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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Fri, 24/11/2023 20:46 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Sakura made her way through the plushies, handing Eris the flowers and the cards, then giving her a warm hug.

"I'm so glad you're doing better, students kept talking about what had happened yesterday, mostly the other students in your PE class." She frowned.

"But I don't understand, what would possess you to do such a thing? I know you're hurting, but, what happened that made you do this? You had me worried sick..." Sakura said sadly.

"If you don't want to tell me, it's okay, I understand. Just... please don't do something like this again... I was so scared..."

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Posted: Fri, 24/11/2023 20:27 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"Thank you, Sakura. Eris needs as much help as she can get."

"Of course, I'm happy to be of assistance!" Sakura exclaimed.

She watched as Nurse Adio knocked, then the door had opened. She looked inside to see another adult already in the room, wearing a badge with the words 'CPS' on it. Child Protective Services..

The other woman inside had granted them access to enter, so Sakura made her way inside and was happy to see Eris, a bright smile across her face. And what do you know, she looked better than before!

"Auntie! Sakura! You made it!"

"Eris! I'm so relieved you're okay! I got you some flowers, and this card!" Sakura smiled sweetly at her.

She was so glad!

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Posted: Fri, 24/11/2023 19:50 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Sakura frowned deeper at Nurse Adio's sigh, but began to walk with her once she started to go again.

"Eris is a sweetheart, she really is. Unfortunately for her, my idiot of a brother and his equally idiotic wife developed horrendous standards for their very large family. Something about keeping the bloodline running strong, or some such nonsense. When Eris was born, she looked incredibly different from the rest of the family, which is why her family is so... For lack of a better word, cruel to her. Alongside her appearance, she had some attributes that they didn't like having in the lineage."

Sakura felt horrible. No family should cast out their own blood just because they're different from the rest! That wasn't right at all...

"That isn't right at all! To their own daughter? It isn't okay..." She said sadly.

Sakura stopped with Nurse Aido to the closed door, with the labeling 'RW - 7' on it. Was this Eris's room? She looked at the bin with the snowflake, and had a small smile. It must've been her room, then.

"Eris needs people who are more like her, not like the family she was born into. She's been so scared to speak up. It's a blessing she finally is talking about it."

"I agree, I'm glad she's opening up, too! I'm determined to help her through this, Miss Adio!" Sakura smiled.

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Posted: Fri, 24/11/2023 19:32 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Sakura noticed that Nurse Adio had stopped walking, so she did too, facing her in return when she had turned her.

"You have nothing to apologize for, Sakura. She trusted you to help and proved she could trust you. You helped her more than you can imagine."

Sakura smiled sadly. "Thank you, Miss... I appreciate it... a lot."

"I just wish I had noticed sooner... Eris has begged me to not do something about her situation, but no longer."

"Eris will no longer be alone, I swear this promise on my life."

Sakura was glad that Nurse Adio was very kind with Eris, but, that reminded her about what Eris told her on the roof. About her family.

"Miss Adio, I have a question... On the roof, where I had met Eris, she told me that her family was the reason for her attempt. I'm suprised that you're a family member of hers that treats her kindly. Not that I'm saying anything bad, of course, but... just what did her family do that made her like that?" She frowned.

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Posted: Fri, 24/11/2023 18:23 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"But of course. She could use a distraction."

Sakura smiled and followed Nurse Adioto Eris's hospital room.

She looked around the place, then looked up at Miss Adio, who suddenly had a serious frown on her face. This made her frown as well..

"Miss Sakura. I need you to be honest with me. Do you understand any piece of what is currently happening with my niece? However small or major the knowledge is doesn't matter. Anything that can help us... Complete this case?"

Sakura's eyes slightly widened, then she looked down, frowning once more. Oh...

"Well, I don't know that much, but, when I first met Eris, she was on the roof, and she was about to... jump... luckily I managed to stop her and talk her out of it, I even gave her my number so she could message me if she ever needed my help or just to talk about anything.." She said, continuing.

"After that, everything went well so far, just when I thought she was doing better today, I got a message from her, she kept saying she screwed up. Eris said she needed help. She told me to tell my teacher 'Code Snowfall', so of course I was worried and I sprung into action..She told me she was in the locker room, so I went there..." Sakura felt her eyes sting as she began to remember what she saw...

