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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from MidnightSkipper.
Posted: Tue, 20/09/2016 21:24 (8 Years ago)
"Am I really that transperent ?"asked Quinn, looking at his hands and giggling. "I am your new roommate nice to meet ya! Oh and by the way please don't touch my stuff without asking, I am a bit protective of my gadgets and sweets." He looked Navneet up and down." Oh and don't be surprised when you see a ferret running around or popping out my sleeve. Hes my pet." He laughed and showed him his sleeve where a small creamy brown head was poking out of. "This is Loki. Oh...and I am Quinn."He smiled and stood up." You going out? I would like to go with you! I want more cake!" He said jumping up and down showing his new roommate his empty pastery box." Oh and is there a party anywhere nearby? I really want to go!" He stopped for a second " Hey, Navneet wanna be my friend? Do you? Do you? Do you?!" He started jumping around again. Lifting Navneet off the ground and spinning with him." Have you met anyone else in the college. If so are they nice? How do they look like? Can I be friends with that person too? Can we watch the stars tonight? I love them!" He sighed and sat down. He flipped a map of the city and started putting pins on buildings. "I have memorized the map and chosen places I really want to visit" He pointed at places on the map and stated explaining every pin and area.

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Posted: Mon, 19/09/2016 17:08 (8 Years ago)
At some point Naos part of the weapon started glowing blueishly." Woah what's that tingling sensation? Bro can you feel anything?" "N-...What yeah I do!" Now he too was glowing but more redish. "Hmm... Maybe there's a magnetic connection when we are separated our form or full power unleashes?" "Stop thinking for a moment! This feels amazing I feel as though I will explode!"started Luke. "Magnus be careful I'm not sure what will happen."

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Posted: Sat, 17/09/2016 15:42 (8 Years ago)
Luke finally walked in and looked at his brother being weilded by magnus. He got a bit jelous and closed his eyes trying to competely transform for the first time and he succeded! His red soul appeared and he flew to his brother and attached himself to create the full bo. An exited "yess!" could be heard from the red side of the bo. "I did it bro! I finally fully transformed!" "Good job bro! Now we. Can finally put ourselves into full potential!" "Oh and by the way we're polar opposites Magnus... As you migt have noticed. Now that we are both tobether if you seperate us I'm not yet sure what will happen... I've never fought as a full bo before but now we can finally find out!" Explained Nao. "Let's try it out!" Cheered Luke.

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Posted: Fri, 16/09/2016 21:18 (8 Years ago)
"Well I followed a weird scent from about a half a mile away and it turned out to be this Miniature schauzer here... I have no other information exept she had quite a party and that she might have a headache." She looked at the dog

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Posted: Fri, 16/09/2016 20:40 (8 Years ago)
After a five minute cooldown Nao entered the class seeing everyone showing their weapons to their meisters. He closed his eyes and his blue soul appeared around him. He transformed in a zap and was in Magnus's hand in a few seconds. His face appeared too and he spoke. "Well I luess this is the half of us...Luke is still quite pissed so he'll be out for a bit longer."

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Posted: Fri, 16/09/2016 20:31 (8 Years ago)
Nyela jumped to her feet looking at the approaching figure. Because she was a lone wolf she learned to be extremely cautios. "Why hello there. And who might you be."

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Posted: Fri, 16/09/2016 20:28 (8 Years ago)
Hey, question^^
May wolffang be the Casteius's leader?:D

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Posted: Fri, 16/09/2016 20:22 (8 Years ago)
" oh... Are you ok?" She sat down her neckeses clinking as she moved.

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Posted: Fri, 16/09/2016 20:07 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 16/09/2016 19:57 (8 Years ago)
Nyenla jumped up sniffing a weird scent. She shook her fur and started running towards it. When she spotted a tiny dog in front of her. "Why hello there, I could sniff you a half a mile away" she smiled lightly

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Posted: Fri, 16/09/2016 19:45 (8 Years ago)
She looked at him with no hint of her usual smile. She missunderstood him. Nobody had talked to her so sternly before or...well it never hit her so hard. She taught she did something horribly wrong and he would hate her now... she turned her head at the floor." I apologize. I am used to being with females and it was a usual thing in my old school. I am used to being around females so this is kind of a new experience for me... I guess I should really be less childish shouldn't I?" She looked at the floor, her eyes tering up "I should really just lock myself into a room and never come out. I am so stupid! I make a person hate me on the first day of school!" She started running, small glistening tears starting to fall from her cheeks. She entered her dorm and ran to her door and opened it. She entered the room, closed the door behind her but forgot to lock it. She leaned her back against the door and wiped her tears. Then slid to the floor, while Ricky came up to her and licked her soaked cheek. " Oh sweetheart come here!" She took the dog and embraced him not caring that people might think that calling your dog that way is weird. She stood up limply and went to her bed. She put the dog on the bed and curled up next to him into a ball. "I accually managed to mess up on the first day of school! And I made a guy mad." She sniffed and stroked the soft fur of her dog. When the dog noticed her wound and went to sniff it. "Oh that? I'm fine sweety, it's just a scratch... I fell on a root. Don't worry." She smiled at Ricky faintly

