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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Thu, 10/08/2023 00:59 (10 Months ago)
You are trapped in another realm known as the Abyss. You tried to escape and you died. To your surprise, you woke back up only to die again. Since then you learned you will revive after you die.
You wake back up in the graveyard and you crawl out of your grave. Since then you have died a few more times. Each death is painful and you just want to escape.
Stopping your escape efforts are three different obstacles. The first is the environment. Everything here is designed to kill you in brutal ways. Second, is the monsters who roam this world. To them, you are simply a meal and as of right now, you have no real way of handling them. Lastly and your biggest obstacle is the Abyss Police Force. Nothing will escape the Abyss so long as they are in charge even if that means they'll have to kill you countless times till the end of time.
So just how can you possibly escape? You have more enemies than friends and no weapons to speak off.

1) What I say ultimately goes. You can disagree, you can even explain why you disagree but only once. If I agree with you I'll change it up. If I disagree please drop it.
2) Rule one is the most important. Consider me the DM if that makes it easier.
3) You can fight and even kill other players if you have their permission. The worst thing that happens is one of you wakes up in the graveyard.
4) In the beginning you are weak. Expect to die a lot.
5) I may randomly message you 1, 2, or 3. It will be randomized outcomes based on your actions. Maybe you succeed in doing something awesome or maybe you get an untimely death. Maybe a power up or maybe nothing happens and you are just lucky to be alive.
6) You get stronger by trying more things. Sure you risk death more but in the Abyss nothing ventured nothing gained.
7) In the beginning you will not be soloing officers and monsters. Pick a fight with one and you will surely die.
8) If you are accepted I will PM you a more advanced character sheet. You can use it to pick out your stats. Some will be impossible to use in the beginning.
9) If you read all the rules PM or palpad me the most important rule.

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Posted: Sat, 06/08/2022 00:21 (1 Year ago)
Finally having time alone he stopped playing the role of Vinny. Leaning against Elijah he sighed and closed his eyes, "What have I gotten myself into buddy? Working with pirates of all people."
His Samurott nudged against his side and he smiled softly, "Thanks pal. I am glad you are still here. Otherwise I'd have long sense gone insane."

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Posted: Tue, 02/08/2022 18:18 (1 Year ago)
Accepted. I am looking forward to seeing your characters interact at some point.

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Posted: Tue, 02/08/2022 01:34 (1 Year ago)
Of course. I am looking forward to it.

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Posted: Tue, 02/08/2022 01:23 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Mon, 01/08/2022 22:26 (1 Year ago)
"Sure thing." He replied smiling as he made to the mast. Not to different from climbing a tree. As he made his way up he sighed at how utterly crass some of the commoners could be. Still he appreciated the crassness over the fake smiles nobles had.

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Posted: Mon, 01/08/2022 21:54 (1 Year ago)
He sighed and cracked his knuckles before making his weigh to Rei. Racing up to the deck taking three steps at a time he stopped a few feet away from her, "Vinny reporting for duty! All hands on deck and what not. But uh...call me Vin. Only my mother calls me Vinny."

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Posted: Mon, 01/08/2022 21:09 (1 Year ago)
"Is there perhaps a room to make a cup or two of tea?" Vin asked hopefully thinking about making a nice cup of earl grey or perhaps one of his chai teas. Tea made everything better. Plus as an added bonus it made acting as Vin or Vincent far easier.

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Posted: Sun, 31/07/2022 03:11 (1 Year ago)
One day zombies came into existence. You never learned how. Not that it really matters in the long run.
They were easy to defeat. Everyone saw the movies. Aim for the head and that is that. It should have been easy to defeat them; nothing more than weekend news. Why there was never more than a hundred at the time.
Then the Abnormal zombies arrived and things quickly took a turn for the worse. These zombies managed to retain some form of intelligence even after zombification.
What was once a slaughter against zombies became a war. They picked off the weakest areas first growing the undead forces. Nursing homes and schools fell to their might. Then they went after higher and higher targets. Sure your local police could hand a hundred zombies but throw an abnormal in the mix and things went crazy.
All you and the others can hope is to survive another day while praying you don't run into an Abnormal. If you wish you could join a faction for protection or you could just try to survive with a friend or two. If you are insane maybe even try by yourself.

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1) All Pokeheroes rules apply.
2) No power playing.
3) Standard zombies are easy to beat but Abnormals are tricky to beat and should be treated as such.
4) Respect other plays.
5) I will add rules as needed if something comes up.
6) If you read the rules put "John Smith" somewhere in your form.

