lot I love about it!" Sakura beamed.

"Oh, you said you have Chemistry? My class is across from that class! Although I've never really seen you, probably because I take a while to leave my class all the time." She said.

As the other students around the two girls had went to their classes, Sakura turned to Eris.

"Hope your class goes well with you, I'll see you at lunch after classes! If you need to meet up anywhere, you can text me during class, I don't mind. Just let me know if you need anything, okay?"

With that, Sakura gave Eris another hug before waving at her, and leaving to her Math class.

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Posted: Wed, 22/11/2023 16:13 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"Sure! That would be nice."

Sakura smiled. "Great! I'll walk you to your first class, mine is nearby so I can get there. Or maybe our classes are close to each other? I don't really know, I'm usually the last person out of my classes.."

As the two girls walked to Eris's first period, she kept babbling on about random things here and there, to hopefully lighten up the mood, and of course, to try and get their minds off of yesterday.

"If I'm going the wrong way, please correct me! I don't want to get you late! I can be a bit clumsy at times, haha!" Sakura joked nervously.

"What subject is your first class? Mine is math, I dispise math so much. It's so difficult for me! I have to write down a TON of notes to help me remember some formulas, or how to solve something..."

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Posted: Wed, 22/11/2023 13:16 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Sakura saw the message that Eris had sent again.

Quote from ErisThank you for your kindness. And that would be lovely!
I'm almost to the school. TTYS!

Sakura giggled at the message. She knew Eris was a sweet girl! She replied back, before putting her phone away.

Thank you for your kindness. And that would be lovely!
I'm almost to the school. TTYS!

No need to thank me! Also, I'm so happy that you want to go! See you at school! :)

Sakura now had a gentle smile, mostly to stop her face from hurting more. She put her phone in her pocket, and she too looked up. It was Eris herself!

"Hey, Eris! Over here!" She said brightly and waved at the girl. "Let's walk to our classes together!"

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Posted: Wed, 22/11/2023 03:06 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Sakura felt her phone vibrate once again, seeing the reply from Eris. She carefully read through her message.

Quote from ErisYes, I'm doing better. I'm really sorry for what you had to see yesterday. I promise I'm not that bad, just really sad. Maybe we can meet up after school? Somewhere we can chat and learn about each other? If that's okay with you, of course!

Sakura smiled sadly at the first three sentences in the message, but then it formed into a cheerful smile at the last three. She quickly wrote a reply back.

Yes, I'm doing better. I'm really sorry for what you had to see yesterday. I promise I'm not that bad, just really sad. Maybe we can meet up after school? Somewhere we can chat and learn about each other? If that's okay with you, of course!

Aww, no need to be sorry! You were going through something very challenging to deal with, I understand. But, I'm glad you're feeling better now! And of course we can hang out! It would be nice to lean more about each other! I know a nearby ice-cream store that I used to go to when I was little. We can go there after school!

Sakura's face was beginning to hurt, due to her uncontrollable smile. Now she was excited for school to end soon. Eris seemed like a sweet person, so this would be a great opportunity to know her better, and grow a close friendly relationship with her!

While she waited for another reply, she also waited for Eris to arrive in front of the school gates, to give them time to chat before going off to their first classes. Hopefully the bell wouldn't ring soon...

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Posted: Wed, 22/11/2023 02:39 (10 Months ago)
Sakura Hayashi

After a few minutes of listening to music, Sakura felt her phone vibrate. Opening her eyes, she checked on her phone recieveing a message from a random number.

Quote from ???"Hello Sakura. Ready for another tiring school day?"

She raised an eyebrow at the message, until it hit her. It must've been Eris! Sakura recalled giving the girl her number before they left to class yesterday...

She added Eris's number on her own contacts, and putting her name on her phone. She messaged her back.

Hello Sakura. Ready for another tiring school day?

Hiya, Eris! Sorry, momentarily forgot that I gave you my number yesterday. And yeah, I'm ready, but I feel like today might be a good day! Are you feeling alright? Any better from yesterday?

Sakura smiled. She was glad Eris messaged her, it made her feel glad. After many minutes of walking, she had made it to the front gates of the school, but still had her phone, waiting for Eris to respond.

She could already feel that today would go pleasant.

Sakura turned off her music, and carefully wrapped her headphones, putting them away in her bag, now humming a gleeful tune.

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Posted: Wed, 22/11/2023 02:07 (10 Months ago)

Timeskip: Next School Day

Sakura Hayashi

After going through her usual routine of waking up in the morning and preparing for another stressful day of school, for some reason, Sakura felt that today wouldn't be so bad.