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Posted: Tue, 13/09/2016 19:18 (8 Years ago)
(I`m sorry about that. I was on my phone so it was 5 lines)

"Hey what are you looking for?" she looked at him and giggled. Let`s just go and you can find it on the way. She grabbbed his hand and started dragging him to the school house. But then stopped." Hey I have an idea. I have a medical kit in my room we can go there and I`ll fix myself up and if you fancy you can meet my dog Ricky." She started bouncing up and down of exitement still holding his hand and when she realized she lightly blushed and jumped back " I`m sorry I`m used to holding hands with my friends from my old school. It was an only girl school!"

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Posted: Mon, 12/09/2016 10:07 (8 Years ago)
She giggled." Aww that's disappointing..." Then jumped on her feet." See I'm fine" She smiled again. "But if you insist we can go~ " she looked at him and fell into a tought." But I don't know what anything is yet, can you show me to the nurses office"

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Posted: Mon, 12/09/2016 07:56 (8 Years ago)
Luke growled at him. He was getting very mad and his face turned red because Magnus was laughing at them. Nao grabbed Lukes shoulders just before he wanted to attack him. Nao looked over his struggling brothers shoulder with a bored face." Now look what you did. Be more careful next time. He's a beast when he's mad so I would try not doing that again." He then smiled and dragged his tustleing brother out of class to calm him down.

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Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 19:09 (8 Years ago)
"Well I am mostly ok. I haven't checked my knees yet tho..." She spotted that there was a quite deep scratch on one knee and a a few minor ones on the onther which were only surface scratches." I guess I'll go to the nurses office to get my left leg bandaged up...accually I think I'll survive without it (she wanted to play toigh but the wound wasn't in the best condition)." Thanks for worrying tho." She almost, accidentally gave him the bleeding hand because she was used to using it but then quickly switched them out. So he could pull her up.

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Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 16:32 (8 Years ago)
Nanomi giggled."Alright then! Let's see who finds it first" she giggled again.Them hugged him and ran off. She went searching everywhere under the bushes and on the stairs. She started skipping around and singing a tune that her mom used to sing to her. She looked at the sky and then tripped on a big root and fell on her knees and palms "Oww~ That hurt." She sat and looked at her palms. One of them was bleeding. "Great. That's what I get for not looking where I'm going..."she said with a slight hint of sadness on her face.

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Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 15:14 (8 Years ago)
She stormed out after him. Finding his behavior quite cute and silly. She giggled and ran after him following his into the garden. She made a somersault and ended up standing next to him. "What ya' panicking for?"." Did my dog run loose again?"

Quinn continued munching on his cake until he finished his plugging and establishing he sat down took the remote control and started playing. When Loki popped out of his sleeve he gave him a few crackers and continued.

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Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 13:04 (8 Years ago)
Nanomi stormed into her dormroom and threw her things on the floor and stormed back out to pick up another batch. When she finished her running and was almost out of breath she chose to go to a near coffee shop. She entered the building and jumped around happily spotting a blonde male sitting at one of the tables. She went opposite to him and asked politely "May I sit here?" She looked at him and smiled

Quinn was carrying his gaming console to his room and placed it on the ground. "That's one of then" smiling. He existed the room again and brought another one. Then he brought in a few bags and some other weird devices. Then he sat down on the floor and looked around. "Huh... Oh right I'm sharing a room with someone but I guess they're out at the moment." He opened a box with cake and took a piece, then started plugging all of his sistems and consoles together and staked all of his game cd-s neatly in a corner.

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Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 00:44 (8 Years ago)
"Oh sorry we haven't seen them, right brother?" Flamia looked at her brother Nao as he anwsered her "yes sadly not. Why do you ask? Are they missing? For how long? Do we need to find them?!" He said getting louder and louder. "You need to calm down brother. Wait for her to explain" "fine" he groaned.

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Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 00:38 (8 Years ago)
She couldn't avoid it quickly enough and got hit "Gwaah! That hurt. I don't have much energy left gh... haven't eaten in days." Flame appeared as now a common sight "Oww why does my eye hurt so bad?" She mumbled trying to ignore the pain. She jumped and used another foul play.

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