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Dr.Livia Calvetti's Abnormal Research
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The Sniper - This Abnormal hasn't forgotten his training and can use his rifle with deadly accuracy. He has avoided us so far and we've only seen him from a distance. Every shot he takes lures in more zombies so we have to retreat. Luckily he hasn't tried to kill us but he will do things like shooting the tires of our cars, breaking our windows, or destroying our supplies. We best not go after him as he seems to be warning us and showing off at the same time. A keep your distance or die.

The Boxer - We tried to kill this zombie a week ago but failed miserably. His training is too good. He is able to jog, able to dodge melee attacks, and his punches are far stronger than before. Be wary around him or you'll find him punching holes through your limbs. He managed to kill two Humanity First Soldiers.

Zombie Boy - I'd like to say we caught this Abnormal, but truth be told he turned himself in. He seems to be the perfect mix of zombie and human. I believed he was the next step for humanity until recently. He has advanced strength, doesn't need sleep, zombies ignore him, and he has an immunity to pain. His human side allows him to heal, talk, and he has his intelligence.
As I said I once believed he was the next step for humanity but he has a few big weaknesses. The biggest is he loses all recent memories after a week or two. I believe this has something to do with his brain being in between human and zombie. He also is slow at moving and he has trouble seeing with everything being a blur to him. Perhaps he can help us.

The Ranger Abnormal - This zombie has survival skills such as starting fires, setting traps, leaving bait, and what not. He also has rifle training. He mainly skulks around the park hiding in the bushes and trees. If you see supplies out in the middle of the street best ignore them as it is probably one of his traps.

SWAT Team Abnormal - This Abnormal is new to me though he is incredibly tough. He can drive, has a taser, has a gun, and can go into melee combat with a night stick and riot shield. To make him a bigger pain he still has his helmet and a bullet proof vest. Harming him will be quite tricky I'd wager. I don't know much more about him besides his combat abilities and durability so for all we know he could be as dumb as rocks.

Note that these are the few I know about in our nearby area. There are easily hundreds more across the country and thousands across the world if not millions. I'll update this as we know more.

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Humanity First Military - What was left of the police and military managed to secure a base and rescue as many as they can. Race, gender, age, and sexuality don't matter anymore. If you are human you are a friend to them.
While lacking the tanks and planes they once had access to they have the best weapons, armored jeeps, and even though they only have four planes they are able to perform one fire bomb if needed.
They plan to wipe out every zombie and abnormal if given the chance and all are willing to risk their lives to do so. Should they be bitten or scratched they have access to a small bomb they can use to destroy their heart preventing infection.

Followers of Life - While they do believe in zombie rights don't consider them to be pushovers. They will still kill a zombie if they must. They will just do all they can to avoid them first. Killing is always viewed as a last resort to them and their philosophy often has them arguing with those in the Humanity First Military.
The Abnormals have convinced them that maybe the zombies could become something more.
While they lack the weapons and vehicles the Humanity First Military has they have a great advantage. Many Abnormals recognize them as someone they can ignore. So while the zombies will try killing them at least four out of five Abnormals tolerate you.

Abnormal Research Team - These brave people have decided to work with Dr.Livia in her quest to inform people about the Abnormals. They will head out into the city to find and study the Abnormals. They will learn things like how aggressive they are, what attack patterns they have, how smart they are, and what not. Once they have gathered some information they will tell Dr.Livia who will report it with her radio station.
They aren't as lucky as the Followers of Life and they aren't as strong as the Humanity First Military. Still they make up for it by knowing the city and sewers like the back of their hands. They have numerous escape routes planned and they back up plans for their back up back up plans.

My characters
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To be added

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Posted: Sat, 30/07/2022 17:46 (1 Year ago)
Looking curious at the person yelling he wanted to scoff at how improper it all was. Yelling was often tasteless to him. It was drilled into him from a young age that those without real power yelled. Those with real power never had to yell for they had control of the situation. They didn't need to yell to show it for everyone already knew. Still he was playing Vinny and so he stared at the lady and her Bisharp smiling all the while.

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Posted: Fri, 29/07/2022 23:40 (1 Year ago)
Dancing up to the ship he felt foolish by his actions but it needed to be done until he was safely inside the ship. With that he could slip into the roll of Vincent. Eli nudged into him as if saying calm down it will all be fine. Reassured by his friend he continued on till he was on the ship.

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Posted: Fri, 29/07/2022 22:29 (1 Year ago)
"Oh boy are we!" He explained before looking to Eli he roared in agreement with his statement. "This is a once and a life time adventure for someone like me so I am hoping to see all I can."