Yesterday was a day that she never expected to happen. Saving Eris from something that could have been unnoticed and irreversible...all that she could do was think about how it was a blessing to have made it in time to save her and be able to talk her out of the situation.

Finishing her quick breakfast, and waving goodbye to her parents, Sakura left her house and began to walk to the school, watching as other students had left their homes to walk as well, some taking bikes or cars.

Smiling to herself, Sakura pulled out her phone, and her wired headphones, and began to play some music as she continued her walk.

Sakura looked around to make sure she had some space away from any other walkers, not wanting to bump into them. She smiled and closed her eyes, humming to the music.

She thought about Eris for a bit. She didn't message her yet, so maybe she was doing okay for now? She hoped so.

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Posted: Tue, 21/11/2023 23:36 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Sakura looked in Eris's direction and to the area she pointed in, revealing her mirror.

"Yes! Thanks, Eris!" She walked her way to the bench and got her mirror, putting it in her pocket.

"Okay, now that everything here is settled, we can really go back to our next classes. Again, see you around!"

With that, Sakura gave Eris a bright smile before leaving the roof.


As she walked to her other class, the bell had rang, and students had soon flooded the halls. As Sakura made her way through the crowds, she mentally went over what had happened many moments ago.

"I didn't expect this to happen today, Stopping a student from ending their life, when I simply had to find something that I had lost."

What a day...Hopefully Eris would feel better soon...

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Posted: Tue, 21/11/2023 22:58 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Sakura smiled a little when Eris gave a nod. Seemed that she was in.

"Alright, fine. Once you find whatever it is you need to find, you two go to your next classes. With all the time you wasted, the bell will sound soon." The second administrator sighed, before both adults took their leave.

Sakura watched as both of the staff members had finally left, sighing in relief.

"Finally..." She said with a grin. She turned her attention back to Eris.

"Luckily we played that off! But, we should get going to our classes. I'll see you around! I'm glad I was able to help you...remember, if you need anything, you have my number!" Sakura smiled warmly.

She decided to give Eris a comforting hug before leaving the roof, but then forgot something, again.

"Oh, right...I still need to look for...whatever it was I was looking for." Sakura giggled, a bit embarrased.

"Have you happened to see anything on the roof? It has a purple flower on it, and it's a circular shape...oh, yeah, my mirror! That's what I was looking for!" Sakura beamed, then face-palmed herself.

"Man, I'm such an idiot." She said, then turned back to Eris. "Did you see it anywhere before...you know..?" She didn't want to say it fully, not wanting Eris to be sad by the reminder, or too upset, in a way.

"If you didn't see it, we can look for it together! We just need to make it quick before the bell rings."

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Posted: Tue, 21/11/2023 20:07 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"If you say so... Who knows? You might make a miracle happen..."

Sakura let out a giggle. "Aw, you really think so? I try my best!"

She was glad that Eris decided to accept her help. Thankfully things went better than she had expected.

"Oh, I almost forgot..." Sakura pulled out a mini notebook from her right pocket, and a purple pen from her left. Opening the miniature book, she wrote something on it before tearing out the piece of paper and giving it to Eris.

"Here, it's my phone number if you ever want to chat. My name is Sakura, by the way. If you ever need to talk, a text or a call will do just fine." She smiled warmly at the girl.

"I'll do my best to help you through this, okay? You're not alone."

Before Sakura could say anymore encouraging words to help Eris, two staff members had come up on the roof.

Slightly flinching at the sound of the roof doors opening, she groaned a bit angrily. Perfect timing...

"Oh, great..." Sakura thought to herself, turning around to face the two adults. Just as she thought, they were caught...

With a sigh, one of the administrators spoke. "What are you two girls doing here at this time? Classes are almost over and your teachers have noticed that the both of you have not returned to your homerooms."

Sakura, not wanting to make things worse than they were before, decided to make up an excuse. Maybe not really an excuse, since it was her original plan beforehand..

"I had went to use the bathroom, but then I had remembered I lost one of my items on the roof. My friend was with me, luckily, to help me with my search. I apologize." She made up.

Sakura looked over at Eris a little, hoping she would play along in the little excuse. She had already helped Eris and talked her out of her previous actions, so adding onto it with two staff members wouldn't do...

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Posted: Tue, 21/11/2023 18:24 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi


"I mean... No need. I don't... Need any more bandages..."