"I saw the stall door open, and she was sitting there, covered in scars all over, and blood was everywhere, and her phone was all bloody, her clothes were ripped, and she had a scalpel, but I'm guessing she used it to... cut herself. I don't know what happened at PE that made her do that. I was horrified. I took the scalpel out of her reach, and I called for help, and now... she's in this state..." Sakura wiped some small tears from her eyes.

"I was so scared...I was hoping that she would be okay... I'm so sorry..." She sniffled.

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Posted: Fri, 24/11/2023 18:04 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Sakura was suprised, the lady was a nurse!

"You must be Sakura then. My niece is quite happy to get to see you again."

"Yes, thats me, haha! I'm here to visit, hopefully she's okay! I got her some flowers and a card..." Sakura smiled sweetly at Nurse Adio, returning the handshake.

"Am I able to see her? Just to talk to her for a while." She said. She wondered how Eris was holding up.

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Posted: Fri, 24/11/2023 16:14 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Sakura got a reply back from Eris. She read it carefully...

Quote from ErisHey Sakura. Currently at the Red Light Hospital. I'm stuck with CPS and my aunt. I'll see if I can get permission to let you in. BRB.
Just got permission. Auntie will be in the waiting room for you. Gave a description of you so she'd know who to look for. A lot is going on rn.

Sakura smiled a little, messaging Eris a reply back.

Quote from Sakura Okay, I'm on my way! See you there! :)

Sakura put her phone back in her pocket, holding the card in one hand, and the bouquet in the other, walking rather quickly to the Red Light Hospital.


She had finally made it to the building, greeting the people at the front desk, and asking them where the waiting room was. After getting the directions, she walked her way inside the room. There, she saw a lady. Could that be Eris's aunt?

Sakura cleared her throat, to make herself known.

"H-Hello, Miss! Are you Eris's aunt? I came here to visit, and she told me you would be here through text, so..." She giggled shyly.

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Posted: Fri, 24/11/2023 15:49 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

After she got a message from Eris, Sakura was just relived that she was well enough to at least send her a text.

Now, she felt well enough to get some rest. Tomorrow was awaiting..

Timeskip: Next School Day

After the aftermath of the incident, students had returned to school.

Sakura felt weird, it didn't feel the same, walking to the front gates of the building without a message from Eris. Yeah, that was only one time, but...

She didn't even listen to her music, this time. She heard other students around her talking about what had happened yesterday, some that had PE with Eris giving their friends some details about what they heard and saw.

Sakura had her head down a little, wishing they would just stop talking about it already...

After a while of walking, Sakura had made it, walking to her first class. Without Eris by her side...

"Agh, why am I thinking too hard about this?" She rubbed her forehead. Yesterday she even hoped to hang out with Eris after school, but after that situation...

Sakura went through her all her classes, without her excited mood and expressions. It didn't feel right..

She would look back at her bookbag, at least hoping to hear a vibration sound...ugh, she was doing it again! "Is she really going to be alright?..." Sakura frowned deeply.


School had ended a few hours later. Sakura was walking home, when she stopped in her tracks. "I should visit her, at least. I promised to look out for her, so that's what I'm going to do." She turned the other way from where her home was, instead, finding a nearby florist shop.

Sakura had bought a lovely bouquet of tulips, and went to another store to buy a 'get well soon' card. Taking out her phone with the other two items in her hand, she messaged Eris.

Quote from Sakura: To ErisHey, Eris! Hope you're doing better at least, what's the name of the hospital you're in? Is it nearby the school? Please let me know if you can!

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Posted: Fri, 24/11/2023 04:47 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

A few hours after school had ended so soon, the principal of the school had sent out an email to all parents, explaining the reason on why this early dismissal had occured, but not revealing too much info, only labeling it as a "Major Incident", and that a student was hospitalized because of it.

Sakura was in her bedroom. She couldn't believe it, all of this was too much for her. Flashbacks of the sight she had seen when she had found Eris kept replaying in her mind.

"Please let her be okay, she has to be okay, I want to help her through this..."