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Posted: Fri, 29/07/2022 22:12 (1 Year ago)
Dressed as Vinny he made sure to smile widely and his movements were far more dramatic as he made his way to the ship. It was nice enough though it was certainly no luxury ship. Still he had his role to play and so he looked to his Samurott and jumped up and down a few times, "Look buddy a huge ship! Oh this is so exciting! Our new adventure starts now!"

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Posted: Fri, 29/07/2022 04:59 (1 Year ago)
Username: ZealotMadScientist
Character name: Sir Vincent Springtomb/ Vinny "Vin" Fieldwin
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: As Vincent he dresses very prim and proper wearing black polished dress shoes, freshly ironed black dress pants, a white long sleeve button up shirt, white formal gloves, and a silver tie. In his left pocket is a handkerchief. When he acts as Vin he will instead wear sturdy brown boots, jeans reinforced in the knees, a casual light blue button up shirt, black windbreaker, and leather gloves. He also has a necklace with his family's crest that he will wear underneath his shirt.
He is slightly tanned from his time outdoors and is well built. His face looks fairly handsome even with the scars running across his cheek. His eyes are a light green in color. His black hair goes down to the back of his neck and the front of his hair goes down his eye brows. When as Vincent his hair will be neatly combed to the side and is very soft to the touch. When being Vinny his hair will be messy however he will see to it that it maintains a certain level of softness.
Personality: When acting as Vincent he is well mannered and well versed. He maintains a stoic demeanor. He is patient and honest. Furthermore he is quite serious and can spend hours chatting away with people about politics, famous people, or fields of research. Vincent will also take pride in his family and their accomplishments. He also will be more closed off and cold towards people. Furthermore he can become quite agitated while playing this role.
When playing Vin he is hard worker and is quite resourceful in his tasks. He is adventurous always looking for something to do and is always willing to share a joke or two. He is openly religious and is quite charitable when he can be. However he is gullible having been raised mostly in a sheltered life. He can be quite clueless to the dangers around him and is slow to pick up how people act in the places he visits. He also feels dishonest for how much he finds himself lying to others as Vinny.
Ultimately he isn't really sure who he is as he has to play both roles and has spent years getting used to them both. If asked who Vincent or Vinny is he has an answer. When asked who he is he finds himself more unsure. It all is smoke and mirrors for him and the only time he really stops his acts are when he is showering or preparing for bed.
Pokemon: He travels with a Samurott named Elijah though he calls him Eli.
Pokemons Moves: Swords Dance, X-Scissor, Razor Shell, and Ice Beam
Other: He is the second son of Springtomb family. As such he was raised most of his life to represent his family and to be the right hand man to his older brother. He would take many classes to make sure he was well versed and well mannered. He would make his family proud and help them last for at least a hundred more generations.
However things started to get rough for his family when he was thirteen and so he was expected to head out and find a way for them to get a fortune to continue their legacy. And so he was taught to play the role of Vinny. Just your average every day hard working young man.
Besides for his maid Sofie he could only be completely open with Eli. Always playing Vincent or Vinny and learning new things he never had the time to learn who he was and what he liked. This also makes him quite closed off from his peers.
He is a jack of all trades but a master of none. He can do anything a noble or a commoner can however being unable to fully dedicate himself to one he isn't as good as others are. For example he can talk politics with nobles but he is usually one or two steps behind them in the conversation. He can fight unlike most nobles however he isn't as good as someone used to scrapping in a bar.
At the age of nineteen he was finally ready to head out when he learned of a pirate crew off to look for a treasure. Knowing this was his chance and the family wealth would run out in two years he applied as soon as he was able with Eli.
He hates touching things with his bare hands and so he is always wearing gloves. He also enjoys having nice cups of tea when able.

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Posted: Fri, 04/03/2022 19:04 (2 Years ago)
Wow it has been a long time huh? Count me in.

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Posted: Mon, 22/03/2021 00:41 (3 Years ago)
"Well I want it because the metal is hard to come by." He explained carefully tinkering with it.

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Posted: Sun, 21/03/2021 23:31 (3 Years ago)
"Oh. I do believe you mean me. Well that's cool. Now gotta stop a bomb." He mused heading into his classroom.

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Posted: Sun, 21/03/2021 22:20 (3 Years ago)
"What class are you looking for?" Dr.Leon asked a bit bored as he looked through his paperwork half heartedly. "And do please hurry. I only got three minutes to make this right or I'll need to call a hazmat team."

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Posted: Sun, 21/03/2021 16:42 (3 Years ago)
I fear not the deer though I respect them.
Also I love Marianne and Raphael. They are absolute gems and I'll recruit them any route.

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Posted: Sun, 21/03/2021 16:21 (3 Years ago)
Accepted however I must say Blue Lions are cooler.

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