Sakura flinched. Maybe the wound did have to do with something serious, then..

"Okay, then.." She managed to say, but then slightly paused. What did Eris mean by 'any more' bandages? Was she previously bandaged?? Sakura decided not to ask about that.

She did notice that Eris seemed to pause at her question about having any other wounds. Was she thinking about not deciding to say?

"If it's personal, you don't need to tell me. I understand. I'm just making sure you'll be alright. Does your teacher know you're out of class? Well, my teacher does, and if we're out here long enough, we could get caught. I don't want to stress you out more."

Sakura sighed a little.

"After all of this is over with, just please promise me you won't try to do this again. We all have our difficulties, but you're a young girl! There's a lot to live for, even when things seem like life isn't worth living at all." She said, saddened.

"If you need someone to talk to at all, or if you have nobody else to seek help for...I know we just met, but I can do my best to help you. Unless you accept my help, of course. There's many suffering, and I don't want you to lose your life because of your own suffering, you know?" Sakura gave a sad reassuring smile to Eris.

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Posted: Tue, 21/11/2023 04:27 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

After Sakura mentioned the wound on Eris's arm, she seemed confused until she saw it for herself.

"Wh-wh-what about it...?"

This made Sakura slightky raise an eyebrow. By Eris's stuttering, it definetly meant something, all right...well, at lest to her, she could be wrong...

"I'm just wondering. How did you get hurt like that? We should go to the nurse to get it bandaged, leaving out won't do at all..."

What a day. Sakura never expected this to happen at all, but she did want to do her best to help Eris in any way she could. Unless the girl herself would allow such help to be given to her...

"Is this the only scar you have? Hopefully there won't be too much bandaging to be done, you know?"

Sakura felt like she was asking too many questions, but who wouldn't? Or was she the only one? Hopefully administration wouldn't come looking for her, assuming that she was skipping class and what not.

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Posted: Tue, 21/11/2023 03:55 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"My...Family...Is the reason I was seeking this as a way out..."

Her family was her reason for all of this? Possible abuse at home, or something like that...whatever it was, it still wasn't good either way.

"Family problems, huh?" Sakura sighed. "Once again, I'm so sorry..."

She noticed that Eris seemed to comfort herself in a way by rubbing on her arm. She didn't blame her, after a failed attempt, how else were you supposed to feel?

Sakura did notice Eris's sleeve that slightly shifted as she rubbed her arm. She didn't want to think much of it until she looked closely...

What was...?

There it was, the wound that had revealed itself to her. Sakura's eyes widened as she didn't keep her eyes off of the cut.

Did Eris also harm herself??? Or was it just some wound that was there? This made Sakura frown once more, as she looked at Eris again.

She momentarily visualied the wound in her mind, it didn't seem new, but not old either.

"Uhm, about that wound on your arm...Sorry if I seem to be asking a lot, but I'm just worried, is all.." Sakura managed to say.

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Posted: Tue, 21/11/2023 01:26 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"I'm Eris. Eris Everlast."


"Of course. I tried telling neighbors, I tried telling other kids' parents. It never led to anything good..."

Oh...This made Sakura frown deeply. It seemed that this girl Eris was really going through it, then...

"I'm so sorry...also, if you don't mind me asking, what happened that made you think this was the way to go?"

Sakura knew that she was out of her classes for a longer amout of time now, but still, that wasn't important to her. But, would her teacher bring any administration to try and find her? She hoped not, well, not yet at least...

She felt sympathy for Eris, and so many others who could've, or have suffered the same fate as her if she didn't make it here.

For now, she focused on the poor dear..

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Posted: Tue, 21/11/2023 00:27 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"Fine. Have it your way..."

Sakura smiled sadly as the girl moved herself away from the edge of the roof.

Thank god, she was able to stop her. Sakura was momentarily proud of herself for being able to prevent this situation from happening, and was glad that the girl had listened to her.

She decided to get the girl's name. "Well, what's your name, if you don't mind me asking?" Sakura asked first.

After a few moments of thinking to herself, she decided to ask the girl more questions.

"Before all of...this...did you ever try to get help? Or talk to anyone at least?" Sakura said.

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Posted: Mon, 20/11/2023 23:39 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Sakura watched as the girl faced her. She looked upset, almost like she didn't want anyone to interfere with her attempt.

"Not a good escape route? Not a good escape route?! This is the ONLY escape route!"

"And I'm telling you it ISN'T! There are so many other ways to avoid this type of 'solution' to all your troubles. Do you know how many lives you would be traumatizing if nobody was here to stop you?!" Sakura was close to yelling, but calmed herself down.