Sakura's parents grew worried for their daughter, she seemed to be traumatized by the whole ordeal, and hadn't come out of her bedroom...

Sitting in front of mirror that was placed on her desk, and phone next to her as well, Sakura frowned as she looked into her reflection. She thought about the same thought in her head, when she first found Eris on the roof...

Thank God she made it in time.

Sakura sighed at this thought, as it began to lessen in her head. "It's okay, Eris will be okay, right? Yeah, I-I'm sure she'll be fine."

She could feel the tears, but stopped herself. It was getting late, too... With a frown, Sakura was about to go to her bed and try to sleep, to at least get her mind off of things for a bit, and to only hope that Eris would be alright, when suddenly-


Sakura whipped her head around and looked at her phone. She ran to her desk, and turned it on to see a message... from Eris!

Quote from ErisSorry for the whole situation. Currently in hospital now. My aunt is in charge of my
case. She says she has what she needs to help. Wonder what she means...

Sakura now felt the tears flooding her eyes, now falling on the ground. Thank the stars! Wiping her tears, she replied back with a relieved smile.

Sorry for the whole situation. Currently in hospital now. My aunt is in charge of my
case. She says she has what she needs to help. Wonder what she means...

Oh, thank the Lord you're okay! I was worried sick, I was so scared, I'm so relieved! I hope your aunt is successful in helping you, just take some rest, okay? School ended early after what happened, so, yeah.. Feel better though <3

Taking her phone with her, Sakura sat up on her bed, a sad smile on her face, filled with relief all over.

"I knew you would be alright..." she giggled.

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Posted: Fri, 24/11/2023 02:47 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"I'm sorry... I fell, hard. I... I don't know why... But... Oh stars..."

Sakura gave another worried look at Eris.

"J-Just wait here, okay?! I'm going to get the coach so they can get help!"

She looked back at the scalpel... Shaking her head, she dug in her pocket and got her mini notepad, ripping off a page and using it to grab and take the scalpel away from Eris.

"I don't want you doing this to yourself more, I'm just going to set it afar... I'll be back with help, please hang in there!" Sakura dashed out of the locker room.

How could this have happened?! Everything was fine earlier, they sent a few messages to each other, but nothing bad had happened! Eveything was well! Why?!

Sakura rushed to the coach, explaining everything. Students around saw this and looked at her like she was crazy, but that look soon went away when they saw the coach's serious expression, alerting other staff members to call for help.


An hour later, an ambulance had arrived and a group of medical professionals had went to the locker room to retrieve Eris and take her inside the vehicle, while others cleaned the mess inside, and taking the bloody belongings of Eris as well.

Students at the school watched the situation, whispering to themselves, or watching worriedly and speechless.

Sakura felt her heart ache at seeing the sight of her friend being taken away. She thought today would go well..

A few tears fell from her eyes.

"Don't give up on me...please be okay! You were doing so well, don't lose this now!" This saddening thought lingered in Sakura's mind.

After that incident, school had ended early.

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Posted: Fri, 24/11/2023 02:00 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Sakura flinched at Eris's cry. She watched as one of the stall doors had opened, and she walked in front of it to see...

Oh. Oh God.

Blood was everywhere, all around Eris and on Eris. It was her own blood she was covered in.

She had so many scars and her clothes were ripped, and all of the open wounds...her phone was covered in the bloody mess as well, and all of the scars...

So many scars. And Eris was there, drenched and soaked in all of it.

Sakura was horrified. Had Eris done all of this to herself? She looked at her hand and saw the silver scalpel.

She looked back at Eris in shock and immense worry, who looked back at her with a mix of fear and shame in her eyes..

"I screwed up. I'm sorry..."

Sakura looked back around at the blood splatter, then back at Eris.

"Did you....w-what made you...Eris, we need to get the nurse immediately. Not even the nurse, we need medical professionals. We have to clean all of this up, I'm so sorry, oh my God-" Sakura was now panicking. This was horrible!!

Sakura kneeled down to Eris, looking at all the scars and trying to figure out how to stop the bleeding. But there was so much..

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Posted: Fri, 24/11/2023 01:25 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Sakura was now writing down notes in her class, when she heard a little vibration noise from her bag.

Looking around to make sure she wasn't seen, reached down to her bag and got her phone. Turning it on, she read Eris's message, and her eyes widened.

Quote from ErisI screwed up. I screwed up. I screwed up.
Tell your teacher Code: Snowfall. You will be excused.
I'm in the girl's locker room. Please help.

Sakura dropped her pen in shock.

What?! What happened?! Sakura didn't send a message back, but immediately sprung into action, raising her hand with a serious expression. The teacher looked up at Sakura.

"Yes, Sakura? Is everything okay?" They asked.

"It's an emergency, Code: Snowfall. I need to help her!" Sakura said worriedly.

The teacher's eyes widened, but nodded. "O-Of course, You're free to leave." The students were confused by this.

With a nod, Sakura dashed out of the classroom, rushing her way downstairs and making it to Eris's PE class. Looking around frantically, she spotted the girl's locker room and ran inside. "Eris, I'm here! Is everything okay?! I saw your message, what's wrong?!"

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Posted: Fri, 24/11/2023 00:36 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

30 minutes later...

Sakura was happy in her English class, literaly raising her hand to every question, and always giving the right answers.

Some students around her were suprised at this, but let her do her thing because either some were too shy to raise their hand, or they didn't have a clue on what the answer to the question was.

Everytime a question was asked, Sakura's hand would go up immediately, and she would let out:

"Ooh, I know this one!"

"I understand it!"

"Wait, I think I got the answer!"

One of Sakura's classmates tapped on her shoulder. She blinked in suprise and turned around.

"Hey, super genious, save some questions for the others to answer, eh?" They joked.

Sakura flushed in embarrasment. "Oh, right! Sorry, everyone!" She giggled nervously.

"I must say, I am impressed with your knowledge, Sakura. You're the only one answering these questions. But, for now, lets have some others give it a try, okay?" The teacher smiled.

"Oh, alright, then!" Sakura put her hand down, letting some other students answer when they couldn't. Her class was going well so far! She wondered how Eris was holding up in PE?

She rembered what she had said about how tiring it was for her, but what did she 'generally' do that made it tiring in such a way? Maybe she was just being too curious, but, she really did want to know...Hopefully Eris was okay, though. So far, no message from her.

Sakura sighed a little, continuing her focus in class.

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Posted: Fri, 24/11/2023 00:01 (10 Months ago)
Sakura Hayashi

"Thank you. A few faculty members know a little about my... Situation... But only bits and pieces. It's difficult for me to talk about myself, but I think I can do it more than usual."

"Oh...I see..." Sakura said. This slightly suprised her, she thought that Eris was the type to keep any personal things about her to herself, even when it came to staff members in school.

But, for something like that, it was understandable.

After a few minutes of walking, the two girls made it to Eris's class.

"Okay, we're here! I gotta quickly run upstairs to get to my class, but remember, if you need anything or want to talk, just send me a message, okay? I'll see you soon for lunch!" Sakura smiled, giving Eris yet another hug before waving at her and leaving.

All the students went to their second class, and the bell had now rang.

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Posted: Thu, 23/11/2023 21:32 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"Phys Ed is my next class. It's so tiring, especially since I generally-"

Sakura happily listened to Eris, but raised an eyebrow when she paused. She turned to the girl in slight confusion.

"Since you generally what?" She said, tilting her head.

Sakura then frowned a little. Was there still more about Eris that she didn't know? Well, of course, they only met yesterday, so obviously she still had a lot to learn about her.

Hopefully they could catch up after school, with the ice-cream shop hangout.

Sakura noticed the grimace that formed on Eris's face.

"You don't have to finish the sentence if it's a personal thing, I understand!" She said with a small smile, as she continued to walk Eris to her class.

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Posted: Thu, 23/11/2023 16:02 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"That's very lucky that the teacher let you use notes. Usually pop quizzes are done BECAUSE of bad note taking. Even with them, some students probably had issues."

"I know, right?! I just hope I get a decent score when the results come in..." Sakura sighed with a small smile.

"As for my class, it was a simple experiment. Just mix certain ingredients with certain others to get the hoped for result. Pretty cookie cutter stuff, honestly."