"Again, I don't know what you went through, and I really don't know anything about you at all, but this way isn't it."

She took a small breath.

"Things can get rough, and it could feel like there's no other way out. But this way isn't going to solve anything. It will only make things worse with the others that witness your death, and you won't be able to overcome those problems once you perish."

Sakura sadly frowned once again as she looked at the girl.

"Please, just stop this. You don't know what you're about to do."

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Posted: Mon, 20/11/2023 23:06 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Sakura was momentarily relived that the student had stopped after she had made herself known. She just had to figure out a way to prevent them from jumping anyways...

"A-Are you crazy?! What are you thinking?! This isn't a solution to any problem...at all." Sakura now had a frown across her face.

This student must've had it rough if they were attempting to go out like this...

"Please...I don't know what could be troubling you enough to try this, but, it isn't worth it. It's not a good escape route.."

Sakura looked down a little, then looked back at the girl.

"Just...carefully come down. Trust me, you don't want to do this...it doesn't have to be this way.." She said.

Now that Sakura had witnessed this, she had completely forgotten about what she was going to do on the roof, too. What was more important was this student, and their wellbeing.

Thankfully she had made it in time before anything else could fall into a tragedy. If she didn't then this student would've been no more...

She waited on what the girl would do now, but was ready to spring into action, just incase.

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Posted: Mon, 20/11/2023 22:06 (10 Months ago)

*trigger warning(s) + info below!*

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just a trigger warning before you further read into this roleplay!
this covers some topics about attempted suic/de, and depression in the beginning of this, and self harm further into this rp. other than that, this roleplay is supposed to be a saddening but wholesome highschool romance rp. if you are sensitive to those certian topics, feel free not to read any further into this! those who would like to keep reading, i hope you will enjoy this story! thank you!

characters: sakura hayashi (jacki1ie's character)
eris everlast (shattereddiamond's character)

eris's backstory (by shattered): Ever since her birth, Eris was neglected and shunned by her family. She never understood why. Was it her pale features? Her developing personality? She didn't understand... After turning seven, the neglect turned to abuse. She bears many scars caused unto her by the ones who were supposed to protect and love her, alongside some brought on at her own hand. At age thirteen, Eris finally fled the household. She now lives in abandoned buildings, where she is relatively safe...

sakura's backstory (by jacki1ie): Being an only child in her family, Sakura was known to be a very upbeat girl, filled with curiosity. Her childhood was 'normal' to say the least, two loving parents and a life filled with suprises throughout the years. Always willing to make new friends, Sakura was always the one to cheer family and friends up with just a simple smile. She usually puts others before herself, making sure they are okay. Sakura was known to be very caring and supportive by all who knew her. She tends to worry about little things, but gets over them quickly.

Sakura Hayashi

Tapping her fingers on her desk, Sakura couldn't help but feel like she was missing something. As much as she knew she had to focus in this class, she couldn't brush that feeling away.

Maybe it's in my bag? I'm probably overthinking, right?

Sakura looked in her bag to carefully check if the item she needed was in said bag, but sadly, no luck. She bit her lip nervously, beginning to tap her foot. She cleared her throat and raised her hand. Sakura spoke aloud;

"Excuse me, Miss? May I use the restroom?" Sakura hoped that she would be able to get a yes, or even a shrug that meant she was allowed. The teacher nodded and continued to instruct the other students on the current ongoing lesson.

Sakura smiled and left rather quietly, taking her excuse to use it as an opportunity to find her missing something.

As she silently roamed around the halls, she had an idea. She did remember that she ate her lunch atop the school's roof, so maybe it could be found up there! She just had to be quick, and not take up too much time to gain suspicion by her classmates or teacher.

After taking all of those stairs, and what felt like many minutes, she had reached her destination.

"Finally! Now I can-" Sakura stopped in her tracks, frozen.

While the sunset illumed the sky, a figure was standing at the edge of the roof, almost wanting to let gravity take them.

Surley this couldn't be happening, right?! Whoever this student was, she wouldn't let them commit this action.

Sakura's eyes widened at the student who was about to throw their life away. She shouted these words before she could even process anything else.

Even she herself was suprised that she called out to the student, but hopefully it would save their life..


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Posted: Mon, 22/05/2023 00:17 (1 Year ago)
aww, i may have not won but im still glad to even be nominated in the first place! congrats to all the winners on this year's ph oscars! you all deserve it!

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