"I prefer the BIG projects. With more risk factors and possibilities of surprise. Those are much more fun, wouldn't you agree?"

"Ooh, I see! I guess simple experiments for me aren't that bad, but it wouldn't hurt with a little kick to it! But, I guess I agree with you on the projects with more fun stuff like that! Although I do get a bit worried because of the possible accidents that could happen, you know?" Sakura smiled.

"By the way, what's your next class? Mine is English! But, I don't think our classes are nearby this time, my next class is upstairs. What about you?"

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Posted: Thu, 23/11/2023 04:18 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Upon seeing Eris, Sakura gave her a small wave with a warm smile.

"Hey, Eris! I'll walk you to class this time, just lead the way and I'll follow! When we get there I'll go to my next class myself." She giggled.

"In all seriousness, I was SO lucky that my teacher allowed us to use our notes if we had them! I didn't want to go home with a zero just because I spent to many minutes staring into the eyes of one question. I've been blessed!" Sakura said playfully.

"What did you do on your science project? Any fun experiments? Ooh, did anyone spill anything? I know you said it was boring over our messages, but, was it really that boring? You know, apart from the solo stuff." She asked, curiously.

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Posted: Thu, 23/11/2023 03:45 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Feeling her phone vibrate, she looked at her phone.

Quote from ErisClass went well. Same old same old, you know?
Project was a tad boring. Simple rinse and repeat in
terms of complexity. How was your pop quiz? Was
it as mind melting as you feared?

With a small giggle at the message, Sakura replied.

Class went well. Same old same old, you know?
Project was a tad boring. Simple rinse and repeat in
terms of complexity. How was your pop quiz? Was
it as mind melting as you feared?

Awh, sorry that your class wasn't as fun! Maybe next period will be better, you know? Also, about the quiz, we were able to use our notes! Thanks to that, I got done with the test pretty easily. Lucky~! Thanks to your wishes, ofc! :)

After Sakura had sent her message, the bell had rung. She flinched a little at the sound, but smiled and packed her things, this time, being the first out of class. She had a friend to see, of course! Time for their second class! Students flooded the halls once again, heading to their second period. Sakura waited for Eris to leave her class.

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Posted: Thu, 23/11/2023 03:11 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Before the bell would ring in a few minutes, Sakura decided to secretly message Eris again.

Quote from Sakura: To Eris
First period is almost over, so we can walk to your next class in a few! Don't worry about me, though, I'll walk you to your class instead. Hope things went well for you in your class? How was the project?

Awaiting a hopefully fast reply before the bell, Sakura pulled out her pocket mirror and looked at her reflection.

Thankfully she was able to use her math notes for the quiz, now she just prayed for a good score...

She was excited to see Eris after class, though! A warm smile formed on her face, and onto her reflection as well. Sakura was especially excited to be able to hang out with Eris after school, too! But for now, she waited until after her next class, to have lunch after. They could sit together and just talk there for a while!

Sakura happily visualized their after school time in her mind. So far this school day wasn't so bad, just a few more hours left!

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Posted: Thu, 23/11/2023 01:27 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Sakura raised her hand again, pretending that she had remembered what she would ask the teacher. "Excuse me, I remember what I was going to ask you!" She gave a nervous smile.

The teacher looked up to see Sakura's hand up once again. "What is it, Sakura?" they sighed.

"I wanted to know if we could use our...notes...for the quiz? Just in case we need to figure out something on a question?" Sakura said, waiting for the teacher's response. She hoped they would at least say yes, or sure, or even a shrug at least...

"Please don't say no, please don't say no!" She thought to herself with worry.

"Sure, why not? Just make it quick, you only have 15 more minutes." The teacher said, glancing at the timer.

Sakura felt relived. She had been blessed! "Thank you!" With a giddy smile, she pulled out her notes and began to use them to quickly answer the math problems, putting her phone away when she had finished half of the problems.

Soon, the timer had went off, and it was time for the students to turn in their quizzes. Sakura proudly handed in hers before going back to her desk, waiting for the bell to ring for their next class. She wondered if Eris was doing okay in her class, aside from working alone on that science project?

Now that she was done, maybe she could send her another message before they went to their second class.

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